Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I take it you haven't seen many of his comments, if you cant see the propaganda coming from him and the so called american general whos name escapes me that he normally teams up with then don't comment until you do.

The world in their case is so simple to me, they are quite clearly Russian stooges who make it up as they go, deny the genocide and blame Ukraine for starting the war. just spouting obvious lies, It doesn't take a genius to work out whos running them.

I suggest you look him up and see how nuts he is.

It was/is Colonel Douglas Macgregor that has been spouting Putin propaganda and who that poster liked to quote. Though General Michael Flynn is no better. A man who loved spending time in Russia dining with Putin and is happy that Putin has upset the New World Order by invading Ukraine. Amazing how these formally high ranking officers are so far off the reservation, Flynn is a conspiracy loon and tried to get Trump to declare Martial law after he lost the 2020 election. How the military allowed him to make Lieutenant general is a concern, there is no way they couldn't see his character.

The problem with this idea is, that the Afghans were able to defeat the USSR, and the USA, and the UK, because thye had the advantage of fighting for their homes against an enemy who was only there to prop up a puppet regime, there wasn't really anything in it for them in the grand scheme. It's the same reason Vietnam were able to defeat the USA.

Sadly while Ukraine are also fighting for their homes, Russia have a significantly more vested interest in Ukraine than anyone had in Afghanistan.

There's no perfect analogy, but a much better one than Afghanistan would be Northern Ireland. The USSR, Libya, etc and even many elements in the USA spent most of the 20th century supplying the IRA with weapons, money, training, etc all in the aim of making the UK pull out from NI and allow unification. However unlike a distant colony that would eventually be not worth the cost to fight for NI was seen as an integral part of the UK and so all their efforts failed and the IRA eventually had to come to the negotiating table (obviously concessions were made on both sides but the the results heavily favoured unionism).

Like the UK with NI, Russia aren't going to simply give up on the parts of Ukraine they want, especially Crimea :(

I don’t think many Russians want Ukraine. Some Russians seemed to be under the impression Ukraine wanted Russia, but clearly that’s not the case.

*NATO’s Stoltenberg Says Turkey’s Erdogan Has Agreed to Forward to Parliament Sweden NATO Membership Bid
*NATO’s Stoltenberg Says Completing Swedish Membership Bid is “Historical Step”
*NATO’s Stoltenberg Says It’s a Clear Commitment, Turkey’s Erdogan Has Said It Will Happen as Soon as Possible

He's back!
Sweden was de facto in NATO anyway since the US and UK guaranteed their defence and they can basically operate as a NATO member in terms of military cooperation, why agree to anything Erdogan wants?
Unless they get rid of the S-400 systems that is never going to happen.
That won't make any difference, the fact they had S-400 wasn't what enraged Trump, it was the fact they bought the S-400s instead of more expensive patriots because he refused to let them have a discount and the whole blown deal made him look like a bad businessman.

Russia wasn't concerned militarily about selling S-400s to a NATO member because they know that NATO already know everything about the S-400, hell they probably have a copy of the service manual.

And likewise the USA wasn't concerned militarily about selling F-35s to a country with S-400s because they knew they would be manned by Turks and connected to the Turkish SAM network (it's not like they phone home to Moscow to have their radar data processed) plus any data the S-400s could get on the F-35 (and F-22) has already been acquired by S-400s and S-500s in Syria/et-al.

It was always about little Donald's ego.

Darth Putin

I’m beginning to think that trying reverse NATO enlargement by making NATO very popular was not a good idea.

It was a disgraceful act but, he should have stopped with Crimea as Russia literally got away with murder while halting any chance of Ukraine joining NATO. In continuing this war, Putin has shot himself in both feet and seems prepared to do the same to his people.
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