Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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If they want to go into Russia and sow chaos they should target supply depots, ammunition factories sabotage railway lines etc. Nothing is easy but they probably have more chance pulling a bombing mission off then successful storming the Kremlin.
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For those of us without a Twitter account:

EDIT: Post 18 I can't un-see the guy on the left on the first cover looking like Jude Law and on the second cover at the bottom looking like BSG era Jamie Bamber LOL.
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Meanwhile we carry on talking about how Ukraine MUST win, but we ain't going to provide them with what they need, whilst Russia plays the long game and doesn't give a crap about how many of its own die for Putin's cause or the consequences economically.

That's the problem when facing dictatorships, they are always going to be there until they are dead or run out of coinage, whilst we pander to the electorate and balance the books, whilst in the past wasn't too much of a problem, it is most certainly now with the short isolationist attention spans and social media disinformation running amok.

Finding it harder to see Ukraine kicking Russia out , fully support them in thier efforts to do so but without more long range weapons and up to date armour they can't compete with the meat grinder of Russia and it's ww1 trench warfare.

We failed to arm them after Russia began to retreat and gave Russia time to build up trenches and minefields that make ww1 look tame, if we had given them the tanks and long range strike capability sooner they could have steamrolled the ruskies I feel.

This is all on our useless governments who don't see the long term consequences of failure for Ukraine.
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All the a -hole countries in the world. Terrorists, mysogynists, homophobes, the list is endless and thankfully not long. The world would be a far better place if these governments ceased to trouble us. Russia must be defeated it us the only solution.
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