Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russia claimed many of the areas that Ukrain has retaken.

Ukrain is taking back their land.

Thay aren't asking Russia to "agree".

History means it’s not that simple. If Ukraine wants to move into the western fold it will throw up problems like this. If they retake Crimea by outright victory we will only end up with another war in x years time. They don’t have to give Crimea away, they can come to a deal where Russia compensates Ukraine for the loss of territory. Wether that be all or some of Crimea.

I just don’t see how it’s possible for a major Russian naval base to exist in hostile territory. And hell will freeze over before they give it up. Even for moderate Russians.
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There is no guarantee that this alleged offer was was made purely for Putin to accept.

It could equally be an effort at further undermining by encouraging one his underlings with ambitions on power to chuck him out of a window, or just have I'm taken out and shot Beria style. With a guarantee that the war can be ended fairly quickly and all the bad stuff of the past 8 months blamed on Putin.
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History means it’s not that simple. If Ukraine wants to move into the western fold it will throw up problems like this. If they retake Crimea by outright victory we will only end up with another war in x years time. They don’t have to give Crimea away, they can come to a deal where Russia compensates Ukraine for the loss of territory. Wether that be all or some of Crimea.

I just don’t see how it’s possible for a major Russian naval base to exist in hostile territory. And hell will freeze over before they give it up. Even for moderate Russians.

In that same vein... With your suggestion of not giving away Crimea but coming to some "agreement" there is of course nothing to prevent Russia from just reneging on that agreement down the road... Much in the same way as that "Another War" you mentioned earlier.

This is the crunch right here... This is the moment when people have to finally decide.

You either stand up to the bully, or you accept getting bulled continuously and repeatedly.

Ukraine should take back ALL their lands, regardless of what Russia wants.
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News says Putin has been offered a pretty generous offer. Not nearly as generous as what was offered at the start of the war but given the circumstances he'd be lucky if he had enough brain cells to take it.

Supposedly the offer is:

* Russia gets to keep Crimea.
* Anyone in the Kremlin will be given immunity from any war crimes or other criminal charges (does not apply to Russian soldiers).
* Russia will be allowed back into global fold gradually.
* Russia will leave all other territory of Ukraine including Luhansk and Donetsk.
I hope note. At the very least they should pay for all the damage those ******** have done to Ukraine and keeping the same group of gangsters in charge will just store up problems 10 years from now.
It’s difficult to see how Russia would agree to anything that leave Crimea in Ukrainian hands. Ukraine need to join NATO, and Russia has a naval base in Crimea. Something has to give.
Russia will respect no treaty that doesn't give them all of Ukraine and will immediately seek to undermine it as they have done repeatedly for centuries.
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Here a link to a very good Source for this :cry:

I can't see it, particular from a source that has recently based stories on Twitter parody accounts.

Yeah, there is nothing about Ukrainian temperament, advances or position that suggests this is legit.
I'll be honest and say I think that 'offer' is probably legitimate and the only likely path out of the immediate conflict. Whilst Ukraine are doing amazingly well, they are supported by huge Western support, and that western support is feeling the strain of energy and cost of living issues sourced by this conflict. The west want this to end and as soon as possible. Russian keeping Crimea and Ukraine keeping everything else would achieve that - but it gives Putin nothing.
So basically... 'we got away with it' if they accept it. Russian troops can't be prosecuted if they don't leave Russia... so that's kinda moot.

DPR/LPR might just lose their minds if this happened as well.
I'll be honest and say I think that 'offer' is probably legitimate and the only likely path out of the immediate conflict. Whilst Ukraine are doing amazingly well, they are supported by huge Western support, and that western support is feeling the strain of energy and cost of living issues sourced by this conflict. The west want this to end and as soon as possible. Russian keeping Crimea and Ukraine keeping everything else would achieve that - but it gives Putin nothing.
It gives Putin Crimea, which is still capitulating to his aggression, something I don’t think we (as the West / Ukrainian allies) should agree to.

We need to return to pre 2014, a situation that should never have been allowed to happen, it’s happened, it must be reversed.

Putin dug this hole he’s in, we shouldn’t give him a way of digging himself out of it.
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Russian keeping Crimea and Ukraine keeping everything else would achieve that - but it gives Putin nothing.
And that deal would give Ukraine even far less then Putin getting nothing As Ukraine gets left with there blowed up cities/ Power stations /Bridges / airports, etc etc
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Tbh the only way I see a chance of this ending is Russia announcing that Vlad has tragically died of a heart attack (probably after falling out of a window) and new people trying to defuse the situation.
Maybe wishful thinking though.
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