Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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However, a few months ago, this forum was "omg Russia blew up nordstream" and people disagreeing with that view were called fools, or worse. Recently, further doubt has been cast on that assumption.

So, we don't know.
On the contrary there's more circumstantial evidence to suggest that it was Russia who destroyed the pipeline re Admiral Vladimirsky.

On the contrary there's more circumstantial evidence to suggest that it was Russia who destroyed the pipeline re Admiral Vladimirsky.

I'm fairly sure I read a few newspaper stories a month or two back about Russian's ships in ROI EEZ waters near the concentration of cross Atlantic communications cables. The just of the article was the ROI military were embarrassed that they had effectively outsourced Coast Guard and defence to UK Navy and RAF in their own EEZ. A lot of infrastructure is very remote and hard to secure. Undersea cables a good example.

I'm kind of amazed know one has ever made a serious attempt on the UK power grid. It's all very remote and relatively low tech co-ordinated attacks could bring large parts down easily.

Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
From a guardian article today, showing the huge scale of the water release from the dam:

"With a reservoir of 18bn cubic metres, Nova Kakhovka was one the dams with the largest capacity in the world, according to Mohammad Heidarzadeh, a senior lecturer in the architecture and civil engineering department at the UK’s University of Bath. It was 90 times bigger than the largest dam reservoir in Britain, the Kielder dam in Northumberland"

Satellite photos from a week ago apparently show some damage and then worse a few days ago. It's "possible" that this is not caused by either side but is a result of zero maintenance after earlier damage and a full reservoir. I say again "possible".
Yea right
translation from Prighozin in todays update from him

"Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation posted an impressive work of tourists. These frames show how the Leopard tanks move in a strange tactical maneuver towards each other. These tanks are disguised as agricultural combines. Their muzzles are bent down. However, this did not prevent our tourists to see enemy equipment in them. The behavior of dill is especially outrageous. These ******** have learned to disguise tanks as combines, and tankers as companions. Thank you guys for your excellent work. We will destroy everything that has a bent muzzle."
Didn't expect this nonsense from him, coming from Putin sources maybe but thought he was above that rubbish.
I don't recall anyone here being upset by NS2 being ruptured.
Nord steam was a redundant pipeline, it was not getting used, the perfect false flag for Russia.

I could see the point of Ukraine or the west blowing it up to hinder their revenue but there was no point for anyone other than Russia playing games to blow it up.
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