Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Minorities don't call the shots though, (in Russia if not the West...). In my hobby of amateur radio I speak to many Russians on a daily basis and those that feel free to offer an opinion are usually fairly puritanical, have a very low threshold of tolerance of homosexuality around young people, and a total abhorrence of those that feel free to decide their gender for themselves. So yes, I believe that Russians in general are very supportive of his views on these matters.

Makes sense now.
Even the DE didn't seem to have enough slant to support your views
Finds out hes conspiring with "the enemy" lies machine.
Oh to be so naive to think they are normal ruskies.
There are "normal" ruskies hiding in plain sight on facebook and twitter and the likes as well ;)
He's an atheist, virtually all KGB are as it was their job to enforce the USSR's state enforced atheism policy so they got good at spotting if potential recruits were secretly religious (there's been tales that their induction policies even required heretical acts but this has never been confirmed).

Of course, the church in Russia is important/powerful these days, and so Putin is all about the church, whose leaders are all about Putin.

I absolutely agree with you on that. I don't believe Putin has a religious bone in his body.
Chris didn't say anything offensive, why the personal attack?

Where is the personal attack? I said he's a throwback to the 70s and his views posted across many threads are exactly that. He keeps speaking to these people and they keep telling him their views which are very 70s and so I take it from that that he at least doesn't mind hearing them say it or sympathises with those views.

Sadly a good percentage of the right wing has embraced this same language. Putin's anti woke, anti gay rhetoric isn't aimed at Russians, its aimed at the US and the the militant wing of the Republican Party who are lapping it up. Already Congressmen are making statements on Fox and other networks that Russia is Americas friend as they Christians and share the same ideals.
I think everyone dreams of it, unfortunately in the real world this will never happen.

Indeed its unrealistic.
Its one of those things thevast majority wish we had never invented.
We cannot uninvent them.

Its almost worse not having them in global powers than them having them.

Imagine a world where the only countries who had nukes were North Korea, Iran etc
So he is stupid because he wanted unilateral nuclear disarmament, which you disagree with.
That's a pretty loaded question, no he isn't stupid for wanting that but he is very stupid for advocating that.

Nobody wants to live in a world with nuclear weapons, but if it's a choice between living in a world where everyone has them or a world where everyone else has them then the sane will pick to live in world one every time.

By admitting he would never use nuclear weapons Corbyn defacto declared that he was unfit to run a country, and people took note. Because even if you know in your heart you wouldn't you don't admit that you bluff it, because if your enemies know they can nuke you without retaliation there's nothing to stop them (Yes Prime Minister even did a comedy sketch on this very principle which is why it was so depressing when Corbyn outed himself as stupid).
That's a pretty loaded question, no he isn't stupid for wanting that but he is very stupid for advocating that.

Nobody wants to live in a world with nuclear weapons, but if it's a choice between living in a world where everyone has them or a world where everyone else has them then the sane will pick to live in world one every time.

By admitting he would never use nuclear weapons Corbyn defacto declared that he was unfit to run a country, and people took note. Because even if you know in your heart you wouldn't you don't admit that you bluff it, because if your enemies know they can nuke you without retaliation there's nothing to stop them (Yes Prime Minister even did a comedy sketch on this very principle which is why it was so depressing when Corbyn outed himself as stupid).

One of the few good things Theresa May ever did for this country bluff or not - only a very very very crazy person would mess with that.
Have you seen the Pope's gaff? Or Justin Welby's gaff? What about the head of the C of E, King Charles III? None are eating cold beans on toast living in a damp council house now, are they?
I can't speak for the Pope but Welby and the King live in properties owned by institution they work for (The Church and The Crown) , Kirill has embezzled millions from the state to himself over the years to feather his own nest but then again this is Russia so that's like saying water is wet. Besides Charles is head of state and has a family tree stretching back centuries so it's no surprise it lives in homes that are grand.
I can't speak for the Pope but Welby and the King live in properties owned by institution they work for (The Church and The Crown) , Kirill has embezzled millions from the state to himself over the years to feather his own nest but then again this is Russia so that's like saying water is wet. Besides Charles is head of state and has a family tree stretching back centuries so it's no surprise it lives in homes that are grand.
Not to mention Kirill advocated war and killing Ukrainians (reading from Putin's script he was presented with) - God's work apparently...
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