Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Yeah but it was a Telegraph link posted and they have added their own information, none of which is really conclusive either way, they spoke to a doctor who was on the scene but they only treated the rioters who had been hit by snipers not the police (who it is claimed had the same wounds) so cannot confirm/deny anything.

So take it with a pinch of salt, but it's not just RT investigating the claims.

I think ballistics experts can determine if different bullets were shot by the same gun. If cops and rebels had been shot by the same sniper (snipers?)... lots of uneasy questions will follow. But even more questions will follow if this story will be swept under carpet.
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I think ballistics experts can determine if different bullets were shot by the same gun. If cops and rebels had been shot by the same sniper (snipers?)... lots of uneasy questions will follow. But even more questions will follow if this story will be swept under carpet.

putin would sacrifice a few Russian protesters to make Crimea kick off in anger.

the snipers were probably Russian special forces, governments have done far worse in the past

We break the rules when it suits us, just as they do. We were funding the rebels in libya and providing "protection" from civilians by simultaneously helping the rebels by attacking the libyan army. The same army that we had been funding and providing arms to until it started shooting on their own people.
our government also sent special forces , officers etc over there to help the rebels set up a command structure.

it wasn't just in Benghazi either we pretty much set up their whole communications for them even in the worst hit places like miserata we had feet on the ground organising the rebels.

not that our government told us that at the time.... only radios , kevlar army etc they said.... sure...

no doubt we gave them old weapons and ammunition as well
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Sure is possible. The problem is that this Estonia minister guy said that Ukraine opposition "are reluctant to investigate", I agree with Ashton that this cannot be swept under carpet.
^^Looks like nazi snipers thinning out their rivals, what a dirty lot the yanks and eu are, imho they are trying to make Russia pay for messing up their mid east plans.
^^Looks like nazi snipers thinning out their rivals, what a dirty lot the yanks and eu are, imho they are trying to make Russia pay for messing up their mid east plans.

I agree. The mask has slipped. Just because the western media (all the english newspapers included) is still prostituting itself to the zionist agenda, the free internet allows us gifted with a brain to uncover and share the truth. Long live the free internet.
@ Oulton

That is shocking and clearly shows that it isn't the Russians shooting....

that moment when the bullet hits the tree and the protester turns to face the camera and realises he is being shot at by his own people. I really do feel sorry for the maiden protestors. Fooled, and fed to the lions like lambs to the slaughter just to achieve a western agenda.
that moment when the bullet hits the tree and the protester turns to face the camera and realises he is being shot at by his own people. I really do feel sorry for the maiden protestors. Fooled, and fed to the lions like lambs to the slaughter just to achieve a western agenda.

What is this Western agenda?
Has there been much talk of the UN enoy being temporally kidnaped?

C4 are talking about the rumour about the opposition leaders now.

Yeah it was interesting that. It must be pretty boring in the Crimea if a UN bureaucrat was instantly recognisable to a pro-Russian crowd. If nasty Ukrainian neo-nazis are persecuting the poor Russians in Crimea you'd think they'd want to UN there, wonder why they don't...

@ Oulton

That is shocking and clearly shows that it isn't the Russians shooting....

Does it? How exactly? It's the same footage that was shown on the BBC, the rest is unverifiable or assumptive. It's funny how lots of similar style videos appeared on ******** while Syria was all kicking off, providing "evidence" that for example the Syrian rebels launched a major chemical weapons attack.

Let's remind ourselves what the doctor at the centre of claims that Ukrainian snipers killed Maidan protestors actually said when contacted by a Telegraph reporter:

Olga Bogomolets said she had not told Mr Paet that policemen and protesters had been killed in the same manner.
"Myself I saw only protesters. I do not know the type of wounds suffered by military people," she told The Telegraph. "I have no access to those people."
But she said she had asked for a full forensic criminal investigation into the deaths that occurred in the Maidan. "No one who just sees the wounds when treating the victims can make a determination about the type of weapons. I hope international experts and Ukrainian investigators will make a determination of what type of weapons, who was involved in the killings and how it was done. I have no data to prove anything.
"I was a doctor helping to save people on the square. There were 15 people killed on the first day by snipers. They were shot directly to the heart, brain and arteries. There were more than 40 the next day, 12 of them died in my arms.
"Our nation has to ask the question who were the killers, who asked them to come to Ukraine. We need good answers on the basis of expertise."
Mr Paet's assertion that an opposition figure was behind the Maidan massacre was not one she could share.
"I think you can only say something like this on the basis of fact," she said. "Its not correct and its not good to do this. It should be based on fact."
She said the new government in Kiev had assured her a criminal investigation had begun but that she had not direct contact with it so far.
"They told me they have begun a criminal process and if they say that I believe them. The police have not given me any information on it."
Video evidence that the maiden protesters were shot by their own snipers from behind. Truly abhorrent.

Pretty weak evidence. It's so low resolution I can barely read the text.

The first shot seems to come from the front, albeit a little from the side. The direction their shield is facing?
Pretty weak evidence. It's so low resolution I can barely read the text.

The first shot seems to come from the front, albeit a little from the side. The direction their shield is facing?

Weak indeed. And who's to say the shooter(s) in question couldn't actually be behind them or to the side.
If you can't figure that out, you have the brain of a pea.

"What agenda"

See above.

I wanted your take on it. I was expecting a nice YouTube video with all the relevant information. Likely made by someone with an agenda of their own.

From what I can see you've come in and rolled out the trademark conspiracy theory lines, they're usually backed up with a few YouTube videos of some sort?
Russia seems to conducting this propaganda war along the lines of the plot of Inception - that you can start with a small idea - no matter how ridiculous then implant it into the consciousness of the gullible public and it just balloons into the Truth before anyone has had the chance to apply any sort of rigour or scrutiny.

This is the third time they've deployed this tactic - in 2008 Georgia, 2013 Syria and 2014 Kiev. In 2008 and 2013 it's turned out to be complete BS but of course, that's only established after Russia has got what it wants. People have got to wake up.
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