Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yes, britain a nation of chavs and immigrants trying to enforce military service on people who have no real allegiance to the country. Should be fun to watch them try and implement that. Over 14% of your entire country wasn't even born in the UK. :D

Hahaha, I would subscribe to the YouTube channels to see this. Maybe the image of Britain presented to Europeans and World isn't exactly fair...but if 20% of it is true it should be amusing!

Yes let's ignore the 250,000,000,000 of support provided so far. Quarter of a trillion is just words I guess, inflation really is that strong!

I was saying the exact same thing about the chavs and high immigrant population. In the rare circumstances that we will ever get invaded, can you honestly see people from other cultures who have only been in the country for under 10 years fight side by side with people born here?. I can bet that they would also flee like what they have originally done to their homeland.

The chavs... are just a group of people not liking what to be told to do, they wouldn't last 10 minutes in a war as they have zero discipline.

in my opinion, a year conscription after school would be a huge benefit to society which will bring discipline and also help them grow up quicker. it will be great for individual character building as well
But it isn't like the Russians even have the capability to churn out massive amounts of high tech advanced weaponry in hardly anytime. Even on war footing/a war economy, i just cant see a feasible way that they could make enough weapons and machinery to rival NATO's combined forces.

NATO have four times as many aircraft and sea vessels for a start.

I'm no expert, but I doubt it is that easy to start churning out F-35 equivalents in great numbers when you are the 11th largest economy in the world...

As a general kind of overview:

They are trying to restart T-80 tank production (in a more economical re-design), are putting a new MBT tender out to armoured vehicle producers. The T-14 and T-90 are pretty much written off with the T-14 having no production line and the T-90 production lines tied up with maintenance and repairs with everyone from the T-14 development moved over to the T-90. Though they are producing some new T-90s (in the dozens per year - IIRC about 50-60 in 2023) they are having to cut corners to get them out the door with many lacking more modern features. But NATO tank production is in a pretty poor place as well.

They've been ramping up and restarting various military helicopter lines and have been ramping up KA-52 production.

They've shifted resources over to 2 new armoured fighting vehicles including the VPK-7829 Bumerang instead of the older BMPs, etc. though production is currently around 5 hand built units a month they've now shifted into series production and numbers will ramp up.

They've put a de-modernised AK-12 into a more economical production and will be ramping that up through this year with series production starting about a month ago - by all reports it is a piece of **** but it'll fire bullets and they'll soon be able to build it at scale to support a large armed forces.

Their aerospace production has suffered significantly due to sanctions but they've double-shifted on missile production and opening new facilities, modern fighter production is generally sub 30 units a year but that will probably double next year.

I think there is a potential risk NATO gets caught napping.
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in my opinion, a year conscription after school would be a huge benefit to society which will bring discipline and also help them grow up quicker. it will be great for individual character building as well
as someone who has been through 2 years of conscription (i'm singaporean), it's worthless for your perceived benefits
scum will still be scum
as someone who has been through 2 years of conscription (i'm singaporean), it's worthless for your perceived benefits
scum will still be scum

Depends a bit what kind of conscription it is - in some countries it is a lot more productive than others. Though largely I'd agree scum tend to stay scum but I do know some people who've been improved by the experience.
We should certainly consider national service.
I think to me the most logical approach would be a binding vote, those who vote yes, no matter their age can go first

Once those who voted for it have all taken their turn we can see if we need any more people to be trained ;)

Let me guess you're too old for your own proposal?

Let me guess you're expecting people to put their careers and lives on hold and disadvantage themselves. Do women also have to do this service?
Here for the record it's done quite well. There is a heavy tax penalty for not engaging. You can be conscientious objector if you are a wet blanket and do civil service instead.

But then again the population of Switzerland that engages in this is a close knit community with strong country ties and loyalty. Its a source of great pride here.
Do what though? With no land link Russia has no option of walking across our border, so that means everything has to be done at range via air or sea.

