Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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LOL, the swiss, have you ever turned up to fight for anything?

The Pope?

Russia's lethal windows have struck again!

It's a health & safety nightmare. Considering how often this seems to happen, it makes you wonder whether there is some sort of legal factor. Is death by defenestration somehow not considered to be murder in Russia?

If I was Ukraine I'd by working on refining weapons grade materials already, if I'm Zelensky the sooner I can build nukes the sooner I can bring Putin to the negotiating table

The following could either be a movie plot or a future news report:

Ukrainian mad lad special ops teams steal nuclear warheads back from Russia that get fitted to brand new Ukrainian missiles. Russian invasion/World ends (delete as appropriate).
Oh look the vatniks back again.

250 billion huh, care to show your workings out.

Also they need more tanks and arty shells and longe range weapons and aircraft etc etc, but you already knew that.

They are fighting with one arm tied up

You able to google? That's what I did..

Lol at Vatnik, that really makes no sense.

So I specifically said you would go first if you voted for it, no matter your age

How anyone with a decent grasp of English could have managed to twist that to ask the question you did.
I am a bit stunned to be honest.

As I posted a day or so ago, in the modern world the question of man vs women and serving should there be a compulsory mobilisation is a very interesting debate.

I was half reading on conference call so fault is mine. Reality though of a middle aged, old crippled,l etc person having to do so is zero...

LOL, the swiss, have you ever turned up to fight for anything?

I am not sure the national strategy of hiding in holes under mountains would really be that effective a defense but there you go ;)

Think it would work okay enough. Chance to finally get rid of the germans as an added bonus. :D

Russia's lethal windows have struck again!

The moment any fresh conflict broke out in Western Europe, Switzerland would be on her knees begging the rest of us to rescue her, and promising to stop hoarding gold for foreign dictators.

The Swiss have just enough firepower to fend off a mildly determined owl. Anything more than that, and they'll need help.

Yeah yeah yeah. Helps we are surrounded by NATO ;) . Also everyone on both sides wants their gold to be safe ;).
If I was Ukraine I'd by working on refining weapons grade materials already, if I'm Zelensky the sooner I can build nukes the sooner I can bring Putin to the negotiating table

Not something you can really do covertly, weapons grade is very different to what is used for power.
If I was Ukraine I'd by working on refining weapons grade materials already, if I'm Zelensky the sooner I can build nukes the sooner I can bring Putin to the negotiating table
Personally I think we should just give them some nukes.

Putin complains then the answer is simple, "You gave Belarus nukes so why shouldn't we give Ukraine them"
Personally I think we should just give them some nukes.
Technically speaking we don't even need to give them any nukes.

All is needed is for the USA to return the weapons grade uranium that Ukraine gave them in 2012, Ukraine can handle it from there.

For anyone wondering, Ukraine giving away their weapons grade uranium (as well as decommissioning their stockpile of Scud missiles) was the brainchild of the Obama administration, designed to score political points with Putin and ensure increased security in Europe. This is one of the reasons Biden has supported Ukraine so hard, the fact that Putin suckered him into personally negotiating the conditions that made invasion possible is no doubt a source of great personal embarrassment/regret for him.


Never mind, the USA already gave that weapons grade uranium to Russia /facepalm.
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People need to step back from the war shows, and CoDs/Battlefields.
I swear 50% of this forum are just itching for conflict.

I'm itching for Russia to get out of Ukraine so the conflict can end. But that's not going to happen unless we stop forcing the Ukrainians to fight with one hand behind their backs.
You able to google? That's what I did..

Lol at Vatnik, that really makes no sense.

You are anti Ukraine.

I still can't find 250 billion so show me, However when I typed in Ukraine and 250 billion aid it came up with 250 million evil.
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And there you have it. He wants to keep the land he's already stolen, because he knows he can use it as a beachhead to steal some more as soon as the ink on the treaty is dry.

I suspect he knows spring is coming.. even if Ukraine has low ammo stock, the same is true for russia at the front lines. Also if Ukraine can hit Petersburg, it can hit the Siberian oil fields and Moscow in the next year. That would spell a political disaster for Putin.

Putin will just build up for the next special operation - he's also doing this as a political exercise for his "re-election" ...
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