Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Again, not sure why we have to keep going over it.
Early in the war Russia were using their low quality (high failure rate of individual munitions, left live if failed to detonate) cluster weapons on large civilian targets like supermarkets. In someone elses country.
Later in the war Ukraine were using high quality (low failure rate and delayed fuse disabling) US supplied cluster weapons on military targets IN DEFENCE OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Not only the above but as we have been over, Ukraine have said that they are recording where they fire EVERY SINGLE cluster munition so they have at least an imperfect map for post war. I Say imperfect as its never going to be 100%, some unit may fire and then get killed for example.

Sorry for the caps but we have been over and over this one and your hatred of cluster munitions whilst seemingly on the right side is blinding your ability to be objective.

Sorry for the caps bits but I think they are really really important.

Would you at least cover all my points including propagation as a result of normalisation of this conflict?
Without a translation of what they are saying then yeah it looks like a crowd of people being funneled to receive some token gesture christmas presents. I see a santa hat in the crowd. They look like they are very old, mostly focused on pensioners and "mothers" probably unemployed, probably "desperate"/borderline poverty. Thats just me guessing.

Screaming and crying is supplied by one woman at the start, who knows why shes doing that in reality. Lost her kid? Starving to death? No one looks like they are starving to death. I dont even know how you can say by watching the video there is food in those boxes? I translation would help.

They are living in a warzone, so no its probably not typical russian life, i imagine typical russian life to also be borderline poverty for a lot of its citizens too, just like in the Uk were a percentage of people cant afford to heat houses or feed their kids.... Struggling people are everywhere. Russia is a ******** i think we all know that?

Shoving and crowding?? There's 250 people there tops... Ive seen worse at tube stations .

I'm now going to go out of my way to care about a translation of what they are saying.. Its obviously going to be pro government propaganda praising the party for its generosity or it wouldn't be allowed to air...

Ask @Allnamestaken about this.

Interestingly enough I find this thread fascinating for just how well propaganda works on just about everyone. Some of the slavish behaviour on a random PC forum shows how under the skin it really gets for a lot of people even when they had no skin in the matter!

Bring back mcarthyism I say!
Ask @Allnamestaken about this.

Interestingly enough I find this thread fascinating for just how well propaganda works on just about everyone. Some of the slavish behaviour on a random PC forum shows how under the skin it really gets for a lot of people even when they had no skin in the matter!

Bring back mcarthyism I say!

He speaks russian?

Ive done my own ghetto edit and applied it to a previous post.....

Not that anyone gives a ****. Propaganda works both ways. I'm a russian vatnik etc etc.
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Without a translation of what they are saying then yeah it looks like a crowd of people being funneled to receive some token gesture christmas presents.

Nope. Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January, not the 3rd.

I see a santa hat in the crowd. They look like they are very old, mostly focused on pensioners and "mothers" probably unemployed, probably "desperate"/borderline poverty. Thats just me guessing.

I think that's accurate.

Screaming and crying is supplied by one woman at the start, who knows why shes doing that in reality. Lost her kid? Starving to death? No one looks like they are starving to death. I dont even know how you can say by watching the video there is food in those boxes? I translation would help.

I didn't claim anyone was starving to death.

They are living in a warzone

Yes. They are suffering the consequences of the war Putin started. A war they support, started by a president they support.

All the naïve predictions that popular discontent triggered by sanctions and the wartime restrictions imposed on daily life would bring down Vladimir Putin’s regime have come to nothing.

In many ways, quite the opposite has happened. Most Russians might not identify with the regime, but they have consolidated around the Kremlin, which they believe to be fighting tooth and nail against a West that is seeking to destroy Russia.

Despite the fact that such a depiction is at odds with reality, a great many Russians have accepted it as the most logical explanation for this protracted nightmare.


so no its probably not typical russian life

Thanks, I'm glad we can agree on that.

You posted Russia should be destroyed and the soil of russia be destroyed so its resources cant be absorbed by china.