Russia has already shown its "excellence" in both these scenarios, being unable to dominate the air in a country adjacent to it, and its navy has been sunk by a country with no navy.

I find it hard to believe Russia has the capacity to invade us by sea, it has serious logistical issues supporting an invasion force by land in a country adjacent to it let alone sea at distance.

Long range bombing isn't really a long term solution, they will just get shot down on route by either ourselves or another NATO member.

So realistically this leaves russia a couple of options, 1. Try and starve us out by some sort of sea blockade and cut our subsea cables, but Russia isn't able to keep this up as its ships will be sunk. 2. Fire missiles at us of which Russia seems to have limited numbers plus its factories will be targeted by NATO and be diminished over time.

3. Nuclear war, if so then it is what it is.
If they really wanted too they could just send a few tourists in to poison everybody. ;)
Russia has already shown its "excellence" in both these scenarios, being unable to dominate the air in a country adjacent to it, and its navy has been sunk by a country with no navy.

I don't think Russia has the capability to invade us by sea, but their navy hasn't been sunk, the Black Sea fleet isn't their entire Navy.
Let me guess you're too old for your own proposal?

Let me guess you're expecting people to put their careers and lives on hold and disadvantage themselves. Do women also have to do this service?

Personally I think all UK should do national service. Including those coming in and taking UK citizenship.

The IDF conscription has a get out of it clause - if you're an entrepreneur with a company.. that's why there's so many Isreali startup companies. If that company fails.. back to subscription. Sounds bonafide.
This is the same Russian Navy who’s flagship has to be towed everywhere by tugs?

They do still have a large Navy, the Black Sea fleet isn't close to their entire Navy. Obviously I'm not saying their ships are to the same standard as ours, but I think some people think Russia has lost half their ships, which just isn't the case.
I was saying the exact same thing about the chavs and high immigrant population. In the rare circumstances that we will ever get invaded, can you honestly see people from other cultures who have only been in the country for under 10 years fight side by side with people born here?. I can bet that they would also flee like what they have originally done to their homeland.

The chavs... are just a group of people not liking what to be told to do, they wouldn't last 10 minutes in a war as they have zero discipline.

in my opinion, a year conscription after school would be a huge benefit to society which will bring discipline and also help them grow up quicker. it will be great for individual character building as well

Dont worry, the offended woke right will all flock to serve .... oh and raise conscription to age 65.
Yes, britain a nation of chavs and immigrants trying to enforce military service on people who have no real allegiance to the country. Should be fun to watch them try and implement that. Over 14% of your entire country wasn't even born in the UK. :D

Hahaha, I would subscribe to the YouTube channels to see this. Maybe the image of Britain presented to Europeans and World isn't exactly fair...but if 20% of it is true it should be amusing!

Yes let's ignore the 250,000,000,000 of support provided so far. Quarter of a trillion is just words I guess, inflation really is that strong!

Oh look the vatniks back again.

250 billion huh, care to show your workings out.

Also they need more tanks and arty shells and longe range weapons and aircraft etc etc, but you already knew that.

They are fighting with one arm tied up
Let me guess you're too old for your own proposal?

Let me guess you're expecting people to put their careers and lives on hold and disadvantage themselves. Do women also have to do this service?

So I specifically said you would go first if you voted for it, no matter your age

How anyone with a decent grasp of English could have managed to twist that to ask the question you did.
I am a bit stunned to be honest.

As I posted a day or so ago, in the modern world the question of man vs women and serving should there be a compulsory mobilisation is a very interesting debate.
Here for the record it's done quite well. There is a heavy tax penalty for not engaging. You can be conscientious objector if you are a wet blanket and do civil service instead.

But then again the population of Switzerland that engages in this is a close knit community with strong country ties and loyalty. Its a source of great pride here.

LOL, the swiss, have you ever turned up to fight for anything?

I am not sure the national strategy of hiding in holes under mountains would really be that effective a defense but there you go ;)
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