Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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You avoid a war in many ways. For a start it’s very easy to be a pacifist if you’re the biggest kid in the school yard so power/intimidation does play large part in it.
Secondly never underestimate your opponent, up until a day or so ago I knew nothing about nuclear warfare and this threat was purely imagined. Well sorry to inform you that’s not the way Putin thinks.
I am afraid that negotiations require movement on both sides, Ukrainian independence is a massive thing, I never thought I would live to see that.
The west tried to move things to quickly before Putin was willing to accept that the Ukraine could possibly be part of the EU and NATO.
I do seriously and genuinely believe that Donald Trump would have prevented this conflict, removing him from power and installing a weak puppet president was the green light Putin needed to do what he wanted, it was an immense show of weakness by the West.
Finally the UK is no longer a world military power, we would do well to remember that and keep our beaks out.

Donald Trump spent his whole premiership worshipping Putin, staying on his knees and servicing the shaft and balls for 4 years whilst Vladimir laughed at him. He fed his ego and his narcissism so much that by the time he was removed from power, Putin was left with nothing to do to put himself back in the news again. So, it’s back to the legacy building which required what he thought was a small operation.

Luckily, he isn’t up against the UK - he’s up against almost every western nation COMBINED.
Donald Trump spent his whole premiership worshipping Putin, staying on his knees and servicing the shaft and balls for 4 years whilst Vladimir laughed at him. He fed his ego and his narcissism so much that by the time he was removed from power, Putin was left with nothing to do to put himself back in the news again. So, it’s back to the legacy building which required what he thought was a small operation.

Luckily, he isn’t up against the UK - he’s up against almost every western nation COMBINED.
If that’s what it took to avoid a nuclear war, so be it.
It’s far better than the alternative.
You avoid a war in many ways. For a start it’s very easy to be a pacifist if you’re the biggest kid in the school yard so power/intimidation does play large part in it.
Secondly never underestimate your opponent, up until a day or so ago I knew nothing about nuclear warfare and this threat was purely imagined. Well sorry to inform you that’s not the way Putin thinks.
I am afraid that negotiations require movement on both sides, Ukrainian independence is a massive thing, I never thought I would live to see that.
The west tried to move things to quickly before Putin was willing to accept that the Ukraine could possibly be part of the EU and NATO.
I do seriously and genuinely believe that Donald Trump would have prevented this conflict, removing him from power and installing a weak puppet president was the green light Putin needed to do what he wanted, it was an immense show of weakness by the West.
Finally the UK is no longer a world military power, we would do well to remember that and keep our beaks out.
Removing him from power and installing a weak puppet. That’s all I need to know your a fruit loop election Denier.

You’ve swung so far down that rabbit hole your pretty much regurgitating peacenik nonsense word for word.

It’s so transparent, the ten other parrots in this thread before you were equally as transparent.
You avoid a war in many ways. For a start it’s very easy to be a pacifist if you’re the biggest kid in the school yard so power/intimidation does play large part in it.
Secondly never underestimate your opponent, up until a day or so ago I knew nothing about nuclear warfare and this threat was purely imagined. Well sorry to inform you that’s not the way Putin thinks.
I am afraid that negotiations require movement on both sides, Ukrainian independence is a massive thing, I never thought I would live to see that.
The west tried to move things to quickly before Putin was willing to accept that the Ukraine could possibly be part of the EU and NATO.
I do seriously and genuinely believe that Donald Trump would have prevented this conflict, removing him from power and installing a weak puppet president was the green light Putin needed to do what he wanted, it was an immense show of weakness by the West.
Finally the UK is no longer a world military power, we would do well to remember that and keep our beaks out.
Calling Ukraine 'the Ukraine' gives away your origin. Only Russian sources call it 'The Ukraine'.

When a thief steals something from you then you don't negotiate to get half of your goods back, you want it all back.

The UK alone may not be a world military power (arguable) but then we are not alone are we? We're part of NATO.
If that’s what it took to avoid a nuclear war, so be it.
It’s far better than the alternative.

Ahh, so might makes right. So, seeing as we and the US are both nuclear powers, why isn’t Putin over here trying to get into bed with Sunak or Biden, given that apparently the west started this conflict?

