Every war and conflict always ended in total destruction? Or you cherry picking? If that's your rational them the death toll of this conflict is going to be in the millions. Amazing.
Rroff is grown up and capable of giving what he gets, he doesn't need you simping for him.
Your world is very simple isn't it.
No **** Putin can end it, talk about stating the obvious!!!!!
The rest of your rant is not really worth responding to.
But here's a suggestion, what if there was a compromise that in exchange for immediate cessation in hostilities that Russia keeps a portion of their captured land hands back rest, (namely crimea so presumably they have a warm water dock or whatever), ability to let anyone (if anyone lol) more wedded to the idea of Russia leave and liquidate their holdings for fair price....in exchange for immediate UN peacekeepers enforcing the territory with no holds barred NATO assurance of military intervention if escalations happen again. No NATO missile silos but effectively NATO membership? Russia gets access to markets again to save building up competitors China and India economies with cheap oil but in exchange pays a levy for rebuilding of Ukraine for 100 billion.
It's an interestingly guarded secret. I understand why but the lack of transparency is concerning.
Would it change people's opinion if actually 500,000 men rather than 70,000 died?