Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Putin has had the same demands since prior to the invasion, which is that Ukraine shouldn't join NATO. Nothing will change on that

Hmm, it's almost like Roar doesn't actually know what he's talking about...


And there's always a projection from Roar that's apt

What's amazing is how you confidently speak about something you know so little about.
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Trump just can't wait to throw Ukraine under the bus.

That's a brilliant solution, as it also provides a simple answer to USA's southern border security concerns.

The solution is obviously to hand over California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to Mexico - then it won't be USA's problem anymore.

Problem solved. Trump is a genius.
Trump or Biden, Ukraine is going to have to survive without U.S. military aid, Biden is going to end up going down the same road as Trump.

There simply is no appetite in America to support the war in Ukraine.

Isolationism ftw the world over....

Bodes well for the future.
Wait, so politicians don't care about the people and only care about their own job and how much money they can make? Color me shocked, shocked I tell you! And here I thought people want to get into politics to make the world better, but instead 90% of them are just in it for the money and clout
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Trump or Biden, Ukraine is going to have to survive without U.S. military aid, Biden is going to end up going down the same road as Trump.

There simply is no appetite in America to support the war in Ukraine.

Well they are stupid then.

They have managed to wipe out a vast amount of Russia's military equipment with a relatively tiny budget and without even getting involved/risking any American soliders.

Whilst horrible for Ukraine, a prolonged war like this is a gift for the US in terms of diminishing Russia's military.
Trump or Biden, Ukraine is going to have to survive without U.S. military aid, Biden is going to end up going down the same road as Trump.

There simply is no appetite in America to support the war in Ukraine.
I thought this would happen earlier - but it must be a boom for all of the military companies in the US and I'm assuming a lot of the "aid" packages involve some sort of repayment. Haven't they just signed a $20b contract with turkey because of this conflict (indirectly due to the whole nato thing). As long as the industry in the states are benefiting, I can see them keeping this going. Hence the drip feed rather than "here - have your pick". Also clearing the backlog of aging ammo etc. Lots of benefits to the west.
People need to step back from the war shows, and CoDs/Battlefields.
I swear 50% of this forum are just itching for conflict.

I'm presuming lots of the usual suspects just have miserable lives and watched too more gore videos growing up (or not growing up)

You are anti Ukraine.

I still can't find 250 billion so show me, However when I typed in Ukraine and 250 billion aid it came up with 250 million evil.

How am I anti Ukraine? This is a ridiculous statement as I have repeatedly set out my stall on this long ago. The only concern I have from this conflict is escalation. If they want to kill each other to a man then it's very sad and honestly Putin should be saying his prayers before the next life....

But i care when the rhetoric escalates to talking about nukes etc. I can easily see in the right circumstances them being used and its a bell that cannot be unrung in terms of reaction or normalisation.

nothing more, that's my position.

And if you cannot find the results using a simple Google search then I would suggest turning of child model as its fairly easily accessible!!!

It really doesnt....

But Europe is going to have to step up otherwise the Baltic states will be next.
Europe is in trouble as it is with stagnant growth fueled by high cost of energy, social unrest and a less than stellar future.

The Americans were lucky with their 2 oceans and unlimited energy.....but they are getting overrun on the southern side and their own unrest.
It really doesnt....

But Europe is going to have to step up otherwise the Baltic states will be next.

Baltic states have signed an agreement with eachother to create a new defensive line. They will be building bunkers, putting up barriers and laying minefield on their border with Russia/Belarus
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Not all Republicans want to end aid to Ukraine.

Maga do, the muppets trump controls but my bet is Biden manages to get enough support from the sane ones like McConnell

They will do a deal on border control etc and that's more important than Trumps efforts to wreck everything so he can try and be their saviour and try and take credit for anything and everything.

Again only the MADA morons are mad enough to support Trump and his attempts to help Putin

A package will be put together that includes what Republicans want most with aid to Ukraine bolted on.

I'm pretty sure Republicans, apart from the few morons now know Trump never delivers on his promises.
You are along with Roar very much pro Russian, its not exactly hard to work out.

Your interpretation. The reality is that I simply do not care. Its a long way from me, if people want to be barbaric creatures on both sides go for it. I care about it impacting me, family and friends. I'm quite happy to acknowledge Russia is wrong (as I have done numerously) but that's about as far as I care. I'm immune in my own life from inflation and secondary effects of this conflict, and my primary concern is that it stays that way.

I don't believe Russia is ever stupid enough to attack NATO so i reject that narrative, and I'm quite happy for them to be ground down as they currently are. I'm not happy with actions that would escalate further and make likelihood of actions that cannot be walked back a greater possibility.
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