Also, I don’t see a nuclear war, do you?
The advantage is that all we have to do is defend the territory that Russia invades. So far, in an attempt to prevent this situation escalating, all we’ve done is supply weapons and training to allow Ukraine to defend itself. This has been quite successful, and Russia has failed to achieve any objective whilst being pushed back toward its own borders and suffered humiliating loss after loss. All of this without western countries putting boots on the ground or offensive aircraft in the area.

If it was decided that the situation had escalated too much, tactical nukes had been used, carpet bombing etc and a full retaliation was warranted (not an easy decision to make, but one I believe would actually have public support, unlike Afghan and Iraq) then I honestly think it would be over in days with all of Russia’s ground forces in Ukraine destroyed and air superiority established. It wouldn’t involve taking the fight over the border - simply coming to the defence of another sovereign country whether they’re part of NATO or not.

Russia needs to sort out its hierarchy by itself, whether by military coup or being overthrown by the people.

You're right about one thing, it would be over in days. Most cities in Western Europe, North America, and Russia completely destroyed and uninhabitable for god knows how long with hundreds of millions dead.
Ahh, so might makes right. So, seeing as we and the US are both nuclear powers, why isn’t Putin over here trying to get into bed with Sunak or Biden, given that apparently the west started this conflict?

Also, I don’t see a nuclear war, do you?
Not yet and hopefully we won’t
Tell that to the people getting their homes bombed and their children killed in Ukraine.
Read what I’m posting.
I am talking about avoiding the war ever starting.
That would have been far easier to achieve than the current mess we find ourselves in.
Donald Trump spent his whole premiership worshipping Putin, staying on his knees and servicing the shaft and balls for 4 years whilst Vladimir laughed at him. He fed his ego and his narcissism so much that by the time he was removed from power, Putin was left with nothing to do to put himself back in the news again. So, it’s back to the legacy building which required what he thought was a small operation.

Luckily, he isn’t up against the UK - he’s up against almost every western nation COMBINED.

You really believe that, or was is the brainwashing media that told you that.

I remember those that hated Trump said Biden would be the best leader and good for the US. They were all falling over to get him in to office, yet he had been a bigger disaster than what the media reports.

But then again most in this country believe a 6 year old has the capacity to choose it's own gender.

They make the public believe in solutions that in the longer is very detrimental to the public. People still have not working up to this.
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You're right about one thing, it would be over in days. Most cities in Western Europe, North America, and Russia completely destroyed and uninhabitable for god knows how long with hundreds of millions dead.

Uhh, on what planet are you actually living on to think that the West would nuke Russian cities?

Even Putin isn’t stupid enough, nor his military, to actually fire ICBM’s at our cities. This is about Ukraine, and all of this conflict will take place in the country.

You play too much Call of Duty.
You're right about one thing, it would be over in days. Most cities in Western Europe, North America, and Russia completely destroyed and uninhabitable for god knows how long with hundreds of millions dead.

Do you really think Russia is going to use strategic nuclear missiles just because they get their arse kicked out of Ukraine?
Whilst I appreciate and thank you most sincerely for your service, I have become a little suspicious of such claims after Vietnam, Afghanistan et al, places that were deemed to be backward yet proved resilience and no fear of public repercussions on the body count could provide a staunch resistance to all a "developed" country or countries can throw at them.

The forums', if not necessarily the real military experts, claimed Russia would fold in weeks, yet here we are a year later with only escalation and sky high fuel prices to show for our interference.

I am somewhat unusual in here, in that I have long said a benevolent dictator is needed to resolve our escalating ills, so in some ways I can see Putin as something of a saviour, given the state the UK and her governments have got themselves into.

Yeah, the state of the country is in no way linked to your votes voting in the party and government you have sought for the last 15 years... oh, you can't vote in a dictator. It really is curious to see someone who thinks of themselves as some sort of higher level patriot, who has continually voted for the diminishment of ones country whilst simultaneously have been in agreement and support of Hitler and Nazi Germany politics and actions, only now in the 21st century.

FYI: You're supposed to wipe off the Windolene first.
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You really believe that, or was is the brainwashing media that told you that.

I remember those that hated Trump said Biden would be the best leader and good for the US. They were all falling over to get him in to office, yet he had been a bigger disaster than what the media reports.

