Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yeah, the state of the country is in no way linked to your votes voting in the party and government you have sought for the last 15 years... oh, you can't vote in a dictator. It really is curious to see someone who thinks of themselves as some sort of higher level patriot, who has continually voted for the diminishment of ones country whilst simultaneously have been in agreement and support of Hitler and Nazi Germany politics and actions, only now in the 21st century.

FYI: You're supposed to wipe off the Windolene first.

So who is this party that I have been voting for?
You really believe that, or was is the brainwashing media that told you that.

I remember those that hated Trump said Biden would be the best leader and good for the US. They were all falling over to get him in to office, yet he had been a bigger disaster than what the media reports.

But then again most in this country believe a 6 year old has the capacity to choose it's own gender.

They make the public believe in solutions that in the longer is very detrimental to the public. People still have not working up to this.
Wow absolute moron, Trump said and still says he trusts Putin over his own intelligence agencies.

All trump did in 4 years is play golf and sit in the Oval office eating big macs and throwing stuff at TV's

He did nothing for the country except raise the national debt to record levels.

Biden has reduced that debt and actually put billions into the infrastructure, he spends the money where it needs to go.

If you stopped watching Fox news you might actually learn something, but like all the MAGA morons they dont know how to change the TV channel
For a start we need to respect Russia and Russia’s borders.
Ukrainian independence is a new thing and I fully understand Putins fears of having NATO bases next door to him.

This is completely inadequate, explains nothing, and opens with a straw man (Russia's borders have not been compromised; they have been respected).

There are no NATO bases next door to Russia, and even if Putin is paranoid about that happening, how does invading Ukraine and stealing her territory solve the problem?

Try again. How would this war have been avoided via negotiation, in your view? Talk me through the process, the rationale, and the respective outcomes for each side.
Calling Ukraine 'the Ukraine' gives away your origin. Only Russian sources call it 'The Ukraine'.

Chris Wilson did that a few pages back. I assumed he did it deliberately. I honestly don't understand what folk get from trolling threads.

As with him, SkodaMart and any other Russian apologists, there is nothing to discuss until Russian forces withdraw from Ukraine.

The absurdity of using whataboutery when a country is being invaded just demonstrates an argument from an already weak position.
You really are a nervous nelly aren't you. I guess this nuclear threat is new to you young 'uns, but us old folk have lived through far more nuclear threatening times than these.

And lol at saying someone with 22 years military service has less of a clue about military matters than a guy who works in a call centre in Leeds :cry:

So far what I've heard he's utterly clueless. I work for a bank and have never worked in a call centre or even spoken to a customer, why the personal attack?
You really believe that, or was is the brainwashing media that told you that.

I remember those that hated Trump said Biden would be the best leader and good for the US. They were all falling over to get him in to office, yet he had been a bigger disaster than what the media reports.

But then again most in this country believe a 6 year old has the capacity to choose it's own gender.

They make the public believe in solutions that in the longer is very detrimental to the public. People still have not working up to this.

I spent a lot of time in the Trump/Biden threads and I can't think of anyone who said Biden would be the best leader for the US. What most said was Biden would be a better leader than Trump and it was a binary choice. I think history has shown that to be true. The West is united again, NATO is united and about to add 2 important countries to the fold. Ukraine has been supported and has held off Russia from its expansionist exploits. Trump would have waved the white flag the minute Putin stepped over the border, claimed it wasn't our business. He was straight on TV saying what a genius Putin was as soon as he invaded. Biden has supported Ukraine with weapons and intel from before the invasion. Trump withheld weapons in an attempt to blackmail Ukraine to create damaging info on his political rival Biden.

Take your culture wars talk somewhere else, this isn't the thread for that nonsense.
Wow absolute moron, Trump said and still says he trusts Putin over his own intelligence agencies.

All trump did in 4 years is play golf and sit in the Oval office eating big macs and throwing stuff at TV's

He did nothing for the country except raise the national debt to record levels.

Biden has reduced that debt and actually put billions into the infrastructure, he spends the money where it needs to go.

