Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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6 Feb 2019
"Along with all his other hobbies, Vladimir Putin is making a PR push to re-brand Russia as a safe space for “Traditional Conservatives,” and he seems to have gotten some takers besides Tucker!

Carlson may have dropped by last week to get beta-cucked by Vlad and squee over Moscow’s clean subway and grocery carts, but even he is not dumb enough to want a dacha next to Edward Snowden and Tara Reade. (Yet. That we know of.)

But a couple of Dutch-Canadian YouTubers, Arend and Anneesa Feenstra, dairy fermers and property-flippers, really are! They claim they’re trying to immigrate to Russia because they believe pride flags flapping on Saskatchewan streets means that endtimes of Christian persecution is at hand, and Russia is more of a “Christian nation” than Canada. In other words, cuckoo.

They didn’t have family there, or know the language, but according to Arend, God told him to sell their farm and belongings and get eight of their nine children to Tbilisi for a final destination of Moscow, so they did. We can’t wait to hear how this story turns out!

The Feenstras haven’t bothered to learn Russian first. “We were naive on that,” said Anneesa. “I needed to use the washroom, and on the doors said male and female, but I didn’t know which was which!”

“In America, that wouldn’t be a problem, it’s free-for-all in the bathrooms, but now in our world it matters!” Arend marveled.

Next came days of their Russian handler filling out reams of paperwork on their behalf, in Russian, and hours of submitting themselves and their families to mandatory physical exams, including blood and urine tests, which seems not very Trucker Convoy of them.

Before they left Canada, God or whoever enticed them there also didn’t tell them about the whole banking thing, like they wouldn’t have easy access to money. Visa or MasterCard don’t work, surprise, surprise, and attempts to access their banking accounts got them immediately frozen.

We have some cash, but, not enough!” complained Arend, and in a now-deleted clip, Anneesa was at almost her last straw.

“I’m very disappointed in this country at this point,” she huffed. “I’m ready to jump on a plane and get out of here. We’ve hit the first snag where you have to engage logic in this country and it’s very, very frustrating.”

But God will provide! And in Russia his name is Putin! What happened next was deleted and is now a bit of a mystery, with the clip of griping immediately deleted, and a new one with Arend desperately backtracking:

“After reading an article that said we were ‘disappointed with Russia’ we decided to remove our video. We are not disappointed with Russia — in fact the opposite is true. What Anneesa actually said was ‘I am very frustrated IN this country right now.’ This was a reflection of her inner frustration with not being able to speak and understand, she was not frustrated WITH Russia.”

With that cleared up, the Feenstras seemed to have gotten an upgrade in their handlers. When they reappeared they were driving around in a van ISO plots of farmland around in their chosen city of Nizhny Novogorod (once known as Gorky, after another famous content creator). Anneesa and the children toured a Russian art class, and the family appeared on state television. The attention they ordered had arrived! Their YouTube subscriptions went from a handful to more than 100k almost overnight, which if they had access to banking would add up to a kopek or two!

They haven’t found a farm yet, but now all 10 of them are in a two-bedroom apartment, with no vehicle, and homeschooling. But they say it’s worth it because woke Canada is so bad. On the show “A Russian Opinion,” Arend said, “You’ve got the whole woke movement, where a traditional male is seen as toxic in the west. In many jobs it’s a hindrance to a good career, because they’re trying to pick people from colored backgrounds...minorities.”

“You're in the worst category possible,” empathized the host. “Because from what I can see you’re an alpha-type white male, who’s a farmer as well, so you’ve got the woke people after you, the vegans after you, you have the LGBTQ after you, you have literally everyone after you!”

Music to desperate-to-be-persecuted ears! How about all of you move there right now, racist conservatives?"

You see Roar? It can be done, it's easy to move to Moscow
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29 Jan 2008
Russia has lost $300 million worth of fighter jets in the last week

[tweet about the two downed Russian jets]

That is really curious, two more this morning on top of the three lost yesterday... like wow!!!? It's not completely clear what was responsible for these sudden downings of aircraft.