No, that is not even remotely what I said. If you're going to disagree with me, at least have the decency to be honest when replying.

I have consistently argued against the idea that China should absorb Russia, I have said she should be allowed to continue her colonisation of Africa instead.

I have said Russia should be made worthless to ensure that absorbing her is not an attractive proposal for China. The best way to achieve this is to destroy Russia's resources: her lakes, her forests, and her mines. This would cause economic damage without eliminating essential food supplies or attacking civilians and population centres.

So no, it's not genocidal. If I wanted to be genocidal, I'd say 'Nuke the entire country, hit major population centres first, carpet bomb every other population centre, target civiian infrastructure as a priority, and destroy all sources of food production—starting with fields and livestock—then steal tens of thousands of children and give them to families in another country, just like Russia's been doing with Ukrainian children.'

Queuing up for free gifts being handed out, Gifts are for old people and children, its sweets.

OK, sweets specifically, not food generally. Seems a pretty big crowd for sweets, and rather odd that it's 90% old people, and a bit strange that everyone is so crazy to get their hands on a few sweets, but it is a warzone as you say, so perhaps they really are that hungry.

You seem to be extremely gullible

'Sweets' rather than 'food' does not make me 'extremely gullible.'
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BTW, I will admit to some anti-Russian bias, as my paternal grandmother was Polish, and I do hold a grudge against the Russians for what they did to Poland during WWII and the Cold War era.

This aside, I believe it's still fair to say that a country which decriminalises domestic violence, turns a blind eye to the violent persecution of minorities, invades its neighbours and carries out genocidal policies against them with the overwhelming support of its citizens, is not a civliised country.
We need to crush Russia before China has a chance to turn her into a vassal state. We must leave Russia so worthless that China will be forced to continue her colonisation of Africa, where she'll be safely removed from the European sphere of influence.

How ro you leave a country thats only real value is in land and resources worthless?

You destroy its land and resources.

Sorry if i interpreted that as anything but mass genocide then .... localised Planetary terraformation :p lol

Anyway to stop china getting their paws on Russia..

Ill let other members judge whos making stuff up/dishonest whatever you said.
BTW i understand about the polish family connection thats fair enough a reason to have your opinions. Its just good to get others perspectives.
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Just been checking crude oil prices and it’s not looking good at all. I think the price cap needs to be lowered or sanctions imposed on India and China.
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Quoting the UN is disingenuous or painting a false narrative now is it?
When you're abusing the context to paint a false narrative yes it is. You could have saved time replying by simply reading all of the post you quoted, I'll copy pasta the most important part for you:

There is a distinct difference between a handful of Russian soldiers captured by Ukraine being shoved, spat on or called names by some angry Ukrainians. And thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilian hostages captured by Russia being beaten, starved, raped, sodomised, and subjected to torture and forced amputation/castration (sometimes fatally).​

Nobody is saying that Ukraine have not mistreated prisoners, we are simply saying that the scale and severity between what the two sides have done/are doing is not in the same league, it's not even the same game, and the attempts by Putinistas to excuse their teams actions with the "both sides does bad stuff" argument is purile.
When you're abusing the context to paint a false narrative yes it is. You could have saved time replying by simply reading all of the post you quoted, I'll copy pasta the most important part for you:

There is a distinct difference between a handful of Russian soldiers captured by Ukraine being shoved, spat on or called names by some angry Ukrainians. And thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilian hostages captured by Russia being beaten, starved, raped, sodomised, and subjected to torture and forced amputation/castration (sometimes fatally).​

Nobody is saying that Ukraine have not mistreated prisoners, we are simply saying that the scale and severity between what the two sides have done/are doing is not in the same league, it's not even the same game, and the attempts by Putinistas to excuse their teams actions with the "both sides does bad stuff" argument is purile.