If you stopped watching Fox news you might actually learn something, but like all the MAGA morons they dont know how to change the TV channel

Who was the person that publicly said bring back jobs to America? Who started the shift of reducing external manufacturing.

Most policies take years to filter through the system.
When policies are developed it takes time to see any impact. We are still impacted by Reaganomics, we are still cycling through blair's policies right now.

Biden gave the Enemies Billions of dollars in weapons. Weapons that will mostly be used against the West in the future. (Afghanistan).

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And lol at saying someone with 22 years military service has less of a clue about military matters than a guy who works in a call centre in Leeds :cry:

So far what I've heard he's utterly clueless. I work for a bank and have never worked in a call centre or even spoken to a customer, why the personal attack?

I guess we’ll just have to see what happens in the next few months. I’d bet my pension on there being no nuclear war though…
Who was the person that publicly said bring back jobs to America?


Who started the shift of reducing external manufacturing.

Not Trump.

Biden gave the Enemies Billions of dollars in weapons.

Fake news.

Weapons that will mostly be used against the West in the future. (Afghanistan).

Hilarious nonsense. Let me know when Afghanistan attacks the West. I won't be holding my breath.
Who was the person that publicly said bring back jobs to America? Who started the shift of reducing external manufacturing.
The guy that got a lot of his stuff made in China?

I spent a lot of time in the Trump/Biden threads and I can't think of anyone who said Biden would be the best leader for the US. What most said was Biden would be a better leader than Trump and it was a binary choice. I think history has shown that to be true. The West is united again, NATO is united and about to add 2 important countries to the fold. Ukraine has been supported and has held off Russia from its expansionist exploits. Trump would have waved the white flag the minute Putin stepped over the border, claimed it wasn't our business. He was straight on TV saying what a genius Putin was as soon as he invaded. Biden has supported Ukraine with weapons and intel from before the invasion. Trump withheld weapons in an attempt to blackmail Ukraine to create damaging info on his political rival Biden.

Take your culture wars talk somewhere else, this isn't the thread for that nonsense.

Actually accurate.

Trump has a habit of making claims without actually saying how. E.g. "The Russia/Ukraine war would not have happened with me in power": Yet he makes zero suggestion of how other than 'he exists' as President. "It would be over in days": No suggestion of how that would happen.

He's a man of hot air that likes to have his ego boosted and make everything about him.
I spent a lot of time in the Trump/Biden threads and I can't think of anyone who said Biden would be the best leader for the US. What most said was Biden would be a better leader than Trump and it was a binary choice. I think history has shown that to be true. The West is united again, NATO is united and about to add 2 important countries to the fold. Ukraine has been supported and has held off Russia from its expansionist exploits. Trump would have waved the white flag the minute Putin stepped over the border, claimed it wasn't our business. He was straight on TV saying what a genius Putin was as soon as he invaded. Biden has supported Ukraine with weapons and intel from before the invasion. Trump withheld weapons in an attempt to blackmail Ukraine to create damaging info on his political rival Biden.

Take your culture wars talk somewhere else, this isn't the thread for that nonsense.

The West had always been United, if that was the case why didn't Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was in power. Why did he wait till Grandpa was in power. Now if you say Trump would have turned the other way, then surly that would have been the best time to attack Ukraine.

Why did Putin attack Ukraine under Obama? And nothing was done about it. The world sat back and watched.
Actually accurate.

Trump has a habit of making claims without actually saying how. E.g. "The Russia/Ukraine war would not have happened with me in power": Yet he makes zero suggestion of how other than 'he exists' as President. "It would be over in days": No suggestion of how that would happen.

He's a man of hot air that likes to have his ego boosted and make everything about him.

He would have done a deal. That suited him and screwed over 40 million people.

Something along the lines of Putey you can have Ukraine but I need a quid pro quo;
Hows about the Russian state puts up a load of hotels, uses my name and pays me royalty on that name. Oh and you need to get all the VCRs of that hotel room gathered up and sent to me?
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