Them predator vibes though
Maybe I'm missing something?
I'll get me coat.
NATO is only powerful because of the US. Plenty of countries in the alliance seem lacking in terms of equipment stocked. We never seem to learn from history, it’s better to have the equipment and to not need it. I think we’ve always lived under a MAD doctrine, but this war perhaps throws into question whether nukes would ever be used, short of an absolute last resort.
As I get older I also question more and more what is and isn’t worth fighting for, our leaders are a joke.
Them predator vibes though
Baffling not to supply Taurus.
The more we depend, solely, on nuclear weapons, the more likely we'll have to use them.
We are poking Russia, they may or may not be able to do something back, but we shouldn't depend on them being unable to respond. There has never been a time in the last 30-40 years when we need to be more ready/prepared to deal with eventualities.
If people (governments) value the relative peace and stability we've enjoyed over the last few decades it is time to stand up and be counted, anyone standing in the way of sensible measures is the enemy of peace.
Can you please confirm for my peace of mind that you have no influence or say in the use of nuclear weapons.If we let Russia get away with it, we don't live in a world worth living in anyway, so may as well let the nukes fly.
Gene Hass is one of the top donors to the Republican Party
No, Russia are the ones doing the poking. They have invaded a neighbouring country and are attempting to annex its territory.
If we let Russia get away with it, we don't live in a world worth living in anyway, so may as well let the nukes fly.
Where would you draw the line? Would you happily let them invade the whole of Europe till they were at our doorstep, before we get involved?