Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Quoting the UN is disingenuous or painting a false narrative now is it? I know you pair can't stand Roar87 but this attempt to belittle what they've said is very silly now.

If you can't handle the simple truth, that according to the UN both sides have abused their POW's (which is exactly what Roar87 said), then thats a YOU problem, not a Roar87 problem. Hell, I said it too when it first happened, that according the Laws of Armed Conflict that I trained in yearly for over 20 years, Ukraine had abused its POW's and that is a fact. I also said that Russia has abused Ukrainian POW's too, do you want to come after me now as well for saying that?

I also remember people in this thread demanding that Ukraine should torture and murder their Russian POW's after a Russian soldier sliced the testicles off a Ukrainian POW and then added a laugh emoji to my post complaining about it, thats the level of depravity of some of the "good people" in here and how they think POW's should be treated, so I will take no lectures from anyone in here on POW treatment.

***edit*** changed the yellow text for accuracy after re-reading my July '22 post.

You’re wrong. I can stand Roar, even when he gets upset. Yeah, Roar is being disingenuous and knows he is.
Quoting the UN is disingenuous or painting a false narrative now is it? I know you pair can't stand Roar87 but this attempt to belittle what they've said is very silly now.

If you can't handle the simple truth, that according to the UN both sides have abused their POW's (which is exactly what Roar87 said), then thats a YOU problem, not a Roar87 problem. Hell, I said it too when it first happened, that according the Laws of Armed Conflict that I trained in yearly for over 20 years, Ukraine had abused its POW's and that is a fact. I also said that Russia has abused Ukrainian POW's too, do you want to come after me now as well for saying that?

I also remember people in this thread demanding that Ukraine should torture and murder their Russian POW's after a Russian soldier sliced the testicles off a Ukrainian POW and then added a laugh emoji to my post complaining about it, thats the level of depravity of some of the "good people" in here and how they think POW's should be treated, so I will take no lectures from anyone in here on POW treatment.

***edit*** changed the yellow text for accuracy after re-reading my July '22 post.

Filming POWs isn't quite the same as castrating them is it. The US and the UK forces abused POWs, does that make them the same as Russia? Russia is on another level. They've committed mass murder of civilians, kidnapped thousands of children yet Roar just can't help himself but try and paint Ukraine as equally the bad guys in this, its not even close.

Did you actually read that document? I just skimmed it and its nearly all Russian crimes. The POW sections mentions 2 incidents involving Ukrainian soldiers, one where some prisoners they had just taken were shot in the legs and tortured and another wounded Russian solider being killed. These kind of innocents will happen at the front line, our own soldiers have done the same in moments of anger and the Ukrainians have lots to be angry about. It then goes on to mention numerous crimes committed by Russia on a grand scale and not at the front but in camps, the kind of things you'd expect to read about in Nazi camps or ISIS camps. So Roar's "both sides are as bad as each other" is just his usual crap, the same rubbish he has come out with again and again regarding this war.
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Well they started with ~1000, they've been confirmed to have lost ~200 and they're still being produced as fast as they can pump them out, so sadly quite a few left even if they are taking barrels from working once to replace worn ones as reported.

Maintenance (or lack of) and/or barrel wear will likely have seen to a fair few as well by now.
We need to crush Russia before China has a chance to turn her into a vassal state. We must leave Russia so worthless that China will be forced to continue her colonisation of Africa, where she'll be safely removed from the European sphere of influence.
How ro you leave a country thats only real value is in land and resources worthless?
Always in with the Russian defence.


Always the same inane replies with no contribution or even real opinion. Literally click your posts in this thread and read through them. Kind of ironic that you posted the below yesterday.

Pretty much your entire posting history in this thread could be called spam.
If he isn't a contrairan how will he have an identity?

At least it is an opinion. There has been a marked increase in people just spouting off the same drivel about people being bots or wringing their hands like old housewives if anyone questions 1% of the narrative.

I'm quite open about my ambivalence on this topic with the exception of a few topics which make me a sad panda.

1) Cluster munitions or any other evil **** that is normalised by any side
2) Potential for escalation as I know it would do a 5bn of improvement to Birmingham and London if it was nuked but honestly would rather do without it.
3) The sheer amount of death and misery on both sides by poor swines and the glee at which people have celebrated death and destruction in this thread because it was done by "their" side.
Yo, Who asked.

