Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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If thing really go south for Ukraine I can honestly see the Poles entering the war to try and save that bit of western Ukraine that they lost at the end of WW2 when their boarders were shifted west. They have long memories of what the Russians did last time and quite rightly have no wish to let them repeat it.
With war fighting on all fronts the UK defence industry should be filling it's order books nicely.

About 3 decades of under funding coming back to haunt use there, you would think we would have people lining up to buy storm shadow off us by now.
About 3 decades of under funding coming back to haunt use there, you would think we would have people lining up to buy storm shadow off us by now.
Storm Shadow is actually obselete now, its being replaced by FC/ASW - its the only reason it was given to Ukraine by either country.
About 3 decades of under funding coming back to haunt use there, you would think we would have people lining up to buy storm shadow off us by now.

Its not really "ours" to sell. It was a join UK/France project via the UK/European firm; MDBA that develop and sell the things; BAE own 37.5%, Airbus own 37.5% and Leonardo the rest of it.
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Huge opportunity for UK MIC. Should be all over this.
Oh yeah totally :D

Arms customer: Got any more of those Challengers? They seem to be outdoing Russia's stuff
UK: Ooh, sorry we don't make those anymore, but if you speak to Germany they make good tanks, we're actually paying them to upgrade our Challengers to a new C3 standard they've developed for us.
Arms customer: Okay, how about those Storm Shadows?
UK: Yeah no problem here's the price, they're a little more expensive than what France charges for the exact same missile, but we gave ours a cooler name, nobody runs because the Scalp-EG is coming!
Arms customer: Okay, any F-16s? or F/A-18s?
UK: No sorry, that's the USA, but we have the Typhoon, it's basically the same as the newer F/A-18s except it can't land on an aircraft carrier and costs twice as much because bureaucracy.
Arms customer: Okay, I'll see you later.
UK: Wait, wanna buy an aircraft carrier? We've just built ourselves a couple and could knock one up for you too, now they're technically inferior to what China/India are building but if you stick a bunch of F-35s on them that's all people notice! Please come back!
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New vid on Twitter with two M2 Bradleys engage a T-90. Bradleys came out on top and funny enough the turret on the T-90 broke and started spinning uncontrollably

This turret spinning thing seems to be common on Russian tanks. One of the four T-72's used at their last "tank Olympics" suffered from the same thing during the marksmanship contest, the tank with a round loaded had its turret start spinning and aiming at the spectators
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the way poland is currently tooling its military up i get the feeling their prepping for taking Russia on with or without support from anyone else.
24 Billion sounds like a lot but when you look at what Ukrains spent then. in reality it not even close to enough.

The US alone is at 110billion between equipment humanitarian aid etc Then when you add up the rest of the countries helping its probably around the 200 billion mark.

Another thing is Russia has no capacity to try and invade another country now and wont for a good few years after this war is over.

The fact that Poland is NATO with their attack one you attack us all policy then no, Putin mad but not Mad enough to attack a NATO country.

If Trump gets in then he pulls the US out of NATO and gives Putin the green light but Russia has no capacity to wage war in the 4 years he has with Trump in charge.

Although Trump wants to be a dictator so he will try and probably will find a way to stay in power after his 8th year is up. You cant rule it out as he has done things no one ever though would be possible, every GOP member is terrified of him with anyone who speaks out getting death threats which tends to keep them in line.

With Trump in power the world is in danger, I wouldn't even put it past him to join BRICKS, that who his friends are.
Be funny if trump saves humanity from the brink of WW3 with a round of cold McDonald's
More like invoting putin for a shared spay tan session.

The UK arms industry is a casualty of Brexit. The majority of arms are too complex and expensive to develop and of course Brexit will see the designs being less than compatible thus reducing the sales qnd increasing unit cost. Add to that the dumbification of the population by tory education policy means we’ll simply be looking to buy arma with cash from a backrupt brexit economy.
Mad TDS as usual.

If anyone starts ww3 it'll be fully underway B4 anyone gets elected. Like I think it'll sadly be Trump that takes the glory for de escalation and that might involve some shallow unpalatable promises for NATO.
24 Billion sounds like a lot but when you look at what Ukrains spent then. in reality it not even close to enough.

The US alone is at 110billion between equipment humanitarian aid etc Then when you add up the rest of the countries helping its probably around the 200 billion mark.

Another thing is Russia has no capacity to try and invade another country now and wont for a good few years after this war is over.

The fact that Poland is NATO with their attack one you attack us all policy then no, Putin mad but not Mad enough to attack a NATO country.

If Trump gets in then he pulls the US out of NATO and gives Putin the green light but Russia has no capacity to wage war in the 4 years he has with Trump in charge.

Although Trump wants to be a dictator so he will try and probably will find a way to stay in power after his 8th year is up. You cant rule it out as he has done things no one ever though would be possible, every GOP member is terrified of him with anyone who speaks out getting death threats which tends to keep them in line.

With Trump in power the world is in danger, I wouldn't even put it past him to join BRICKS, that who his friends are.

Thing with military budgets a lot depends on procurement, etc. a country with its own substantial raw industry, weapons/military development experience and sufficient tech sector could get a lot out of 24 billion, though more often it is spent inefficiently due to bureaucracy, corruption and so on. If you are buying most of your equipment from the US 24 billion won't go far at all.

The thing with Russia - they have the man power, industrial and weapons industry to ramp back up to levels where they would be a serious threat to neighbouring countries very quickly if they put their minds to it - but the pace for whatever reasons is all over the place an example of it being the AK-12 assault rifle - there has been a very slow process of "de-modernising" it so as to be able to build them quickly and economically but it has taken almost 2 years for the wheels to turn - with it only now going into mass serial production with the first batches of production line rather than hand-built guns being delivered this month. In the coming months they will be ramping the development and production of various new armoured fighting vehicles such as the VPK-7829 and have been talking to various companies in the quest for a replacement main battle tank as well as looking at re-opening some existing models production, if they put their minds to it they could ramp back up to a significant size and equipped armed forces, though the track record of late suggests otherwise.
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