Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but I have to point out it's factually incorrect.Sorry but I disagree, the performance of the A10 is excellent.
If a plane is designed primarily to kill tanks, and be really robust/survivable, and sucks in both areas, it's wrong to call it excellent simply because it makes a "BRRRT" noise, especially if it is then repurposed for close air support and competitively sucks at that too. No amount of hype and YouTube videos can change the planes lacklustre combat performance and loss rates. The fact remains that unlike the A-10 an F-111 or Tornado could get to the target in under half the time, actually be relied on to hit the target, actually be relied on to destroy what they hit, and have a significantly higher chance of getting away (hence why the A-10 was relegated to moved in Desert Storm redeployed. That was over 30 years ago and modern lanes are even better at outclassing it.
The A-10 is a legendary plane, but like Steven Seagal that legendary reputation is built entirely on PR and flashy non combat demonstrations of it's capability (and in this case what it could theoretically do to large formations of Soviet tanks, despite the fact that theory turned out to be untrue), not actual combat performance.
So back to the point, sending A-10s to Ukraine would be completely pointless, as they already have aircraft that can do everything it can but better. And training them to use a new plane which the US stopped using in the dangerous parts of Iraq during Desert Storm due to it's poor performance and survivability in actual combat, would be a waste of time and resources.
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