Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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From my own NBC training in the Army, nukes were the least of the my worries out of the triad ; virus scare the **** out of me. A handful of anthrax dust would cripple a city.

Add some smallpox into the mix and god knows what else we’ve developed with our modern understanding of molecular biology, genetics etc. It’s a wonder some posters in this thread even leave their bunker :p
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Well at least it isn’t going to go nuclear (because I understand nothing about nuclear war).
Oh how things can change in a few weeks.
Summary of Putin's speech:


There's nothing of substance here, it's just red meat for the loyalists. No grand announcements about the next phase of the war. No impressive list of military achievements. It's a bog standard propaganda rally.

Its indicative of how he and senior Russians in the military etc view the world he sees it as western expansion into russian "spheres of influence" and build up of western forces on their (near) borders. Paranoia and fear of loss of status really is driving their pursuit of control war. It also indicates why this war won't be ending anytime soon and why they'll stop at nothing to pursue it
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By admitting he would never use nuclear weapons Corbyn defacto declared that he was unfit to run a country, and people took note. Because even if you know in your heart you wouldn't you don't admit that you bluff it, because if your enemies know they can nuke you without retaliation there's nothing to stop them (Yes Prime Minister even did a comedy sketch on this very principle which is why it was so depressing when Corbyn outed himself as stupid).

He was such a weak leader. The best thing Labour did was get rid of him and ignore the loons on the far left of the party who are as dangerous as the far right of the Tory Party.

IMO the realities of this war is slowly dawning on people, even those in government, etc. IMO many were convinced, despite what they might say, that once Russia got a bloody nose things would wind down. Now it looks like a more drawn out war an increasing number are supporting ramping up efforts in a hope that it can bring a swift end to the situation in the hope mostly that will remove any chance of them being inconvenienced by the situation in the future.
I can't speak for the Pope but Welby and the King live in properties owned by institution they work for (The Church and The Crown) , Kirill has embezzled millions from the state to himself over the years to feather his own nest but then again this is Russia so that's like saying water is wet. Besides Charles is head of state and has a family tree stretching back centuries so it's no surprise it lives in homes that are grand.

"it"? Oh dear, that's a big chip you have there, quite remarkably big <LOL>
Russia’s Prigozhin: Accuses Defence Minister, Chief of General Staff, of Trying to Destroy His Wagner Group
- They Are Depriving Wagner Fighters of Munitions, Says This Is Equivalent to Treason
*Russian Defence Ministry Denies It Is Limiting Ammunition Supplies to “Volunteers” on the Front Lines, Makes No Mention of Wagner Mercenaries
Frustration at experiencing dissenting opinions I guess, many people these days spend their time in bubbles and react badly to someone with a radically different view on something.

If you are expecting people to be all like " oh yes Chris, now I think about it you are right, thanks for sharing that amazing insight with us" then you are in the wrong place. If I disagree with someone or think their views are repugnant I will say so. OCUK is hardly a bubble is it :cry: there are no shortage of conflicting views here.
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