No, Trump said it himself all the time. I don’t know what else to tell you.

No, Trump said it himself all the time. I don’t know what else to tell you.

They all do that, just look at Tony Blair what he said about Putin.

We are in this mess because of Blair and Obama.

You are in this mess because of the leaders we had since 1990s.
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Surely with all the intelligence gathering capabilities of the west, they would have known the russian military was useless.

It can’t have been a suprise for them russians are faring so poorly?
They were seen as a super power, no doubt about that, they may even have been one some time ago.

But now corruption has set in, their armour was left to rot without maintenance and the money that would have been spent on the military has made Putin and his cronies billionaires.

When they come up against a real test like this one they have failed miserably.

Only the most hardened Putin fans will deny that is it was the USA invading Ukraine it would have all been over in about a week.

Their air power would have decimated every military threat within 3 days.

Russias air power was non existent, the fundamental basics was overpowering from the air, they didn't even come close.

So no I think it may have came as a bit of a surprise that Russia are so weak. They certainly cant even contemplate being on NATO's level.
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Uhh, on what planet are you actually living on to think that the West would nuke Russian cities?

Even Putin isn’t stupid enough, nor his military, to actually fire ICBM’s at our cities. This is about Ukraine, and all of this conflict will take place in the country.

You play too much Call of Duty.

So, you think we can use Poland and Western Europe as a staging post to destroy the majority of Russias military, killing tens of thousands, and you think they won't use tactical nuclear weapons on airfields that are actively launching attacks on Russian forces? At that point Russia would be directly at war with NATO, it would see nukes fired at military targets and would quickly escalate to a full strategic nuclear exchange. People like you scare the hell out of me actually, you have no ******* clue what you're talking about yet you speak with such confidence. You're basically attacking an old man with your fists who is much weaker than you, hoping he doesn't pull the trigger on his rusty old shotgun and blow your brains out, yet leaving him with no choice.
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They all do that, just look at Tony Blair what he said about Putin.

Tony Blair said:
So the first Putin I met was Western facing, anxious to have a good relationship with the West, he used to insist that we met in St. Petersburg because it’s the Western facing great city of Russia. Then I think he found the challenges of reform and change in Russia too great and he decided to consolidate power in a more autocratic way, and then become a Russian nationalist. And so, the second incarnation of Putin if you like, was cold and calculating and brutal, but still, I would say entirely rational within his own terms.

The anxiety I think everyone has is that he’s now completely detached from reality, surrounded by people who won’t tell him the truth. And this is why this incredible miscalculation, I mean, leave aside the the wickedness of it. I mean, the miscalculation strategically and in every possible way has been enormous. Anyone who knows Ukraine would know that there was never any question of Ukrainians agreeing to be subjugated to Russia in this way. So, I think that’s that’s the worry, the trajectory has been away from a reforming Western oriented leader who could have allowed Russia to become part of the West. People even used to talk in the old days, talking about those times when I was there, about could Russia become a member of the European Union? Is there a way Russia could be accommodated, literally within the structures of NATO? And it’s very important people remember this because, this myth that Putin perpetrates, that we were somehow always trying to push him and humiliate Russia. Russia’s problems is not the result of our humiliation of Russia, it’s as a result of bad government in Russia.

We are in this mess because of Blair and Obama.

At least you didn't blame Corbyn! :cry:

You are in this mess because of the leaders we had since 1990s.

No we are in this mess because an increasing detatched from reality autocratic dictator decided to try and subjugate their neighbour based on paranoid musings and delusions of grandour.
So, you think we can use Poland and Western Europe as a staging post to destroy the majority of Russias military, killing tens of thousands, and you think they won't use tactical nuclear weapons on airfields that are actively launching attacks on Russian forces? At that point Russia would be directly at war with NATO, it would see nukes fired at military targets and would quickly escalate to a full strategic nuclear exchange. People like you scare the hell out of me actually, you have no ******* clue what you're talking about yet you speak with such confidence.

You really are a nervous nelly aren't you. I guess this nuclear threat is new to you young 'uns, but us old folk have lived through far more nuclear threatening times than these.

And lol at saying someone with 22 years military service has less of a clue about military matters than a guy who works in a call centre in Leeds :cry:
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