Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yeh this kind of seems like they are just pushing boundaries now to see what they can get away with. Depends if the US will give them an inch or should respond with something more aggressive. personally as has been said a bunch of more lovely aid and toys for the Ukrainians would be appropriate.
Bit clumsy
Also uneconomical, if it was a deliberate collision then essentially the only way they could have done it would be to approach from behind and fly the nosecone into the prop. In which case you're taking out a $14-30 mil (depending on age) drone by damaging a $40 mil aircraft, at a time when you're having trouble building/repairing your aircraft due to sanctions.
Surprised they've not tried it with the RQ-4s or maybe they have and we've not heard, but flying at 50,000+ feet a little harder even for aircraft capable of operating at 60,000+ feet.
I don't know what a US response to their drone being deliberately downed would be.

Another significant aid package hopefully with some long range missiles. Best response possible.

Imagine it was something more significant than a drone. It’s certainly on a knife edge around there at the moment.
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It's very interesting because intercepting planes in international airspace isn't exactly uncommon, Russia and China do it to NATO all the time, the UK and USA do it to Russia all the time, however it's always piloted planes intercepting piloted planes, and once the interceptors annoy/endanger the interceptees enough they turn for home. But a drone, even a remote piloted drone isn't going to do that. It brings into perspective many of the dangers/risks presented by this evolution of military hardware.

It's incredibly unlikely that the Russians would have brought down a piloted recon plane, but at the same time it's incredibly unlikely that a piloted recon plane wouldn't have turned away long before that point.

It opens up many questions not just for the Ukraine war but for warfare in general, especially when we get to the point of drone interceptors intercepting recon drones.
I don't know what a US response to their drone being deliberately downed would be.

Iran deliberately downed a US drone a while back and then proceeded to reverse engineer, copy it then sell these copies all over the place.

The US asked for the drone back but was told to get lost. Some felt that the drone should have been bombed to destroy it.

On the other hand this US drone was right inside Iran so the entire business started with the US thinking Iran was too weak to defend against blatant airspace intrusions with spy drones.

Firstly, the reason that Russian is widely spoken in Ukraine and "always has been", is because the USSR banned the use of non Russian languages and ensured schools only taught Russian.

Not just that, but they moved lots of Russians into Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania, etc. Loads of the decent jobs, architects, doctors, engineers etc in these countries where taken by Russians from the 50s onwards, so there are lots of imported ethnic Russians, some of whom are 3rd and 4th generation now. That made speaking Russian important for anyone who wanted to get on.

Anyone who thinks Ukraine is somehow naturally Russian or Russia has any kind of valid claim over Ukrainian land has no understanding of their modern history.
Hanlon’s razor may apply to the drone collision over the Black Sea: “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”

Russian fighters have been known to ‘punch’ aircraft that they’ve intercepted before now, in that they pull in front of them, then as they cross the intercepted aircraft’s nose, they throttle up to full afterburner, leaving a ‘knuckle’ of turbulent exhaust gas in the other aircraft’s path to fly through.

Can’t remember if they’ve caused a collison doing this, but it’s essentially what a Chinese Navy J-8 Finback was doing when it collided with a US Navy EP-3 Aires ELINT aircraft back in 2000-2001 or so.
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Hanlon’s razor may apply to the drone collision over the Black Sea: “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”

Russian fighters have been known to ‘punch’ aircraft that they’ve intercepted before now, in that they pull in front of them, then as they cross the intercepted aircraft’s nose, they throttle up to full afterburner, leaving a ‘knuckle’ of turbulent exhaust gas in the other aircraft’s path to fly through.

Can’t remember if they’ve caused a collison doing this, but it’s essentially what a Chinese Navy J-8 Finback was doing when it collided with a US Navy EP-3 Aires ELINT aircraft back in 2000-2001 or so.
The prop on a reaper is located at the back, they would have to have rammed/clipped it from behind to damage it.
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Need a repeat of this incident:

Recovery could certainly be interesting if it's very close to Russian-held territory in Crimea... would likely require NATO ships + fast jets operating in close proximity.
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