Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Ukraine’s strike on Rostov-on-Don, a Russian Navy Kilo-class submarine, on September 13 was a major event in the naval war so far. In an instant, one of the four Improved Kilo-class submarines in the Black Sea was taken out of action. This submarine was used to launch Kalibr cruise missiles at Ukrainian targets. Nearby a landing ship, Minsk, was also severely damaged.
Holy moly, video of a HEAT grenade being dropped on a BMP1, which detonated the ammo on impact. Genuinely thought the turret toss was going to take the drone out :cry:
Word on the street is that Ukraine will be getting ATACMs from the US...
Hopefully that will encourage Germany to give the green light on Taurus.

Shouldn't be to much longer until Leopard 1 makes an appearance. I had my doubts on this tanks suitability but seeing a video of how the Ukrainians were using a Leopard 2 as fire support there's no reason why a Leopard 1 wouldn't be suitable I'm this role and given how rare tank on tank encounters are.
To be fair its kinda petty from both sides. I get the grievance but as the old saying goes dont bite the hand that feeds. Another saying could also be relevant here, deal with the alligator closest to the boat. That is not the alligator that Ukraine needs to be concerning itself with just now.
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Not sure how a convicted pedophile is even allowed on twitter.

Surely that's a safety concerns for minors using the platform

Since Elon took over he removed all safety protocols, its now full of pedophiles and racists

I can only imagine how many underage girls Scott is DMing on a daily basis...
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Since Elon took over he removed all safety protocols, its now full of pedophiles and racists

I can only imagine how many underage girls Scott is DMing on a daily basis...

He's already copped a couple of years in prison, I doubt he has any appetite for more.
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