Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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There seems to be a lot of doom posting happening, in reference to potential future world scale conflicts. I would love to just dismiss this particular line of thinking but its something I have been actively thinking about for quite some time now. It feels like we are slowly creeping towards an inevitable conclusion which will be a global scale conflict in the coming 5-10+ years. I want it not to be true but the longer this goes on and the more we see Russia and its "allies" inciting flashpoints throughout the world. The more I feel the inevitable outcome will be reality.

There are quite a lot of opinions in this respect I feel are 90+% ludicrous in reality but at the same time it would be foolish to entirely dismiss the possibility, especially if we are complacent and invite trouble. Russia thought Ukraine had been "cucked" by the West, they really thought the country would fold in "3 days" - I doubt they'd have attacked if they knew what they know now, but even so even now they are likely emboldened by the potential to wear down the West's attention span and willingness to fund and resource what it will take to keep them suppressed, they've been slowly finding over the last few months they don't have to play by "our" rules and that increasingly becomes dangerous.

I firmly believe it is entirely in our own hands to prevent this turning into a larger conflict - short of Putin/Russia going fully crazy, I also believe it has the potential to become a larger conflict but I don't believe it is has to be inevitable. But as you mentioned there is the potential for incited flashpoints around the world lighting a spark which can't be undone.

In many ways I would agree with the people who say we are in the 1936-39 period and have history to go on to do better.

Personally my opinion is we'll see things evolve back to the worst of the Cold War days, rather than a hot conflict, and all the expense and pain of that.
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I haven't said Russians haven't mistreated their POWs though, I've said both sides do. Why would them not having access to Russian territory make me wrong?

you said both sides are treating them the same.
There is no evidence of that
The report you cite as backup doesn't say that.
It was heavily criticised at the time as it was basically only based on Ukraine and IIRC there was an issue with one of the main people behind the report, I cannot now remember the exact details but he was open a pro russian or something like that.

Anyway again it DIDN'T say they were to use your words, which people took offence with "Both sides are treating each other the same way"

Even by your own low level reasoning seeing as the report did not have access to the equivalent areas in Russia they could not have said both sides were treating each other the same way.
The Russian camps could have looked like 5 star resorts, no one visited them. You just projected.

We all know there will be some dodgy **** happen in war. The British military has done it as well, it happens.
Zelensky has come out saying hes unhappy when stuff has come out in the news about it.

Would you say the Ukrainians defending their land from invasion, those who see reports of fellow non combat citizens being raped, murdered, having hosiptals etc bombed, may be just a little ****** off, compared to Russian invading troops.
Would you not yourself in that same situation think you may seek a bit of revenge at times? I bet most would. We are not talking fully professional troops here. Plus like I said above, even our fully professional troops have done it.
Definitely not. I think it's admirable that people for their homeland and I certainly support a party in the face of barbaric aggression as is the case here. Goes without saying.

I am also pretty sure there is a red line for support which will lead to an escalation in this war towards something bigger. No idea what is is but it's not impossible to imagine it happening hence why I am more cautious as people are ******* stupid once they have "face to lose" by backing down.

As for cluster munitions on the surface I don't really care about it in a particular incidence, it's more that it was one of things that nearly the whole world agreed on as being universally bad things (no matter how effective they are!) and with this conflict has seen them normalised. I have zero doubt R&D has started again on such developments and we will see them used in future conflicts where the answer from the aggressor then will be "America said it was fine, why shouldn't WE use it".... Lets not forget the outrage in 2022 when early in the conflict Russia was accused of using such barbarous weapons.......and how they were rightly seen as pariahs. And yet now it's all fun and games.

Again, not sure why we have to keep going over it.
Early in the war Russia were using their low quality (high failure rate of individual munitions, left live if failed to detonate) cluster weapons on large civilian targets like supermarkets. In someone elses country.
Later in the war Ukraine were using high quality (low failure rate and delayed fuse disabling) US supplied cluster weapons on military targets IN DEFENCE OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Not only the above but as we have been over, Ukraine have said that they are recording where they fire EVERY SINGLE cluster munition so they have at least an imperfect map for post war. I Say imperfect as its never going to be 100%, some unit may fire and then get killed for example.

Sorry for the caps but we have been over and over this one and your hatred of cluster munitions whilst seemingly on the right side is blinding your ability to be objective.

Sorry for the caps bits but I think they are really really important.
Does anyone try and verify any of this Twitter stuff?
Is it something to do with epiphany because they are giving "presents"
What do the people say?
Guess I'll try myself.