Possibly ianh is unaware of this group’s previous and numerous attempts make these arguments. They also possible missed the pages of debunking and the level of ignorance being demonstrated.
This thread can be really brilliant at times, I take great interest in this conflict and it can bring up a lot of interesting conversation about both current and new/emerging technologies/capabilities. Sadly it always seems to be the same names turning the thread into a big hot steaming pile of rubbish
The main problem with the thread in recent times is that in the ten years since the thread started the approach to moderation on the forum has changed, and whereas in the past the bots/trolls would be banned or thread banned now the mods just expect/instruct everyone else in the thread to put them on ignore. Which would be fine in a motors thread or even a politics thread but it doesn't work in a thread about something this important because if somebody posts lies/misinformation/mistruths/etc and nobody challenges/corrects it then it stands there uncorrected and is there for anyone to find by searching Google or the forum (or simply browsing the thread), and failure to challenge misinformation has become one of the main ways that misinformation spreads online.

Russia two years ago: 'Western Europe will freeze!'

Russia today:
If I recall correctly there was a point in the early 1900s or late 1800s when the economy in Germany got so bad that workers were taking their wages home in wheelbarrows then burning the cash because it was more efficient than using it to buy wood/coal. I'm not saying Russia is getting to that point (yet) but it seems the sanctions are having a decent effect on their economy, just a shame it's the poorest feeling it the most and not the elites :(
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If I recall correctly there was a point in the early 1900s or late 1800s when the economy in Germany got so bad that workers were taking their wages home in wheelbarrows then burning the cash because it was more efficient than using it to buy wood/coal. I'm not saying Russia is getting to that point (yet) but it seems the sanctions are having a decent effect on their economy, just a shame it's the poorest feeling it the most and not the elites :(

And that is the issue. The Russian economy is performing too well. The sanctions need to be increased as clearly Russia is negating them. I had hoped the Saudi government would have upped its oil production and tanked global oil prices to wipeout the unscrupulous traders.
The Barney Rubles are out in force tonight. Must be reinvigorated after their christmas roast cabbage feast.

Seasoned with a special blend of Testosterone and Panzerschokolade. But yeah, looks like a busy night of posting and probably a lot of spam RTM. I feel sorry for the mid team.

The interesting aspect is the propaganda onslaught is often followed by bad news for Russia. I’m eagerly waiting what that is. Maybe the sanctioned 300 billion is about to be released to Ukraine, or a deal on the US aid is about to be done.

My hopes for this year are Ukraine receiving,
50 billion from the EU
300 billion from ill gotten gains
63 billion from the US

Greater sanctions on Russia and its supporters.
To see Russian oil and Gas industries running at a loss.
Civil unrest in Russia.
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Seasoned with a special blend of Testosterone and Panzerschokolade. But yeah, looks like a busy night of posting and probably a lot of spam RTM. I feel sorry for the mid team.

The interesting aspect is the propaganda onslaught is often followed by bad news for Russia. I’m eagerly waiting what that is. Maybe the sanctioned 300 billion is about to be released to Ukraine, or a deal on the US aid is about to be done.

My hopes for this year are Ukraine receiving,
50 billion from the EU
300 billion from ill gotten gains
63 billion from the US

Greater sanctions on Russia and its supporters.
To see Russian oil and Gas industries running at a loss.
Civil unrest in Russia.

You are delusional jigger.... You think posting on a computer forum by random people actually means something. I'm sat writing this on the toilet right now before going out for pizza with some friends. There is no conspiracy here lol.

P.s I have no problem with American money flowing to Ukraine to pay their pensions and civil servants. Not my money not my concern.
You are delusional jigger.... You think posting on a computer forum by random people actually means something. I'm sat writing this on the toilet right now before going out for pizza with some friends. There is no conspiracy here lol.

P.s I have no problem with American money flowing to Ukraine to pay their pensions and civil servants. Not my money not my concern.

Seem upset again. Can you point on a doll to the nerve my post struck?
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