The obvious one is the patriot system used in an offensive way, possibly they've been quite smart with how they've used it and not just kept it in a traditional defensive role but taken the risk of moving a launcher right up near the front lines to maximise the range and some trickery/coordination with other systems to locate targets and only give away the position momentarily before scurrying away.

Possibly they have a couple of F16s already but they're unannounced as they've not yet had the bulk of the delivery due?

Maybe some third thing - some other air defence system or some new ability to equip current Ukranian fast yets with advanced air-to-air missiles?
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27 Aug 2019
That is really curious, two more this morning on top of the three lost yesterday... like wow!!!? It's not completely clear what was responsible for these sudden downings of aircraft.

The obvious one is the patriot system used in an offensive way, possibly they've been quite smart with how they've used it and not just kept it in a traditional defensive role but taken the risk of moving a launcher right up near the front lines to maximise the range and some trickery/coordination with other systems to locate targets and only give away the position momentarily before scurrying away.

Possibly they have a couple of F16s already but they're unannounced as they've not yet had the bulk of the delivery due?

Maybe some third thing - some other air defence system or some new ability to equip current Ukranian fast yets with advanced air-to-air missiles?

Makes you wonder if they rushed a few f-16s over.

Take off, go over the sea via Odessa way, replenish? And stalk over the sea ..

Little naval cover for Russia coupled with the AWACS reduction.
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
So it turns out The Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has taken campaign contributions from energy company called America Ehtane. Looking at the companies own Website there's a director called Andrey Kunatbaev who founded a TV company in Russia during the 90's. It turns out that this company is 88% by three Russia nationals on of whom is a well known Russian nationalist (Konstantin Nikolaev).

Apparently his team gave the money back but this bad optics at the very least. You can read more about it here:

It's always puzzled why a so called conservative Republican would show such disregard to what Russia is doing (after all this is the same party run by legendary anti-communist Ronald Regan) so whilst this doesn't surprise me that he's been bought it does explains the why and shows just how deep Russia has managed to dig it's claws in western institutions.
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28 May 2007
So it turns out The Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has taken campaign contributions from energy company called America Ehtane. Looking at the companies own Website there's a director called Andrey Kunatbaev who founded a TV company in Russia during the 90's. It turns out that this company is 88% by three Russia nationals on of whom is a well known Russian nationalist (Konstantin Nikolaev).

Apparently his team gave the money back but this bad optics at the very least. You can read more about it here:

It's always puzzled why a so called conservative Republican would show such disregard to what Russia is doing (after all this is the same party run by legendary anti-communist Ronald Regan) so whilst this doesn't surprise me that he's been bought it does explains the why and shows just how deep Russia has managed to dig it's claws in western institutions.

Mikes been a bad monkey!
22 Nov 2006
Seems like the Russian navy and air force have been reduced to nothing. It's all about their ground force lemmings now and if Ukraine can stay dug in until the Russian economy collapses.
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29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Well any time you're feeling brave you can get off the internet and stop advocating for other people to fight on your behalf and join up here

I'm not advocating for anyone to fight on my behalf, it's not even my war. Have you heard of geography? It might help to clear some things up.

Why should I volunteer in the first place? What an utterly stupid thing to say. The whole reason we have professional soldiers is to ensure the job is done properly, and civilians don't have to fight.

Is the concept of war new to you?
29 Jan 2008
ATACMS 300KM :cool:

Hopefully, but the Biden admin has been pretty bad recently in addition to the nonsense in Congress from some GOP members.

Ukraine seems to have been pushed back behind Israel in terms of priorities for Artillery ammunition, there are already supposed to be a load of ATACMS missiles approaching their expiry date soon that they could send but haven't for whatever reason.

There's also a lot of silliness re: Bradleys that have been scrapped (and that they had to pay to scrap) but could have been sent.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Well any time you're feeling brave you can get off the internet and stop advocating for other people to fight on your behalf and join up here

I'll pay for Sankari's plane ticket to the front lines right after you put your money where your mouth is and take up residency in Moscow :cry:
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