Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Maybe its how I've been conditioned, I dont see the additional grenade drop situation above as particularly inhumane, torturous or unnecessary suffering, or shall we phrase that better, any more than the rest of this conflict. If anything, further follow up grenades would have served to hasten his passing and reduce suffering. Lets face it he was going to be left to suffer a horrible death in a cold stinking trench. A lot of the time when we are seeing these videos they are after large attacks and the drones are going in to mop up left behind/wounded/dead or dying. Whats the alternative? have to send in Ukrainian boots in to high risk contested ground where risk of death or serious injury is extremely high. The use of drones is remarkably effective in this conflict, it serves to protect Ukrainian lives and as a constant lingering threat and fear for the invaders. Also lets remember its not just Ukraine doing it, Russia do it too, its just that we see a lot more footage of it from the Ukrainian perspective.

As far as I see it this kind of think dosnt have any effect on Ukraine's moral standing
Yes to kill him. If anything you're probably putting him out of his misery. So how is any of that torture. Explain.

Mercy killings are illegal under the Geneva Convention and are classed as murder.

It's an interesting point by Efour and highlights the difficulty (impossibility?) of trying to maintain a civilised attitude in the midst of something that is inherently uncivilised.

AFAI can tell, under the Geneva Convention a non-combatant is even a combatant who is hors de combat (unable to fight) by sickness or wounds and as such is then under the protection of the act and should be treated humanely without any type of mutilation or cruel treatment.

So as much as I am initially of the opinion "meh, they're a soldier being killed in war" if we ascribe to the Geneva Convention then it technically shouldn't happen, but it goes back to my previous point of how do you realistically apply civilised behaviour as an absolute to an act of trying to kill each other.
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Mercy killings are illegal under the Geneva Convention and are classed as murder.

It's an interesting point by Efour and highlights the difficulty (impossibility?) of trying to maintain a civilised attitude in the midst of something that is inherently uncivilised.

AFAI can tell, under the Geneva Convention a non-combatant is even a combatant who is hors de combat (unable to fight) by sickness or wounds and as such is then under the protection of the act and should be treated humanely without any type of mutilation or cruel treatment.

So as much as I am initially of the opinion "meh, they're a soldier being killed in war" if we ascribe to the Geneva Convention then it technically shouldn't happen, but it goes back to my previous point of how do you realistically apply civilised behaviour as an absolute to an act of trying to kill each other.

The geneva convention which was last updated in 1977. I don't think this really caveats the development of drone warfare. (correct me if wrong) It's one thing to prevent mercy killings if you stumble upon the enemy, it's completely different if the enemy is far away on the battlefield, still likely hostile and not in your captivity. We also know Russia will throw them straight back to the front asap if you don't finish them off.

Anyways, I also don't base my morals on what I think is right based on a written document. My views aren't bound by thats so in my opinion it's a no brainer to keep dropping drone bombs.
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This is always the difficulty.
When is someone incapacitated? For me when they could take no offensive action, so the vast majority of the "extra" grenades I have seen being dropped would not meet that test.
Most of the time an injured guy is plenty capable of pointing his AK your direction and pulling the trigger, even if hes basically going to die.

There is footage for example of Russians how have been hit taking their own lives, with grenades and their own weapons. Someone should be rushing to tell them they are not allowed to undertake mercy killings ;)
Not once that soldier is incapacitated, then they are classed as a non-combatant afaik
With that comment I was more aiming at his objections of "sod them all" than this specific video which I havnt watched.
However yes an incapacitated soldier who has lost the ability to fight would indeed be protected under the convention. Obviously with the caveat if he was to pick up arms again and pose a risk would therefore forfeit any protections.
I think the point is being missed. It's a philosophical musing, kinda falling on the wrong crowd.

4x they dropped on him to kill him. That's like a cat playing with a mouse.

I can't link the video but it's nothing special. I'm sure 100s exist.

When you're sitting there in ww3 and some Chinese kids dropping grenades on your head I wonder if you'll think oh well this is fine. Totally understand.

Rules of war need to be rewritten. Re thinked. It'll be ai drones in 10 years "Mercy" killing" enemy wounded. That's just fine because they "deserve it."

I know orks, InvaderZ. Sub human ruzzians whatever it takes to make this normal.

I think Haggisman at least gets the spirit of it

I'm just not sure, after my wife kids and cat have been raped, I'll take so much joy in dropping grenades on a half dead guy. Guess it was a slow drone war day, nothing better to drop on.
Guess I'll find out one day soon.
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There is evidence of both sides breaking elements of the geneva convention throughout the war, though I think most would agree Russia has broken it more severely/more often.

Do you post here calling Russia out for doing this type of thing when it comes up?

I think you need to lay off the combat footage of drones dropping grenades on people, not sure why you'd want to watch it when it clearly impacts you so much.
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