Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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That's quite clearly not true, its quite obvious the point he is making. Whether you believe it or not, he is not in anyway making any sort of hatred comments.

If anything, that's a pretty slanderous statement to make.

He said the British PM is not British despite being born in Britain. I've blocked him for his racist comments I won't read his posts
*Russia’s U.N. Envoy: Notified Turkey, Ukraine on March 13 That Moscow Had No Objection to Extending Ukraine Black Sea Grain Deal Until May 18
*Russia’s U.N. Envoy: EU, Britain, U.S. Have Two Months “To Exempt From Their Sanctions the Entire Chain of Operations Which Accompany the Russian Agricultural Sector”

Remove sanctions or no Grain Deal from May basically?
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That's quite clearly not true, its quite obvious the point he is making. Whether you believe it or not, he is not in anyway making any sort of hatred comments.

If anything, that's a pretty slanderous statement to make.

Libellous actually but he's obviously let emotions get the better of him, no worries :) I am too much enjoying the tail end of St. Patrick's day ;)
123 countries which are part of the ICC could actually arrest Putin if he enters their country. It may well be symbolic but it will hamper his movement

Nobody's going to "arrest" President Putin any more than they are going to "arrest" President Biden, or try ex Prime Minister Blair for war crimes, it's the stuff of fantasy.
Does Blair have an arrest warrant out for his arrest though ?

Some Yeoman of the Land probably has a pocketful of arrest warrants for various people they don't agree with, including Tony Blair, and they're probably as viable as the ones for Putin at the moment. The west killing Putin, or getting him killed is infinitely more likely than them making some sort of arrest :)
That's quite clearly not true, its quite obvious the point he is making. Whether you believe it or not, he is not in anyway making any sort of hatred comments.

If anything, that's a pretty slanderous statement to make.

He implied that our PM and HS have divided loyalties because they have Indian heritage. And uses it as argument against multiculturalism. Are you saying you think our PM and HS aren't loyal to the UK?

This is just standard Chris Wilson race crap, though he can't even get that right as it was pointed out there is no Indian race but hey they aren't white and they don't come from around here. And I don't care if you think its slanderous. He will bring race into any thread he possibly can. The man is obsessed with race.
He implied that our PM and HS have divided loyalties because they have Indian heritage. And uses it as argument against multiculturalism. Are you saying you think our PM and HS aren't loyal to the UK?

This is just standard Chris Wilson race ****, though he can't even get that right as it was pointed out there is no Indian race but hey they aren't white and they don't come from around here. And I don't care if you think its slanderous. He will bring race into any thread he possibly can. The man is obsessed with race.

People on this forum didn't have any issues saying the last President of the United States had divided loyalty with Russia, and I am saying that a UK PM with a wife who has had creative tax issues, (again mentioned loudly here), and a father in law in India with massive wealth and clout in the sub continent may have divided loyalties. He may not, but I am not accepting he is 100% disinterested and unswayed in what is occurring, or may occur in his family's homeland. I won't let specious calls of racism and xenophobia cloud my basic common sense in such a matter.

So, pressure on India to comply with "our" thinking on the Russian / Ukraine Special Operation has nuances by having a PM of Indian descent. Simple, if difficult to swallow for some.
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