Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Not sure you understand the economics of the global economy from which Russia is not immune. AFAIK China and India have not agreed to pay in Rubles for any fossil fuel they are importing and whilst Russia is less import dependent under the current sanctions environment you still have to buy stuff and no-one will want Rubles when it has devalued so much. Daily revenues for oil and gas are dropping. I think it's reasonable to think that their foreign reserves have dwindled or are frozen and there are plenty of hi tech components that they cannot manufacture and therefore have to import. Given the state of China's economy at present there is no way Xi is going to prop up the Russian economy - he has enough problems of his own.
It was all in jest. I heard that as well that they have loaded themselves with rupees, but how true nobody from the outside circle knows. It is really odd that their propaganda started telling that central bank's fault instead of keeping it quiet. Instead of saying it is Poo tin's fault as with all the negativity that he is responsible for is being transfered to others...
Chiina is supporting them as well as any other surrounding country does.
Kyrgyzstan's import has increased twice since the war started 2022. I don't think they became richer then.
Even N.Korea is helping them out looking at the meetings defence minister had not long ago.
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You don't understand anything about economics of ruZZia. The more dollar costs the better they are off as more rubbles they get. Simples like 2 plus 2 is 5.
India and Chiina is buying the oil by a bucket load...

This is clearly rubbish.

If that was the case, they could easily devalue their currency as much as possible.

Putin is correct

That's because back then they participated in global oil trade, when means selling oil in US dollars. So if the Ruble weakens to the dollar, but you are still selling oil in dollars then yes you are now getting more money for your product in Rubles. That's going to push inflation up as more paper is injected into the Russian economy but hey it lets putin shills believe it's a good thing. If you look at historical data, inflation in Russia jumped from 7% to 15% after the invasion of Crimea, which proves my point above

The problem is it's 2023 not 2014 and Russia no longer sells oil in Dollars. It sells oil in Ruble these days and the weakened Ruble means Russia is getting paid less and less everyday for its oil leading to major budget deficit holes because a large chunk of government spending under Putin has come from oil profits
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Putin is correct

That's because back then they participated in global oil trade, when means selling oil in US dollars. So if the Ruble weakens to the dollar, but you are still selling oil in dollars then yes you are now getting more money for your product in Rubles. That's going to push inflation up as more paper is injected into the Russian economy but hey it lets putin shills believe it's a good thing. If you look at historical data, inflation in Russia jumped from 7% to 15% after the invasion of Crimea, which proves my point above

The problem is it's 2023 not 2014 and Russia no longer sells oil in Dollars. It sells oil in Ruble these days and the weakened Ruble means Russia is getting paid less and less everyday for its oil leading to major budget deficit holes because a large chunk of government spending under Putin has come from oil profits
They get more rubles then. It should be alright?
Guy says in video it works for anti tank mines.

The chains work yes, they say the chains will detonate anti tank when they drive over it but they also say they they've only tested with anti infantry mines, the mine in question they're using for testing contains about 600grams of explosives where as a TM62 anti tank mine contains 7kg of explosives. Not to mention that the Russians have so much supply of anti tank mines they've been stacking them so often these days you have multiple going off at once - so I guess my concern is less about the chains detonating the mines and more about will the vehicle still be in one piece when it hits and detonates 2 or 3 TM62 at once
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Only designed for small anti infantry mines, eventually it's gonna hit a tank mine if they use this device in random fields

Given the speed of an excavator I suspect they would have sapped and confirmed the mines before using. The excavator needs to be trucked in which would make it a sitting target, so probably behind the current Ukrainian lines clearing up logistics paths. However you never know - front line excavator duties?
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