Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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One of the things which I think people are having a hard time comprehending, Russia are less and less playing by the rules, I support arming Ukraine with anything not prohibited by the Geneva Convention, Russia has less and less compelling them to abide by such conventions.

Which comes back to my post above - we need to be mindful of such aspects when aiding Ukraine, that isn't to say we shouldn't be doing so but we need to be prepared that there may be consequences and ready for them - there seems to be far too many people thinking "but Russia won't/can't do anything".

EDIT: To be fair one the one hand the UN has always been about getting people around the table talking, on the other hand it is utterly useless in a situation like this.

You suggest they now carefully push Russia out in a non agressive manor in a non upsetting way for Russia?
Russia is raping/killing/kidnapping kids, abiding conventions? I'm confused.
You suggest they now carefully push Russia out in a non agressive manor in a non upsetting way for Russia?
Russia is raping/killing/kidnapping kids, abiding conventions? I'm confused.

Whilst Rroff doesn't need me to defend him.

I don't think you've correctly understood the statement you quoted. Nothing in the statement links towards carefully pushing Russia out in a non upsetting way.
You suggest they now carefully push Russia out in a non agressive manor in a non upsetting way for Russia?
Russia is raping/killing/kidnapping kids, abiding conventions? I'm confused.

I think you've read too much into the post. UA doesn't need to stoop to their level to win and really shouldn't. If they start raping and looting, shooting / torturing PoW's, targeting civilians indiscriminately you'll find the mostly positive support from the West will evaporate very quickly.

Rroff is no apologist for Russia - unlike some in here.
One of the things which I think people are having a hard time comprehending, Russia are less and less playing by the rules, I support arming Ukraine with anything not prohibited by the Geneva Convention, Russia has less and less compelling them to abide by such conventions.

Which comes back to my post above - we need to be mindful of such aspects when aiding Ukraine, that isn't to say we shouldn't be doing so but we need to be prepared that there may be consequences and ready for them - there seems to be far too many people thinking "but Russia won't/can't do anything".

EDIT: To be fair one the one hand the UN has always been about getting people around the table talking, on the other hand it is utterly useless in a situation like this.

Well we already provided cluster munitions in huge numbers so I would argue that we don't actually have many boundaries ourselves. What else can we send that is further than this? Chemical, biological or nuclear?
Well we already provided cluster munitions in huge numbers so I would argue that we don't actually have many boundaries ourselves. What else can we send that is further than this? Chemical, biological or nuclear?
Perhaps we should give them the green light to start targeting residential buildings, civilian markets and shopping malls?

Play the game the way Russia is playing it, eh?

Well that's then, terror attacks against civilians will now cease. Russia have been told and will now fully abide this request. Seriously though, the useless **** couldn't even be bothered to read the statement out himself. Makes you wonder, just what ******* use the UN is.
UN are toothless, absolutely useless, if it was an insignificant African warlord causing these atrocities the blue hats would have been all over it.

But its Russia so they stand by and do nothing.
but the UN doesn't have a military.. hence it is limited in the scenario of Russia.
yes they do, the Blue hats are UN made up from dozens of nations, they put down atrocities in Africa etc but are to chicken to get involved in this atrocity.
Perhaps we should give them the green light to start targeting residential buildings, civilian markets and shopping malls?

Play the game the way Russia is playing it, eh?

Honestly I have no clue what the boundary should be. I was utterly against cluster munition usage because of the long term devastation and proliferation effect it will have.....but this opinion was deeply unpopular so I think I'm out of my depth. Maybe further steps are needed? Who knows.
yes they do, the Blue hats are UN made up from dozens of nations, they put down atrocities in Africa etc but are to chicken to get involved in this atrocity.
I think the suggestion that UN Peacekeepers stop atrocities is far too generous to UN Peacekeepers. I thought their modus operandi was to hide in your compound until the ethnic cleansing is complete.
Well we already provided cluster munitions in huge numbers so I would argue that we don't actually have many boundaries ourselves. What else can we send that is further than this? Chemical, biological or nuclear?

I was watching the US combat vet who I follow the other day
Now I haven't gone to confirm it but seeing as he served I would trust him; he said that the US cluster munitions self destruct 12 hours after deployment.

Plus the Ukrainians have said they record every cluster munition fired.

Your beating a dead horse is this regard.
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