Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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People on this forum didn't have any issues saying the last President of the United States had divided loyalty with Russia, and I am saying that a UK PM with a wife who has had creative tax issues, (again mentioned loudly here), and a father in law in India with massive wealth and clout in the sub continent may have divided loyalties. He may not, but I am not accepting he is 100% disinterested and unswayed in what is occurring, or may occur in his family's homeland. I won't let specious calls of racism and xenophobia cloud my basic common sense in such a matter.

So, pressure on India to comply with "our" thinking on the Russian / Ukraine Special Operation has nuances by having a PM of Indian descent. Simple, if difficult to swallow for some.

Can you not take it elsewhere, like a completely different forum? You have to troll every thread when you see an opening with your obsession.

I'm done with this, this thread needs to get back on track.
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Have to say the deportation of people is what ive found most weird about this war and also makes me angry so glad Putin up for charges not that anything going to happen.

I can accept Russia fighting etc but the rape, deportations all that stuff is sick and needs to stop.

I think its a tactic as old as humans. Kill the men, rape the women, steal the kids and indoctrinate them into the invaders culture.
How would we do that, by having an Indian PM, an Indian Home Secretary and an Indian ex Home Secretary? Could be a bit of a clash of interests, don't you think? Perhaps, to calm the more sensitive, I should have said of Indian descent.... All this multiculturalism in government creates a few problems, which were obvious to the less "woke". India, as all "countries of colour" that I am aware of, and I have asked here at least three times, have avoided such issues by sensibly rejecting it at governmental level.

Tel me you're Chris Wilson, without telling me that you're Chris Wilson...
Have to say the deportation of people is what ive found most weird about this war and also makes me angry so glad Putin up for charges not that anything going to happen.

I can accept Russia fighting etc but the rape, deportations all that stuff is sick and needs to stop.
Putin doesn't believe Ukraine exists as a nation, a state, a culture, a language as far as he's concerned theres only Russia/russian and if these ukrainians insist on carrying on with their deluded beliefs then he'll have to take the children away to be raised as good russians. In other words its exactly the same thing Stalin did except he translocated entire populations to remove their sense of identity of people and place merge them into the general russian population. Its all quite simple and completely alien to the idea of self determination and free will but thats russian history for you.
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I think it’s easy to write off the ICC and say nothing will happen or whatever.

But I think it’s worth remembering that the ICC are experts at playing the long game, and turning screws - very slowly.

I agree that not much will probably happen in the short term, but over time - I think this warrant will turn into a very large and toxic thorn in Putins side.
I think it’s easy to write off the ICC and say nothing will happen or whatever.

But I think it’s worth remembering that the ICC are experts at playing the long game, and turning screws - very slowly.

I agree that not much will probably happen in the short term, but over time - I think this warrant will turn into a very large and toxic thorn in Putins side.

Yeah it's quite significant... It means putin will be arrested/extradited if he ever leaves Russia.. Probably with the exception of China or India or North Korea.
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Certainly ups the ante if Putin takes trips abroad - but any attempt to arrest Putin would get very messy very quickly while he is still in a position of power in Russia.
No I am not. Maybe you missed the part where that is what the warrant is actually for. If you think they should be investigated for that crime then show us some evidence.

As for Iraq, I didn't agree with it or should I say I didn't agree with the way it was done. Saddam was an evil **** and I have no issue with him being removed. What came after Saddam was toppled was a complete cluster ****.

Was Saddam an evil git, or was he doing what needed to be done to keep warring factions under control?
Honestly, I look at the hell hole that is modern Iraq and wonder if we made it better or worse.
The only way I see Putler going before the ICC is if there’s some sort of internal collapse or overthrow of his government from within Russia, and the new regime offers him up to try and restore relations and get sanctions lifted.

I can absolutely see a situation in the not too distant future where Russia crumbles and falls apart, especially if Ukraine hold out.

The weight of sanctions, year after year, the damage done to their own economy and people combined with their own corruption - I don’t see how the regime and system can survive.

I mean I’m not mystic Meg by any stretch of imagination, but I feel that Russia is burning the candle from both ends with a blowtorch, it can’t go on forever.
Yeah, torture was necessary. And those pesky kurdish women and children deserved gassing.
And let us not forget the Ma’dan (Marsh Arabs) of SE Iraq that the US encouraged to rise up against Saddam Hussein during GW1 and were left to face the music when the Coalition forces declared “mission accomplished“ once Kuwait was liberated and promptly skipped off home.
I mean I’m not mystic Meg by any stretch of imagination, but I feel that Russia is burning the candle from both ends with a blowtorch, it can’t go on forever.
It’s actually worse than that as the candle is question isn’t one of those fancy £15 church candles you get from M&S which burn for days, it’s one of those bright white, petrol scented ones from Poundland which burn down almost as quickly as birthday cake candles.
*Russia’s U.N. Envoy: Notified Turkey, Ukraine on March 13 That Moscow Had No Objection to Extending Ukraine Black Sea Grain Deal Until May 18
*Russia’s U.N. Envoy: EU, Britain, U.S. Have Two Months “To Exempt From Their Sanctions the Entire Chain of Operations Which Accompany the Russian Agricultural Sector”

Remove sanctions or no Grain Deal from May basically?
Not sure, there is a global issue with a lack of fertilizer as a result of sanctions on Russia which if left unresolved will create food shortages and higher prices. It could be related to that but my understanding was part of the deal that allowed Ukraine to export it's grain through the black sea was lifting restrictions on the sale of Russian Potash and other nitrogen based fertilizers.
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