Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yeh I get you.

I think I read that Republican and Democrat politicians were very much in favour of support. With regard a public poll, no idea tbh so probs mis understood you in any case.
You have the MAGA morons who support Russia because Trump tells them too, then you have the sane Americans who on a whole support Ukraine.

Luck for now at least there's enough sane republican senators who are still pushing the Ukraine funding through

There's a big one going on right now trying to get 13 billion through for Ukraine, have to just keep fingers crossed the support is still there.
The money being sent is tax payer money, the money earned from weapon sales will go to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and BAe share holders.
Where from? The USA money comes from their military budget and is only 6% of that so a drop in the ocean to them.

I have no idea where it comes from in other NATO countries but I would assume it's out the budget they would normally use for the military and international aid.
I see Russia has stepped up its attack on Air Force barracks in Ukraine. Some news is not good news and after trying to destroy storm shadow missiles being held in storage, they seem to now be attempting to kill the pilots. I don't know if this increase in attacks is because news recently came out that only 8 Ukranian pilots have good enough English skills to even start F16 training but there is an increased emphasis to try and kill pilots by sending Kinzhal missiles towards pilot barracks at various airfields in Ukraine
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You do know that Russia murdered one innocent civilian and severely injured others by deploying a nerve agent onto the streets of this country, right?

People will ignore this because they are too cowardly and allow such a slap in the face and assault on our country.

These same people would appease Nazi Germany during WW2. Cowardly. Neville Chamberlains when we need a Churchill.
You have the MAGA morons who support Russia because Trump tells them too, then you have the sane Americans who on a whole support Ukraine.

Luck for now at least there's enough sane republican senators who are still pushing the Ukraine funding through

There's a big one going on right now trying to get 13 billion through for Ukraine, have to just keep fingers crossed the support is still there.

These aren't actually opinions expressed by Donald Trump at any point, they're just things you've made up in your head.
Where from? The USA money comes from their military budget and is only 6% of that so a drop in the ocean to them.

I have no idea where it comes from in other NATO countries but I would assume it's out the budget they would normally use for the military and international aid.

Part of them giving older weapons is also funding newer replacements in the bills being passed.
That's good news. Ukraine isn't that great at destroying the Russians head on by just killing them all with overwhelming firepower but destroying the Russian logistics and forcing them to retreat or run out of ammo and food is something that has worked well for Ukraine in this war and is how they took back Kherson. I hope this is a indication of more good news to come from the southern front

Unfortunately for western media, this tactic is too slow for them. Trying to win a war against what should be a superior enemy by cutting off their supplies piece by piece is slow and painful. And the media do not see effect of such tactics until the Russians actually retreat - from the media's perspective it looks like nothing is happening, the lines are static and ukraine isn't going anywhere, it's only when that last straw breaks the camels back that the Russian position becomes untenable and they retreat because they can do no longer defend or have no food and water
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I am confident with Russias failings that their nuclear capacity is an utter smoke screen and they would not be able to retaliate, their nuclear arsenal is a paper tiger, and has not been maintained, to save costs, which is also why their army is so wet and pathetic.
I agree their actual nuclear power is probably far less than what they claim or what western intelligence believes to be true.

However considering that what they claim or what western intelligence believes to be true is also sufficient to turn the ULEZ zone into an apocalyptic wasteland hundreds of times over, I would be cautious about testing just how "far less" it is :P
These aren't actually opinions expressed by Donald Trump at any point, they're just things you've made up in your head.

This is Trump right after they invaded.

Trump says Putin's military move on Ukraine is "genius.""Putin is now saying, 'It’s independent,' a large section of Ukraine. I said, 'How smart is that?' And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper... We could use that on our southern border.""Here’s a guy who’s very savvy."

He also backed Putin over US intelligence agencies live on camera. Said he believed him over those same agencies. Kept telling his base how he was friends with Putin, he understood Putin like no other president before him (its amazing how well he understands all these criminal dictators more than any other person before him, maybe its a kindred spirt thing) asked Putin for help with beating Hilary. Members of his campaign working with Russian assets in 2016. His own son taking a meeting with Russian agents as he thought they had dirt.
My people came to me, [Director of National Intelligence] Dan Coats came to me and some others saying they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin, he just said it’s not Russia,” Trump said. “I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be.”
No Donny why would he do what you asked him to do :rolleyes:

This is the guy who attempted to blackmail Ukraine's brand new president to create an investigation into his political opponent, he didn't want evidence or have any evidence he just wanted Zelenskyy to say they had opened an investigation into Biden and leave the rest to Trump and the Republicans.

Trump has had Vlad's back in Ukraine since day 1. The only weapons he sent were the ones Congress forced him to send. Didn't do a damned thing to help Ukraine with Crimea either.

You know Roar you liked to go with the "orange man bad" line as you defended him but the thing is, we all knew he was bad, and now everyone knows he was/is bad. Without doubt the most corrupt and worst president in US history and that takes some doing when they had that POS Andrew Johnson but Trump blows him out of the water.
These same people would appease Nazi Germany during WW2. Cowardly. Neville Chamberlains when we need a Churchill.
Churchill would have appeased Hitler too.

It's a historical misconception that Hitler fooled/tricked Chamberlain, in reality it was the other way round. Chamberlain saw straight through Hitler and knew war was inevitable, so he appeased him in order to buy time to prepare for it.

The big flaw with the plan was that it meant Britain and France had to reject Stalin's proposal for a pact to stand united against Hitler (as doing so would have tipped Hitler off to the fact they were getting ready for war with him), which then introduced the unexpected consequence that Stalin saw no other option but to make a pact with Hitler himself in order to delay what he saw as the inevitable invasion of the USSR for as long as possible. And this pact then resulted in Hitler invading Poland faster than Britain/France had anticipated he would.

1930s politics was crazy lol.
Isn't that the second one of them to go down like that in the past week?

If that was today I definitely saw another last week do the same, just nose dived to the ground.

It could point to lack of maintenance, no parts etc, just fly them till the drop out the sky
The funny thing is, that the Su-30 only entered service with the Russian air force in 2012 (excluding the five planes operated by the Russian Falcons Aerobatic Team they were just sold to export customers) so these planes they have crashing are less than a decade old.

Compare that to Ukraine's 30+ year old Su-27s and you have to wonder what exactly passes as maintenance in Russia xD

I would laugh if it turns out that due to corruption the maintenance company was just selling the parts to Ukraine and stamping the book :cry:
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