Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I smell a troll :D

Devil's advocate would be more appropriate.

Imagine being so stupid, that you would believe that Ukraine are intentionally picking a fight/making incursions into Russia, whilst Russia has 75% of their military surrounding them, and that it is them being the aggressors.

Are these false flag type attacks/reports just for the terminally brain dead Russian populace who will believe anything?

Not too far fetched. Georgia launched an offensive on South Ossetia, which had Russian UN mandated peacekeepers even though Georgia knew that Russia had amassed troops on the border. (if i remember well Russia claimed more than 10 peacekeepers were killed in that shelling).

But in this case, I agree that it is unlikely for Ukraine to want to start something, as we saw consequences in Georgia - that the west will not intervene.
Not seeing that one yet. I’m monitoring events here
What a great site, I zoomed in around the Donetsk region and you can see all the local reports/propaganda about power cuts at the water treatment plant, supposed Ukrainian sabtours being blown up while planting a bomb near a railway station, power being cut in local mines, shelling of schools etc.
Ukraine hasn't been invaded.....

Technically I think Crimea's annexation back in 2014 counts as an invasion...I am not 100% sure what international law says though, there might have been some clever tricks that prevents it from officially being an invasion (ie de jure locals proclaimed independence and joined Russia)
If I was Ukranian, I'd be bombing Donetsk and Luganks 24/7. Because regardless, everyone would think Russia is bombing it themselves. Its genius really.
Must be great living in open democracy like Russia where you don't have to worry about government goons arresting you because they don't like your message :rolleyes:

Well in Russia that line is reached a lot sooner than in many other places. However, its silly to pretend like we in West can do whatever. Out of recent things, Canadian protestors had their even bank accounts frozen as well as forcefully removed.

Yet when Ukranian Maidan was literally occupying downtown Kiev, smoking and lighting on fire tires daily - we told then Yanukovich to sit tight and not dare to disperse.

They were arrested because it is illegal in Russia to protest without prior notification of such action.

As crazy as that sounds, I think didn't Boris pass or try to pass same legislation in the UK??
So apparently two Ukrainian BMPs were destroyed crossing the border, no idea which border.

Because you know , let's cross the border into well armed and ready for combat units...

More Russian bull.
So apparently two Ukrainian BMPs were destroyed crossing the border, no idea which border.

Because you know , let's cross the border into well armed and ready for combat units...

More Russian bull.

Like I said, Ukraine should just invade into Moscow at this point LOL. We'd just say its Russian false flag. Its great.
Russian propaganda has gone into overdrive: 'Russian disinformation frenzy seeds groundwork for Ukraine invasion.'

Russia is testing its agility at weaponizing state media to win backing at home, in occupied territories in eastern Ukraine and with sympathizers abroad for a war of aggression.

The big picture: State media has pivoted from accusing the West of hysterical warnings about a non-existent invasion to pumping out minute-by-minute coverage of the tensions.

Zoom in: NewsGuard, a misinformation tech firm, identified three of the most common false narratives being propagated by Russian state media like RT, Sputnik News., and TASS:

* The West staged a coup in 2014 to overthrow the Ukrainian government
* Ukrainian politics is dominated by Nazi ideology
* Ethnic Russians in Ukraine's Donbas region have been subjected to genocide

Putin's puppet media channels are now blaming Ukraine for the shelling inflicted on the Ukrainians by Russia.

Ukraine hasn't been invaded.....

It has.

* Crimea: invaded and annexed in 2014
* Donbass: invaded in 2014

Both regions are sovereign Ukrainian territory. They are literally Ukraine.
This is where the Ukrainian top brass are really going to have to keep a very tight rein on all their equipment and personnel. There's no way they'd sanction anything provocative but I don't doubt that if Russia have this pre-planned then they may have infiltrated certain levels of the Ukraine military. Good old fashion bribery isn't exactly unheard of out there.
Some paid off high ranking officer could send seemingly legit orders for a pair of bmps to go pickup folks. The poor sods thinking they're off to to something clandestine have no idea they're being sacrificed.
Or, they've just exploded two old bmps and made up a story.
This is where the Ukrainian top brass are really going to have to keep a very tight rein on all their equipment and personnel. There's no way they'd sanction anything provocative but I don't doubt that if Russia have this pre-planned then they may have infiltrated certain levels of the Ukraine military. Good old fashion bribery isn't exactly unheard of out there.
Some paid off high ranking officer could send seemingly legit orders for a pair of bmps to go pickup folks. The poor sods thinking they're off to to something clandestine have no idea they're being sacrificed.
Or, they've just exploded two old bmps and made up a story.

No they do not need to do anything. We have full faith that Ukranian's are not doing anything. All the shelling in Donbass is claimed to be Russian false flag. So it does not matter.

Even if a dirty nuke or some chem weapons go off in Luganks or Donetsk or even in Rostov where Russian army is stationed - it's all false flag.
Give it a rest ffs.

Its true. Russia has zero credibility in the west. So this is a great time do actually inflict damage inside Russia where the army is stationed, especially while it is grouped together, easier to take out. It will be brushed off as false flag on world arena.
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