Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Escort where?

As said they are launching well within Russian air space, and are sited well back from the front lines.
They got moved from most accounts.

They tend to be known to be in the air but never get close to Ukraine.

There will be numerous bases equipped with fighters much closer to Ukraine than these ever get so why would they need escorts.
They aren't bombing, they are aerial missile platforms.

300-500 miles isn’t much distance. If that is in fact where they are launching from.
Interceptions have mostly been with SU-27s with some SU-35s patrolling as well. They often have AWACS up, but unlike the West they are rarely seen on ADS-B or similar - partly because they are actually being utilised in active combat missions.

The S-300 and 400 systems are a bit of a wildcard as they rarely have them properly spun up for a variety of reasons and there are complications with doing so but they are capable systems as well as capable of going spectacularly wrong. If Ukraine did start pushing offensively they'd almost certainly have to bring those systems fully online and move up more Pantsir, etc. systems.

Agree, but I still think its basically a given that Ukraine will be told they are not to be in Russian airspace.
Ukraine been flying drones for hundreds of miles through Russian AA I would really wonder about there capability :cry:

That gets into very complicated territory including the signature size and flight patterns of aircraft vs drones, cost effectiveness, competency and various reasons why Russia tends to not have their systems fully spun up a lot of the time and other factors including operational factors of things like Russia's various implementations of active scanning arrays.
Ukraine been flying drones for hundreds of miles through Russian AA I would really wonder about there capability :cry:

Flying low creates much more difficulty in large arrays being able to spot. Curvature of the earth problems.
But it then ramps up the risk of manpads etc
Drones are a lot smaller and quieter so nothing like a full combat aircraft flying over.

Decent anti drone if for sure going to be a significant part of the evolution.

Its a shame the Germany military cancelled the Flakpanzer missile upgrade (basically were going to gain stinger type mounted missiles) as well as the cannons
Its a shame the Germany military cancelled the Flakpanzer missile upgrade (basically were going to gain stinger type mounted missiles) as well as the cannons

You can still link other weapons into its radar capabilities - I don't know if possible but would also be ideal if it could network the radar so you could have additional, unattended, vehicles to soak up any anti-radiation munitions used against them.
With or without AWACS I doubt F-16's will be threatening TU-95's firing missiles from stand-off positions. The air to air missiles they carry don't have sufficient range to worry them without significant penetration of Russian airspace, which would (presumably) entail running the gauntlet of a pretty capable SAM system and patrols.

They are a bit more capable in BVR than MIG-29's and SU-27's but not drastically so from what I understand (that's assuming the use of AMRAAM's for the F-16's and R-77's for the Russian planes), although AWACS (or lack thereof) for either side would be an important factor.

I have no idea of the disposition of AA assets in the conflicted areas but that will surely determine in what manner they are deployed. Either way any additional aircraft with their capabilities will certainly help the Ukrainians.
I can tell you use predator missile, Pave low, chopper gunner Apache as your killstreaks. GG.

Ah the joys of playing Bog - I got banned from a few servers for chaining up the killstreak rewards and hitting like 300-0 kind of scores :s

I got chills watching that Ukrainian guy single handedly holding a trench - I've done that so many times in COD even the recoil control on the AK looks so similar it is kind of eery seeing it in actual footage with someone life actually on the line.
I haven't seen a single military aviator say the F16 is going to be a game changer for jet to jet or even air to ground, though it will be another platform for launching ordinance. It will cause Russian helicopters all kinds of problems and its worth it just for that.

As much as we completely disagree on so many topics, on this one I'm 100% in agreement with you.

However, if you might be thinking that by using a rational, logical statement you'll maybe change the opinion of anyone that's already deeply bought into the media's often repeated mantra of "the next western weapon we give them will win the war" then, like myself when I tried to explain this to people, I think you'll be in a for a hard slog explaining why F-16's aren't the next wonder weapon sadly.
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