Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It’s almost as if the Russians planned to quietly and slowly reduce the Ukrainians defensive capabilities ahead of some military action.

Those Russians and their 4D chess thinking. All the utter incompetence to date has been a feint. Just getting the prison population down before bringing out the big guns. If they kill off enough men they'll be more women to go around too!
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So this is where we see all of their fully trained soldiers with cutting edge equipment that they've kept back all of this time I guess.

then again.

I‘m starting to get the feeling that there’s a big difference between how capable the Kremlin told Putin his forces were and what’s actually showed up so far.

He was sold Liverpool and got Accrington Stanley. I’m surprised that he didn’t decimate the Army’s senior leadership to encourage the others once the true capability of the forces involved was revealed.

I also suspect the generals expected the Ukrainians to fold in the first week of the invasion before the various weaknesses of the Russian forces were exposed.
I‘m starting to get the feeling that there’s a big difference between how capable the Kremlin told Putin his forces were and what’s actually showed up so far.

He was sold Liverpool and got Accrington Stanley. I’m surprised that he didn’t decimate the Army’s senior leadership to encourage the others once the true capability of the forces involved was revealed.

I also suspect the generals expected the Ukrainians to fold in the first week of the invasion before the various weaknesses of the Russian forces were exposed.
I think the same, they probably envisaged a quick sweep through the country akin to the Taliban in Afghan last year.
I‘m starting to get the feeling that there’s a big difference between how capable the Kremlin told Putin his forces were and what’s actually showed up so far.

Doubtless true. Oversold on Russian capabilities, undersold on Ukrainian abilities, add in myth making about the desire of Russian speaking populations in Ukraine to join Russia. The question now is how accurate the information he's receiving from the warzone is.
When a brute like Putin has everyone under the screw he gets there loyalty through fear but those people peoples lose their integrity and as a result ends up with a bunch of "yes men" telling him what he wants hear.

The problem with that kind of loyalty is that it's extremely fickle and will evaporate in an instant at the earliest opportunity. The best kind of loyalty is the true believer who wants to fight your cause. That's the difference between Russian and Ukraine forces and why they are winning
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The figures below are out of date now, but this is prity accurate, if nato fought a convention war with Russia, after an initial push by Russia once nato got going the think tank is 7 days to overrun Moscow, again this is no nukes, so he does not want to go down the war with nato route. But if he just keeps pounding Ukraine he seems to think he will get somewhere.

A Russian wife turned to her husband and asked
"What's this special military operation our
glorious leader keeps talking about?"
Her husband replied, "It's a proxy war between
Russia and NATO."
"Oh, right. How's it going?"
"Well,"' he replied, "so far we've lost 24,000
soldiers, 2,000 tanks, 200 aircraft, numerous
helicopters, and loads of armoured vehicles and
artillery pieces. and our flag ship along with other
naval pieces"
"Wow! What about NATO?"
"They haven't turned up yet."
When a brute like Putin has everyone under the screw he gets there loyalty through fear but those people peoples lose their integrity and as a result ends up with a bunch of "yes men" telling him what he wants hear.
One of the best videos on the endemic issues within Russia atm. It goes into the above and more. Also has lessons for how some companies and businesses work in the west also

Source is the Sun so believe that story as you will.

Saw the drone Vid. First guy got hollowed out like a rotten tree trunk :cry:

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Dam that first guy blown to smitherens!
Getting a litttle desensitized to this stuff now :( Watched one video where it seems like Ruskie's managed to mine themselves, and the rest of the team were left picking up legs and torso's of their dead friends. I haven't seen something like that since 'steak and cheese' website seeing a guy torn apart by a trucks wheels (and I think about those pictures often, which is disturbing given that was something like 20 years ago).
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