Seeing as its a discussion forum I thought I would offer my own opinion. Especially when you have back to back replies basically saying the same thing, not sure you're in a position to be lecturing others.
  1. Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

    Hahahaha, bro I’ve never seen you type an original thought. Every time you say something I’ve seen it verbatim on some right wing, maga filled conspiracy forum. Then you come and parrot it here like you’ve made some deeply thought provoking discovery. Get over yourself, you’re so...
    1. Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

      Cry me a river, you repeat verbatim the same **** I see on right wing conspiracy forums. I've rarely seen you post an original thought in this thread.
At least it is an opinion. There has been a marked increase in people just spouting off the same drivel about people being bots or wringing their hands like old housewives if anyone questions 1% of the narrative.

I'm quite open about my ambivalence on this topic with the exception of a few topics which make me a sad panda.

1) Cluster munitions or any other evil **** that is normalised by any side
2) Potential for escalation as I know it would do a 5bn of improvement to Birmingham and London if it was nuked but honestly would rather do without it.
3) The sheer amount of death and misery on both sides by poor swines and the glee at which people have celebrated death and destruction in this thread because it was done by "their" side.
So you're on the side of the attacked should just accept the loss?
Based on this post? Birmingham nuked nonsense?

Cluster munitions qith a sub 1% failure rate mean nothing in a rural landscape with what was it a cataloged 5+ mines per square meter, and artilary delivered mines? The uxo risk is laughable to make a point of.

If it helps though I'm not calling roar a bot we've been on here for a decade plus each. The ***** the 1% though? Hells angels elites?
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So you're on the side of the attacked should just accept the loss?
Based on this post? Birmingham nuked nonsense?

Cluster munitions qith a sub 1% failure rate mean nothing in a rural landscape with what was it a cataloged 5+ mines per square meter, and artilary delivered mines? The uxo risk is laughable to make a point of.

Definitely not. I think it's admirable that people for their homeland and I certainly support a party in the face of barbaric aggression as is the case here. Goes without saying.

I am also pretty sure there is a red line for support which will lead to an escalation in this war towards something bigger. No idea what is is but it's not impossible to imagine it happening hence why I am more cautious as people are ******* stupid once they have "face to lose" by backing down.

As for cluster munitions on the surface I don't really care about it in a particular incidence, it's more that it was one of things that nearly the whole world agreed on as being universally bad things (no matter how effective they are!) and with this conflict has seen them normalised. I have zero doubt R&D has started again on such developments and we will see them used in future conflicts where the answer from the aggressor then will be "America said it was fine, why shouldn't WE use it".... Lets not forget the outrage in 2022 when early in the conflict Russia was accused of using such barbarous weapons.......and how they were rightly seen as pariahs. And yet now it's all fun and games.
How can we help Ukraine when we are having to mothball both our amphibious assault ships and scrap two frigates early , ridding ourselves of all remaining tranche 1 typhoons as well.

Total farce.

Such uncertain times and the west still can't wake up, especially the UK.

It concerns me in that not being strongly prepared tends to make potential war with Russia that much more likely, even now. As those who've had deep professional foreign policy involvement or those like Kasparov with their political background have said many times though it somewhat stereotypical Russia only understands to exploit perceived weakness.

The will be some of pacifist bent, etc. celebrating and/or championing for the reduction of our military not comprehending, at least in the current climate, they are actually supporting an increased risk of conflict with the likes of Russia.
The Barney Rubles are out in force tonight. Must be reinvigorated after their christmas roast cabbage feast.
This thread can be really brilliant at times, I take great interest in this conflict and it can bring up a lot of interesting conversation about both current and new/emerging technologies/capabilities. Sadly it always seems to be the same names turning the thread into a big hot steaming pile of rubbish

There seems to be a lot of doom posting happening, in reference to potential future world scale conflicts. I would love to just dismiss this particular line of thinking but its something I have been actively thinking about for quite some time now. It feels like we are slowly creeping towards an inevitable conclusion which will be a global scale conflict in the coming 5-10+ years. I want it not to be true but the longer this goes on and the more we see Russia and its "allies" inciting flashpoints throughout the world. The more I feel the inevitable outcome will be reality.
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