Its a horrible state of affairs. I am seeing the real world effect of the low numbers. We are trying to have the same output as 10-15 years ago with over a 1/3 less people. Guys are completely burnt out, sign off rates are through the roof. Positions are gapped all over the shop. People are double and triple hatting positions just to get by. Our vehicle fleet is on its **** with no short-medium term solution. Recruitment is at a huge deficit. They guys that have come through training in recent years are to no fault of their own, useless due to training deficiencies from depot. Whisch puts an increased stress and training burden on field units.
The only reason the Army hasnt fallen flat on its face in recent years is due to our complete stubbornness to push through and complete tasks at all costs regardless of the impact/effect on the lads, hence the skyrocketing sign off rate. It can only go on so long before it all collapses and we are found out, and the country see the real situation we are in.