You will be surprised that the other side acts EXACTLY same
Try and watch some genuine pro-Russian sources.
Make an effort to not immediately dismiss it as kremlin propaganda.
You will be surprised that the other side acts EXACTLY same - showing only their successes.
Precision strikes, captured ukrainians, genuine amasement about how Ukraine can sustain this level of losses, etc.
Last summer it was full of kinda zerg rush Leopard/Bradley failed attacks across mine fields for example.
You are used to seeing what "kiev" propaganda shows you. Truth is the first casualty of war.
Shouldn't make decisions based only on what one (interested) side wants you to see.
not saying they are right, saying propaganda works both sidesI don't remember "the other side" invading another country.
Well the alternative was acquiescing immediately and having Russia ethnically cleanse the country of anyone who thinks they're Ukrainian, not really a choice is it?not saying they are right, saying propaganda works both sides
both sides see a super distorted picture of whats actually happening
based on which both sides comply, while the politicians throw more and more money (and lives) into this dumpster fire
Was way higher, they're firing far less nowadays with far worse munitions.
It is NOW yes. It was the opposite a while ago.
Plus russian shells may as well be launched by trebuchet when you consider their accuracy
Russia have resorted to again their level everything in order to send the zerg afterwards.
Its WW1 type tactics as discussed before, and WW1 tactics send bonkers amount of shells of which a very high % end of achieving nothing than further throwing the soil around.
60% of the battlefield casualties in WWI were caused by artillery shells exploding. Shrapnel wounds were particularly brutal for soldiers.
Ukraine is firing up to 7,000 rounds a day, a fraction of the 60,000 shells Russia was firing earlier this year: report
Ukraine is barely firing a tenth of the 60,000 shells Russia fired daily earlier this year, according to a CNN report, but is targeting 10,000 rounds a
People do understand that Russia artillery numbers are just wayyy higher right?
Try and watch some genuine pro-Russian sources.
Make an effort to not immediately dismiss it as kremlin propaganda.
You will be surprised that the other side acts EXACTLY same - showing only their successes.
Precision strikes, captured ukrainians, genuine amasement about how Ukraine can sustain this level of losses, etc.
Last summer it was full of kinda zerg rush Leopard/Bradley failed attacks across mine fields for example.
You are used to seeing what "kiev" propaganda shows you. Truth is the first casualty of war.
Shouldn't make decisions based only on what one (interested) side wants you to see.
In World War 1 total deaths from artillery was around 8 million, I think you imagine artillery as this thing which misses and causes no casualities most of the time, where as the reality is that artillery is absolutely devestating in a conflict of this nature, which is exactly what Russia prepared for during the Cold War.
World War I was a war of artillery - The Big Guns. Rolling barrages destroyed the earth of France and Belgium and the lives of
This conflict is probably the closest we've had to trench warfare since WW1, so I don't imagine the results would be vastly different, given both sides have access to drones to direct artillery fire I can only assume they work as a significant force multiplier for artillery.
In World War 1 total deaths from artillery was around 8 million, I think you imagine artillery as this thing which misses and causes no casualities most of the time, where as the reality is that artillery is absolutely devestating in a conflict of this nature, which is exactly what Russia prepared for during the Cold War.
World War I was a war of artillery - The Big Guns. Rolling barrages destroyed the earth of France and Belgium and the lives of
This conflict is probably the closest we've had to trench warfare since WW1, so I don't imagine the results would be vastly different, given both sides have access to drones to direct artillery fire I can only assume they work as a significant force multiplier for artillery.
Russian de-nazifier captured!
The stupidity required to idolise a group that intended to genocide all Slavs is truly a marvel.Tattoos when you want to be all the Nazis :s I just can't imagine the mental process of someone who'd willingly mark themselves with Waffen-SS markings.
Russian 'de-nazifier' captured!
It might be a lot of artillery being fired, but nowhere near the level of WW1 warfare and the tactics, at least on the Ukrainian side are quite different to WW1, for example I don't think the Ukrainians have been doing mass runs across open ground on foot whilst under artillery barrages and taking heavy machine gun fire, and the likes of the materials that they can get into place to build shelters are much better*, not to mention most non Russian armies learned lessons during and after WW1 about better ways to protect against Artillery.In World War 1 total deaths from artillery was around 8 million, I think you imagine artillery as this thing which misses and causes no casualities most of the time, where as the reality is that artillery is absolutely devestating in a conflict of this nature, which is exactly what Russia prepared for during the Cold War.
World War I was a war of artillery - The Big Guns. Rolling barrages destroyed the earth of France and Belgium and the lives of
This conflict is probably the closest we've had to trench warfare since WW1, so I don't imagine the results would be vastly different, given both sides have access to drones to direct artillery fire I can only assume they work as a significant force multiplier for artillery.