Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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If you feel damage is being done now that will take years to undo, how can you wait?

China must be loving this. Bet they cant wait till the chinese immigrants theyre relocating into Tibet hits 51% and hey presto! New Chinese province! What a great precedent.
Coming from you scorza, that is very rich indeed. Your posts clearly show you have a sub 100 IQ, where as mine is 150. Stop weaseling, if you haven't got anything constructive to add to the topic, say nothing. You seem more intelligent that way.
High IQ and no common sense??
Colour me surprised, the pro-Russia supporters aren't behaving all that nicely.
A UN special envoy has cut short his mission to Crimea after he was threatened by gunmen who told him to get out of the region where Ukraine and Russia have been locked in a tense stand-off.

At first Robert Serry tried to reason with them but was forced to take cover in a nearby cafe in the region's main city of Simferopol from where he called UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson to tell him what had happened.

He then made his way - his car surrounded by an angry mob shouting "Putin! Putin!" - to the airport without being given the chance to collect his luggage from his hotel and got a seat on the first flight out.

Threatening the bloke from the UN isn't exactly a great way to win fans!
Questions on Ukraine the West chooses not to answer

1. Why did the opposition oust Yanukovich after he conceded to their demands?
2. Why is the coup-appointed govt replacing oligarchs linked to Yanukovich with... oligarchs?
3. Why did the post-coup parliament strip Russian language of its regional status?
4. Why did Kiev attack the Constitutional Court?
5. Why would the West support the coup in Ukraine?

Clearly the coup was orchistrated by the KGB to legitimise the annexation of Crimea.:eek:
5. Because it always supports democracy. Its a democratic thing.

Then why is the west against democracy in Crimea? if the majority of the people in an autonomous state don't want anything to do with the new government of the father state (which has passed laws against them and issued threats) is it not their democratic right to seek independence or unity with Russia?

There's no emergency for the people of Crimea

Arguably due to Russian involvement, if they weren't standing behind Crimea then I don't think anybody doubts the new Ukrainian PM would have attempted to retake it.
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While I agree I also wonder if it's because they think the UN is just the mouthpiece of the US and west. If they do think that then chasing the UN out of town isn't exactly unexpected and tbh I can see their point...

This is pretty much it, for years they have wanted greater autonomy from Ukraine and now that the Ukraine has elected (well instated via a coup) a new anti Russian government this has really brought things to a head, it's kind of a now or never situation. The UN guy showing up was never going to get a warm reception as they view the US/NATO/UN/West as the backers of their new would be oppressors in Kiev.
Arguably due to Russian involvement, if they weren't standing behind Crimea then I don't think anybody doubts the new Ukrainian PM would have attempted to retake it.

If it weren't for Russia there wouldn't be anyone to retake it from. From what I saw, the new Ukrainian PM was pretty focused on sorting out his country's basket case of an economy before Russia invaded the Crimea. In an ideal world the sovereignty of the Crimea should purely be a matter between the Ukrainian government (as the current sovereign power) and the people of the Crimea and their elected representatives.
The Ukrainian government has expressed its readiness to discuss the issue of the expansion of Crimea's autonomy, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors said.

Lol, so you didn't want to talk to negotiate with them before, but now their planning to hold a referendum on applying to joining the Russia Federation (in response to you issuing arrest warrants for their government) you wan't to negotiate giving them more autonomy :P
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