Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Saw a post from ukranians saying over the last 24 hours they've killed 80 Russians and wounded a further 260 and damaged or destroyed 15 pieces of equipment including tanks and artillery guns near Tavry. But in this post they also said they fired just under 1700 shells

1700 artillery shells fired in one area on one day. No wonder western countries struggle to keep up with supply

80 + 260 = 340, 340 x 365 = 124K
Russia can quite easily mobilize 300K or 400K new soldiers each year. There are strong indications they are preparing for a new mobilization this September. So inflicting human looses like this is not enough (by a lot) to end the war.

The last info I heard is US is producing 24K 155mm artillery shells in a month. Which is many times less than what Russia is producing (the exact number is a state secret). If the US had a strong will to help Ukraine win the war, by now they probably could ramp up the production to 1M shells per month.

one million shells alone fired by the Germans at the French Army in the first day at the 1916 battle of Verdun, France

Given that there are 50 countries supporting Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, including France and Germany - they could easily supply them with a few million shells for the counter-offensive. From the publicly available information the only NATO country that has seriously ramped up it's shell production to supply Ukraine is Bulgaria - but they are producing 152mm shells for Ukraine's old soviet inherited artillery.
Ruble at historic lows against almost every tradeable currency. Interestingly Russia claims its rate of inflation is c2.5% when it was >10% for almost all last year. Current interest rates c8% down from 20% last March when they shored up the currency in the aftershock of the invasion. However, their export revenues are falling as gas and electricity prices normalise. Its hard to see any positivity for Russia in an economic sense.
Ruble at historic lows against almost every tradeable currency. Interestingly Russia claims its rate of inflation is c2.5% when it was >10% for almost all last year. Current interest rates c8% down from 20% last March when they shored up the currency in the aftershock of the invasion. However, their export revenues are falling as gas and electricity prices normalise. Its hard to see any positivity for Russia in an economic sense.
He's bit stuck now, isn't he?

Stayijg in power vs Russian economy and it's people suffering. Any immediate solution will almost certainly be the end of him, power wise. Anything he can 'sell' as a victory or 'mission accomplished' will not be acceptable to Ukraine (quite rightly). So it goes on...5 years? 10 years? What a mess.
Ruble at historic lows against almost every tradeable currency. Interestingly Russia claims its rate of inflation is c2.5% when it was >10% for almost all last year. Current interest rates c8% down from 20% last March when they shored up the currency in the aftershock of the invasion. However, their export revenues are falling as gas and electricity prices normalise. Its hard to see any positivity for Russia in an economic sense.
You don't understand anything about economics of ruZZia. The more dollar costs the better they are off as more rubbles they get. Simples like 2 plus 2 is 5.
India and Chiina is buying the oil by a bucket load...
Interesting if Poland has a "foreign agents" law.
India and Chiina is buying the oil by a bucket load...

True, but India has been paying in rupees and now the Russian oil exporters have a huge amount of rupees in Indian banks and can't find anything worth buying in India, that they are allowed to export and sell in Russia.
You don't understand anything about economics of ruZZia. The more dollar costs the better they are off as more rubbles they get. Simples like 2 plus 2 is 5.
India and Chiina is buying the oil by a bucket load...
Not sure you understand the economics of the global economy from which Russia is not immune. AFAIK China and India have not agreed to pay in Rubles for any fossil fuel they are importing and whilst Russia is less import dependent under the current sanctions environment you still have to buy stuff and no-one will want Rubles when it has devalued so much. Daily revenues for oil and gas are dropping. I think it's reasonable to think that their foreign reserves have dwindled or are frozen and there are plenty of hi tech components that they cannot manufacture and therefore have to import. Given the state of China's economy at present there is no way Xi is going to prop up the Russian economy - he has enough problems of his own.
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