Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I think there's a good chance that Putin has actually lost it. I don't think he is behaving rationally any more.

I think the west have more to lose than what Russia has to lose by taking Estonia and Latvia by fighting them on the field. The Baltic's were just a source of labour to the big European countries and nothing else.

It is like that old saying, if people have nothing they will fight for everything. Give them luxury items and they think twice. We the west are pretty much like this which is why we will avoid war at all costs as it will just destroy our economy whereas someone like China and Russia has everything to gain from it.
He'll pick fights he can win, he's not stupid. An actual military assault on a NATO country would end with Russia on its knees or no inhabitable world left. Dont under-estimate NATO, just because it hasnt shown its teeth this time.
I'd be more concerned if I were some other ex-soviet country like Georgia, or a country that actually has proper valuable resources like Azerbaijan.
agreed, even though putin has "gone full tonto" he knows if he attacks a nato country thats effecively the end of the world as we know it, though after watching his speech other day the guy is lost touch with reality and who knows what hes capable of tbh

im off to watch when the wind blows again to catch up on how to survive(not)in case:cry:
take a look at FORTE11 at FL24, a drone which travelled from Greece to Ukraine and is still circling over the line of contact
Whenever someone says drone I always think of the little DJI ones. Then I realise its actually one of these :cry:
What the EU do and what we do are two separate things now that we've gone independent. The EU's response is also different from the US's. It would be foolish to heap all our sanctions on in one round of measures as it leaves no room for responding with further sanctions if Putin persists with his invasion of Ukraine. These things need to be re-evaluated as the situation unfolds with further measures added rather than Labours knee jerk reaction to things.

His point is the EU has gone big while we've gone small. You can't get past the fact that high powered Russians finance the Conservative Party and so its not in their interest to hit them hard. Its a conflict of interest and it should never be allowed to happen with political parties.
take a look at FORTE11 at FL24, a drone which travelled from Greece to Ukraine and is still circling over the line of contact

It's up everyday almost now, it's not always on ADSB, sometimes it goes off radar & it changes its transponder code pretty often.
Sometimes see it show up as 00000000, LVS052, XCCRM, XCCRM, GRYHK01, FORTE10, FORTE11, FORTE12.
But the lists goes on, it's usually always at 52000ft-56000ft, that's a pretty easy way to identify it.
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Russian state TV is now following up on Putin's speech with a graphic diagramming territorial "gifts" to Ukraine from Russian Czars, Stalin, Lenin and Khrushchev.

The yellow bit in the middle is labeled "Ukraine."


Ah, that's the old Israel trick - reclaim land you owned a thousand years ago
His point is the EU has gone big while we've gone small. You can't get past the fact that high powered Russians finance the Conservative Party and so its not in their interest to hit them hard. Its a conflict of interest and it should never be allowed to happen with political parties.
Russia is to be banned from selling any sovereign debt through London, the major financial center oF Europe it can not raise any money. All the named Russians on Europe's list will also be prevented from travel into the UK or financial dealings with it.
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