Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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For a start we need to respect Russia and Russia’s borders.
Ukrainian independence is a new thing and I fully understand Putins fears of having NATO bases next door to him.

In case Geography isn't your strongest subject, let me show you a map of the borders of Russia that have a NATO presence:


Prior to Russia's invasion, Ukraine had committed to not join NATO. So tell me again, which parts of Russia's borders are threatened by NATO?

Likewise, show me on the map where the hidden US bases are that are any where near Russia's borders?
*Kremlin: Putin to Meet China’s Top Diplomat Wang Yi On Wednesday
*Kremlin: First Western Reaction to Russia’s Suspension of Nuclear Treaty Does Not Show Any Willingness To Negotiate
*Kremlin: Russia Will Take Patient Approach on Nuclear Treaty Question, Till Opponents Are Ready for Dialogue
*Kremlin, Asked on What Conditions Russia Will Return to Nuclear Treaty, Says Everything Will Depend on the West
*Kremlin: Russia Values and Maintains Its Strategic Partnership With China
In case Geography isn't your strongest subject, let me show you a map of the borders of Russia that have a NATO presence:


Prior to Russia's invasion, Ukraine had committed to not join NATO. So tell me again, which parts of Russia's borders are threatened by NATO?

Likewise, show me on the map where the hidden US bases are that are any where near Russia's borders?

I suppose technically you should have circled Kaliningrad as well

There is certainly one way to ensure you get more NATA countries on your border and thats to invade any that aren't so that you end up with your occupied lands directly bordering states that were already NATO
I think Trump might be right (even using his twisted logic) that if he was still President that the Ukraine war would never have started last year, though not for the reasons that he would have us believe.

Putin would have had his lackey still in the White House and therefore, as John Bolton stated, Trump would have weakened NATO so much so and even tried to disband it that Putin might not have felt the need to invade Ukraine as there would be no chance of Ukraine, a country on Russia's border and with close ties to it, ever joining NATO.

I think you're buying into Russian propaganda there, this isn't really about Ukraine joining NATO, Ukraine wasn't able to join NATO anyway with the current dispute re: Crimea and the Donbas region.

Putin is attempting a land grab, this is more about his legacy, Putin's nuclear blackmail hasn't worked as the West has calmly ramped things up in terms of support, not caved into threats, not let the shenanigans re: gas change things. The issue with Trump was more that he's a loose canon, Putin starts making threats and Trump is liable to make them too and things could escalate more easily.
Fact is The west was never going to do anything to Russia before this war because it was scared of there power or so called power, if anything this war has exposed Russia for what it is in terms of an Army it would be crushed in little to no time now if it wasnt for nuke threat.

So ye Putin only gone an exposed his army as a bunch of clowns really, if anything you could argue now that you just given avenue for the west to finish off Russia as a so called superpower.
That’s the problem - you nut jobs can’t even see your own insanity.
Well good luck to you all when the bombs start falling.
This war COULD have been avoided.
The EV thing is all part of the same insane incompetent political agenda.

I see no bombs falling a year after Putin’s 3-day invasion started. He won’t think about attacking any other countries now, because he knows he’d get wiped off the face of the planet.

Speaking of which, do you know how you avoid a war? Don’t invade another country, and thus start a war.
Surely with all the intelligence gathering capabilities of the west, they would have known the russian military was useless.

It can’t have been a suprise for them russians are faring so poorly?
Without wanting to take this thread off topic I would be interested to read your views on EV's. Is there a link to what they are that have so agitated some folk? Thanks.

I think you may be beating your head on a brick wall with any opposing views on the war at the moment, but should it escalate and the UK have enforced conscription I suspect you may receive somewhat less bile. Hopefully that won't be needed, but if it is it will be interesting to see if there's a shifting of stance by some of the currently very bullish and hawkish members. The step from commentator to participant is a big one ...

No need to worry about that, I’m already 22 years into a military career. If Putin decides he wants to fight all of NATO, his forces won’t see out 72 hours before they surrender, as this whole circus has shown the bear has no teeth.
No need to worry about that, I’m already 22 years into a military career. If Putin decides he wants to fight all of NATO, his forces won’t see out 72 hours before they surrender, as this whole circus has shown the bear has no teeth.

