Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I do not agree with the war in the Ukraine but Putin is no mad man, the war COULD and SHOULD have been avoided in the first place.

The war could have been avoided, at terrible cost to Ukraine and terrible cost in the long term to security and stability in Europe - which may still come yet.

If you pay attention to the sub-text in Putin's words, the draft treaties and so on the only way to avoid the conflict would be to bend over and pave the way for Putin's future plans.
Did you not see his anti Ev stuff. Ended up thread banned for nonsense.

Ah the old lefties bit.

When some people are about its certainly nonsense biased.
Which seems to have a very high correlation with voting for Brexit.
Funny that.

Well, at least he acknowledged its now worse since we left, so a little bit of reality does filter through
I wanna know what in Putin's speech makes sense - a lot of it was waffle preparing the country for further reaching mobilisation of both military and civilian means with lots of hand waving to make the West look bad such as comparing aid spending vs the spending on supporting Ukraine... to spin a false narrative - if the goal there was to crush Russia 150bn is a drop in the ocean compared to the resources available.
When you take the Red Pill you realise in politics there is no right and wrong whatever your leaning is. If there was right and wrong in politics there wouldn't be any politics.
The war could have been avoided, at terrible cost to Ukraine and terrible cost in the long term to security and stability in Europe - which may still come yet.

If you pay attention to the sub-text in Putin's words, the draft treaties and so on the only way to avoid the conflict would be to bend over and pave the way for Putin's future plans.

Basically yes, the key to Putin's peace is to allow Europe to be subjugated by Russia. Some people here clearly are ok with that, they demand peace so heavily they would rather be living in Russia. It's just Hitler all over again, there were British people back then to that said Britain should accept Hitler's peace plan and have Britain be subjugated and ruled over by Germany in the name of peace
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t’s the problem - you nut jobs can’t even see your own insanity.
Well good luck to you all when the bombs start falling.
This war COULD have been avoided.
The EV thing is all part of the same insane incompetent political agenda.

Without wanting to take this thread off topic I would be interested to read your views on EV's. Is there a link to what they are that have so agitated some folk? Thanks.

I think you may be beating your head on a brick wall with any opposing views on the war at the moment, but should it escalate and the UK have enforced conscription I suspect you may receive somewhat less bile. Hopefully that won't be needed, but if it is it will be interesting to see if there's a shifting of stance by some of the currently very bullish and hawkish members. The step from commentator to participant is a big one ...
For a start we need to respect Russia and Russia’s borders.

Always have done (borders). As for military bases both sides have been shoring up for ever. What about Georgia's borders (just one example)?
Why do we need to respect them? For the sake of their collective ego? They don't respect us. But this isn't about some kind of street dance battle about "respect".

Ukrainian independence is a new thing and I fully understand Putins fears of having NATO bases next door to him.

That's what they'd have you believe. Also IIRC this was Farage's line too?
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but should it escalate and the UK have enforced conscription I suspect you may receive somewhat less bile. Hopefully that won't be needed, but if it is it will be interesting to see if there's a shifting of stance by some of the currently very bullish and hawkish members. The step from commentator to participant is a big one ...

If it ever comes to it, it doesn't make these perspectives any more valid - it is easy to bang on about peace negotiations and so on and another for there being a reality there of a path which can bring it about.
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For a start we need to respect Russia and Russia’s borders.
Ukrainian independence is a new thing and I fully understand Putins fears of having NATO bases next door to him.

Here is a novel concept - how about Russia respects other sovereign nations borders.... but no , they didnt. Russia invaded another sovereign nation. What propaganda you want to believe, Russia is the aggressor here, as Germany was in 1941.

Also Ukraine Independence is a new thing? How to tell the world you know little of history without saying it....Ukrainian Peoples Party started a war of Independence in 1917 (and yes , they lost then)
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For a start we need to respect Russia and Russia’s borders.
Ukrainian independence is a new thing and I fully understand Putins fears of having NATO bases next door to him.

The only time there has been any development of NATO bases next door to Russia has been in direct reaction to Russian aggression. There was never going to be any significant NATO bases in Ukraine any time soon, even less of a chance if not for events of 2014.

And while Russia makes a regular thing of probing other nation's air space with nuclear capable bombers and other combat aircraft they hardly have a leg to stand on in that respect.
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