Sadly what people do, saw it so much with COVID, they only pay lip service to the rules and don't care about the underlying reason for those rules, in their minds as long as they can appear to be going along with the rules everything is fine. Similar is going on all over although it might not be so apparent at some stages i.e. a lot of stuff is going from Ireland via South American countries to Russia (and Iran) such as engine parts and components for drones. Sadly also somewhat a symptom of there not being a end to end organisation of dealing with this problem - some companies are going to be faced with a situation of starve or doing dubious trade that they suspect deep down is dodgy but are on their own with no central support.
It is a funny circle - while unlikely it is still feasible this support will enable the Russian army to become a threat to the peace of wider Europe, how Russia has less and less to lose from being on a war footing doesn't seem to have sunk in for a lot of people and even governments and other organisations like the EU and NATO.