Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Putin: Prigozhin's catering business has received $2 billion in the last year. These business dealings will be investigated

Based on history, anytime an investigation into one of Putin's opponents businesses is announced, that opponent gets found guilty in a sham trial and spends the rest of their days in jail
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Putin: Prigozhin's catering business has received $2 billion in the last year. These business dealings will be investigated

Based on history, anytime an investigation into one of Putin's opponents businesses is announced, that opponent gets found guilty in a sham trial and spends the rest of their days in jail

Exceptions will be made for warlords with a large private army.
Prigozhin's catering business has received $2 billion in the last year. These business dealings will be investigated
in our own backyard V - on last night , maybe UK should sanction these folks like the Canadians & others have -
Boris, the Lord & the Russian Spy: Dispatches
The full story of Boris Johnson's friendship with press baron Evgeny Lebedev and his dad Alexander, an ex-KGB spy, revealing the secret fears of security services

what hostelry did boris&co receive
Ukraine already has prepared defences to the north, moving Wagner to Belarus could be a tactic to try and take some of the momentum out of a Ukrainian counter-attack due to an increased need for consideration of the possibility of having to defend the north but it doesn't need such theatrics to move Wagner to Belarus.
The Ukrainians must have every road, path and goat track on their side of their Belarusian border mined and pre-registered for artillery and under 24/7 surveillance by satellite, ELINT airframes and drones.
The Ukrainians must have every road, path and goat track on their side of their Belarusian border mined and pre-registered for artillery and under 24/7 surveillance by satellite, ELINT airframes and drones.

Pretty sure they already have, they have also pre blown the bridges, nearly all bridges on or near the border of Belarus are currently destroyed and won't be repaired till after the war. Without roads and bridges, northern Ukraine is very difficult to cross through the fields
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What would be the the beneifit of Wagner going all the way to Belarus to launch attack. The border between Russia and Ukraine is massive - I don't really understand why all the fighting is happening in just the east - and the rest of the border seems to be mostly uncontested.
What would be the the beneifit of Wagner going all the way to Belarus to launch attack. The border between Russia and Ukraine is massive - I don't really understand why all the fighting is happening in just the east - and the rest of the border seems to be mostly uncontested.

Russia was pushed out around Kharkiv and withdrew from the north giving Ukraine a chance to build defences and at current mobilisation levels Russia has relatively limited man power compared to the scope of the war and concentrating their forces around the territory they hold.

Really you need far higher numbers for a decisive outcome as an attacker in an invasion like this - even in this day and age WW2 scale armies are still relevant.
What would be the the beneifit of Wagner going all the way to Belarus to launch attack. The border between Russia and Ukraine is massive - I don't really understand why all the fighting is happening in just the east - and the rest of the border seems to be mostly uncontested.

None, if anything its even more of a suicide mission than saying in the east.
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