Anyway if it's for basic food then good I guess hopefully a rebellious spark.
Probably not though. People are tough. Not westerners.
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Does anyone try and verify any of this Twitter stuff?
Is it something to do with epiphany because they are giving "presents"
What do the people say?
Guess I'll try myself.

Anyway if it's for basic food then good I guess hopefully a rebellious spark.
Probably not though. People are tough. Not westerners.

* Epiphany is celebrated on the 6th of January, not the 3rd
* everyone in this crowd looks unhappy; some people are crying; many are yelling
* it's completely disorganised; just a mob of people shoving each other to reach the van (even allowing for the fact that Russians are notorious for their lack of social etiquette, and despite centuries of interaction with Western culture, still don't know how to queue)

Nobody in this video looks tough. They all look desperate and miserable.
Nobody in this video looks tough. They all look desperate and miserable.
Then you my friend have lead a very charmed life.
Are you young, proper Aussie or emigrated there?
You have an uncharacteristic even for most, genocidal hatred of Russia...
Family migrated to Australia to escape some Communist atrocities?
That's all fine you can do say what you want it's just nice to build up an idea of other posters. I always had you down as a funny person with YouTube vids but the genocide of Russia caught me off guard.

Me I'm a wishy washy pussy for example. I'll say 5 things then do another.
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Russia two years ago: 'Western Europe will freeze!'

Russia today:

Piles of rubbish are common and if you don't have or can't afford gas, just burn the rubbish for free heating :) Thats called Russian ingenuity, the western mind would never think of such clever ideas, it is too decadent, too used to having lots of food and heating
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Then you my friend have lead a very charmed life.

No, I grew up with poverty and domestic violence. Care to address the points I've made? Look at the people in that video. The tears. The yelling. The shoving. The crowding. All for a few scraps of donated food. Does that come across to you as a typical scene of cosy Russian life?

Are you young, proper Aussie or emigrated there?

I'm in my 50s, married with 2 children, born in Australia to an English immigrant and an Australian citizen.

You have an uncharacteristic even for most, genocidal hatred of Russia...


Me I'm a wishy washy pussy for example. I'll say 5 things then do another.

Yes, that's certainly my impression of you.
Care to address the points I've made? Look at the people in that video. The tears. The yelling. The shoving. The crowding. All for a few scraps of donated food. Does that come across to you as a typical scene of cosy Russian life?
Without a translation of what they are saying then yeah it looks like a crowd of people being funneled to receive some token gesture christmas presents. I see a santa hat in the crowd. They look like they are very old, mostly focused on pensioners and "mothers" probably unemployed, probably "desperate"/borderline poverty. Thats just me guessing.

Screaming and crying is supplied by one woman at the start, who knows why shes doing that in reality. Lost her kid? Starving to death? No one looks like they are starving to death. I dont even know how you can say by watching the video there is food in those boxes? I translation would help.

They are living in a warzone, so no its probably not typical russian life, i imagine typical russian life to also be borderline poverty for a lot of its citizens too, just like in the Uk were a percentage of people cant afford to heat houses or feed their kids.... Struggling people are everywhere. Russia is a ******** i think we all know that?

Shoving and crowding?? There's 250 people there tops... Ive seen worse at tube stations .

I'm now going to go out of my way to care about a translation of what they are saying.. Its obviously going to be pro government propaganda praising the party for its generosity or it wouldn't be allowed to air...

You posted Russia should be destroyed and the soil of russia be destroyed so its resources cant be absorbed by china.
Thats very genocidal even by Scipio Africanus standards.

Ok i tried to translate the audio direct it was naff...
I went old school and held up my google translate app to the subtitles... You can all do it. I suggest you do


Queuing up for free gifts being handed out, Gifts are for old people and children, its sweets.
First screaming woman wants her kid to be let out of the queue probably being squashed..
Officials say be organised there's more gifts than people here everyone will get some.

Official says to grandma (jokingly) are you not happy you got a present there's no crowding ?

THey start moaning about (suppressing) the crowd, yes it was a bit disorganised, One woman complains im going on social media people will here what a farce this free gift handout was.
The woman with the big facial mole aks what's going on then a guy answers they seem to have suppressed the kid
she says its horrible what they did to the kids here god have mercy etc etc

Everyone is angry and upset that the political stunt of handing out free candy was a bit of a shambles.
This is why i originally made the connection to epiphany...

Sankari I think you need to smoke some weed or something and chill out a bit. You seem to be extremely gullible but you do post funny youtube videos so thats good.

Slava Ukraini
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