I've noticed you, and other edgelord contrarians in here, often make remarks like this.
When the war initially escalated, I did consider going over. My friends got married the day before and one of their bridesmaids died a few weeks later. The AK47 was almost as long as she was tall. Another friend only being able to talk to our group periodically when it was his turn to charge his phone from the generators the town was using.
I spoke to an ex-forces mate about going and he said it would be pointless. I'd get killed within days and probably get others around me killed as I didn't know what I was doing (You could argue much like the girl mentioned above). What I did, with others, was arrange for as much aid as possible to be sent. One of those tall "Luton" vans was filled to the brim and sent over. Donations from all over the town and my daughter's school chipped in.
That was my admittedly small contribution and yes, I was well out of harms way. So when I see these fairly useless comebacks, I do find them quite irksome.