There are some people though who I can increasingly only see as NPCs - they appear to not be in any way beholden to Russia yet trot out an opinion that there is no way if they thought through what they were saying they couldn't see it was wrong and untrue.
In that video for instance despite some noble aspects to what he was saying, not balancing that with the real world situation and the consequences of trying to indiscriminately implement those ideals is completely unhinged. Seeing China, etc. as precious human beings doesn't change the threat those nations, or at least the regimes governing those nations, may represent to a stable world in the future or mean that we can entirely influence away from that by our actions, even if there is more we can do from our side, as we've seen time and time throughout history even appeasement and appearing weak through concessions, etc. only tends to encourage the likes of the people who are leading these countries, regardless of whether there is some responsibility due on our side, or even some provocation from our side, or not.
EDIT: As Colonel_Klinck put it above he is living in a fantasy world where the likes of Putin, etc. just accept compromises in the name of some greater cause, probably because they are convinced there is some noble reasons behind their action rather than seeing the likes of Putin for what they really are.