Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I don't understand why, but they're really struggling to take out those drones, most convoys have been supported with short range air defence Strela-10's, so they should have no reason not to take them out, but it seems like they're not even looking out for them

They're small and much harder for air defence systems to take down.
Analysis by General Sir Richard Barrons, who led the UK's Joint Forces Command

The point about putting weapons at higher alert is probably more to do with putting more weapons at higher readiness, because there are always some weapons at high readiness all the time.

This is to ensure that neither Russia nor the west have the drop on their opponent.

It's not clear if you're quoting or you're summarising in your own words - it reads like the latter? Do you have a source re: what you're referring to?
At this point it is looking like Russia's economy is going down the drain, with the financial and weaponry support being provided to Ukraine, I am not sure how Putin sees a victory here unless he resorts to inhumane and idiotic measures but not certain the Russian solders will do this. Nukes are an option but I think Putin knows it'll lead to the end of everyone and everything should he use any.

Putin has only failed himself and his people will turn against him as has the majority of the World so far.

It remains to see what China says about the situation, that'll will be a pivotal and defining moment in Putin's war.
I don't understand why, but they're really struggling to take out those drones, most convoys have been supported with short range air defence Strela-10's, so they should have no reason not to take them out, but it seems like they're not even looking out for them
it' because its probably another fake video. There are so many fake videos and news going about that its hard to figure out what to believe.
At this point it is looking like Russia's economy is going down the drain, with the financial and weaponry support being provided to Ukraine, I am not sure how Putin sees a victory here unless he resorts to inhumane and idiotic measures but not certain the Russian solders will do this. Nukes are an option but I think Putin knows it'll lead to the end of everyone and everything should he use any.

Putin has only failed himself and his people will turn against him as has the majority of the World so far.

It remains to see what China says about the situation, that'll will be a pivotal and defining moment in Putin's war.
It is and Putin is desperate to take Kyiv tonight. Kyiv must not fall
They have cause to be afraid, don't forget we protested against the decisions of a democratically elected government, they are protesting against the decisions of an authoritarian dictatorship.

Didn't stop people in Belarus from protesting not too long ago, it seems a bit weak sauce from the Russians so far, I suspect Putin actually had a big chunk of support for this and another big chunk of people who were ambivalent about it. This is why sanctions need to hit Russians in general quite hard, start making things costly for individual Russians and turn things against Putin.
Analysis by General Sir Richard Barrons, who led the UK's Joint Forces Command

The point about putting weapons at higher alert is probably more to do with putting more weapons at higher readiness, because there are always some weapons at high readiness all the time.

This is to ensure that neither Russia nor the west have the drop on their opponent.

On the question of whether Mr Putin would use nuclear weapons we need to distinguish between two aspects. First, in Russian military doctrine the idea of using a small tactical nuclear warhead (so perhaps from .03 of a kiloton up to perhaps 10 kiloton) is seen as an option for de-escalating the situation.

In this context they might conceive using a small nuclear weapon in Ukraine, but in the absence of NATO intervening with military force this seems wholly incredible.

NATO does not subscribe to this doctrine and sees the use of nuclear weapons as something separate and escalatory

The second aspect is whether Mr Putin thinks he would consider using nuclear weapons against countries outside Ukraine. He could only possibly imagine doing this if he was prepared to see Russian urban areas incinerated in response.

It seems to me that when Mr Putin raises the spectre of nuclear weapons it betrays his anger and disappointment at the progress on the ground so far, the realisation that the population of Ukraine is mostly set against him, and a real fear that he is about to fail in conditions in which he has turned not just most of the world (less perhaps China) against him but driven huge concerns about him into the lives of his own people.

If he is now crazy enough to think about pushing the nuclear button we’re going to rely on a very small number of hard-liners around him to not comply. Scary thought of the day.

This is trying to apply rationale to someone who is either working to a different rationale or has abandoned any kind of rationale.
If he does go crazy with nukes, I assume your all referencing him nuking Ukraine and not the west? If the west where does he shoot? He cant take us all out and surely once he fires a few he gets almighty hell from all. Basically its a cheap shot (but very brutal shot) for very little reward

I am on the fence, he’s 69, could just do it with not much to lose
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