Whilst I appreciate and thank you most sincerely for your service, I have become a little suspicious of such claims after Vietnam, Afghanistan et al, places that were deemed to be backward yet proved resilience and no fear of public repercussions on the body count could provide a staunch resistance to all a "developed" country or countries can throw at them.

The forums', if not necessarily the real military experts, claimed Russia would fold in weeks, yet here we are a year later with only escalation and sky high fuel prices to show for our interference.

I am somewhat unusual in here, in that I have long said a benevolent dictator is needed to resolve our escalating ills, so in some ways I can see Putin as something of a saviour, given the state the UK and her governments have got themselves into.
Whilst I appreciate and thank you most sincerely for your service, I have become a little suspicious of such claims after Vietnam, Afghanistan et al, places that were deemed to be backward yet proved resilience and no fear of public repercussions on the body count could provide a staunch resistance to all a "developed" country or countries can throw at them.

The forums', if not necessarily the real military experts, claimed Russia would fold in weeks, yet here we are a year later with only escalation and sky high fuel prices to show for our interference.

I am somewhat unusual in here, in that I have long said a benevolent dictator is needed to resolve our escalating ills, so in some ways I can see Putin as something of a saviour, given the state the UK and her governments have got themselves into.

The advantage is that all we have to do is defend the territory that Russia invades. So far, in an attempt to prevent this situation escalating, all we’ve done is supply weapons and training to allow Ukraine to defend itself. This has been quite successful, and Russia has failed to achieve any objective whilst being pushed back toward its own borders and suffered humiliating loss after loss. All of this without western countries putting boots on the ground or offensive aircraft in the area.

If it was decided that the situation had escalated too much, tactical nukes had been used, carpet bombing etc and a full retaliation was warranted (not an easy decision to make, but one I believe would actually have public support, unlike Afghan and Iraq) then I honestly think it would be over in days with all of Russia’s ground forces in Ukraine destroyed and air superiority established. It wouldn’t involve taking the fight over the border - simply coming to the defence of another sovereign country whether they’re part of NATO or not.

Russia needs to sort out its hierarchy by itself, whether by military coup or being overthrown by the people.
I see no bombs falling a year after Putin’s 3-day invasion started. He won’t think about attacking any other countries now, because he knows he’d get wiped off the face of the planet.

Speaking of which, do you know how you avoid a war? Don’t invade another country, and thus start a war.
You avoid a war in many ways. For a start it’s very easy to be a pacifist if you’re the biggest kid in the school yard so power/intimidation does play large part in it.
Secondly never underestimate your opponent, up until a day or so ago I knew nothing about nuclear warfare and this threat was purely imagined. Well sorry to inform you that’s not the way Putin thinks.
I am afraid that negotiations require movement on both sides, Ukrainian independence is a massive thing, I never thought I would live to see that.
The west tried to move things to quickly before Putin was willing to accept that the Ukraine could possibly be part of the EU and NATO.
I do seriously and genuinely believe that Donald Trump would have prevented this conflict, removing him from power and installing a weak puppet president was the green light Putin needed to do what he wanted, it was an immense show of weakness by the West.
Finally the UK is no longer a world military power, we would do well to remember that and keep our beaks out.
Whilst I appreciate and thank you most sincerely for your service, I have become a little suspicious of such claims after Vietnam, Afghanistan et al, places that were deemed to be backward yet proved resilience and no fear of public repercussions on the body count could provide a staunch resistance to all a "developed" country or countries can throw at them.

The forums', if not necessarily the real military experts, claimed Russia would fold in weeks, yet here we are a year later with only escalation and sky high fuel prices to show for our interference.

I am somewhat unusual in here, in that I have long said a benevolent dictator is needed to resolve our escalating ills, so in some ways I can see Putin as something of a saviour, given the state the UK and her governments have got themselves into.
Putin a Savior


Peak Chris Wilson
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