Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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12 Jul 2010
“the West is freezing Russia's international reserves (of the Central Bank, $630b). There is nothing more to support the rouble. Turn on the printing press. Hyperinflation and economic catastrophe are just around the corner.”

They can't freeze it all. It is spread out and a good chunk of it is in physical gold. They froze a large chunk of it. There's probably an analysis out if you google it but the point is they will still have money to prop up the rouble.
25 Nov 2005
Someone accessed your machine for sure.

That's what I'm worried about, just been checking processes and network usage and there's nothing out of the ordinary, haven't installed anything for ages either, so it makes zero sense unless they've been watching for a very long time but then why would they just watch and not do anything when in that time I've played with a whole lot of crypto & NFT's they could quite easily steal ?

Looks like they person spying on you got bored when you went AFK xD

I did actually write "hello???" in the box in the hopes they would answer but nothing :(
15 May 2004
Discussion was they are Indian students no idea though.

I really dont see Putin walking out of this he got fair bit of control in Ukraine now yes not the main parts but blood been spilt happy to be wrong though.

Im starting to think he going to claim that southern part of all of Ukraine.

20 May 2007
Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.
21 Jan 2010
The Russian Facebook and Twitter bots are state run……

Gosh, it's almost as if there is some sort of co-ordinated communication strategy in place within Russia aimed at controlling information about an active war.

Either that, or the West has been successful in containing Russian information assets.

Or, it could be both.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.
Yes I think so, on both counts. He probably thought it would be all over before the west had even agreed on a strategy.
29 Jan 2008
Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.

I think so... he might still be able to grab and hold a chunk of Ukraine from the East and South but regime change ideas seem a bit shaky any puppet regime put into place by Putin if he carries on pushing to take Kyiv (at great cost) is likely to be inherently unstable and face a rival regimen in Western Ukraine and a continued fight. And the sanctions of course are going to be a bit of a wake-up call to the Russian people as of tomorrow.
19 Feb 2009
Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.

I've heard the Russian army is incredibly corrupt, to the point where generals can't admit to the amount without giving themselves up. So Putin may well have believed he could just stroll in based on Crimea, Georgia and what he is being told by his higher ups. But going up against a formidable opponent on their home turf has shown the massive holes in the Russian army.

It's going to be hell in Russia when/if their stock market opens.
5 Mar 2010
They can't freeze it all. It is spread out and a good chunk of it is in physical gold. They froze a large chunk of it. There's probably an analysis out if you google it but the point is they will still have money to prop up the rouble.

In essence surely physical gold is worthless. It only has a worth if someone is willing to pay for it. With all the sanctions and general negativity towards Russia, I can't see how they'd even raise some money from selling the gold.

+ Giving it to the Russian people in lieu of the ruble is hardly going to go down well.

Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.

Absolutely. It would have been hard to predict and plan on both points though. I think he was expecting the Ukrainian military to follow the same act as the Afghanistan military and refuse to put up a fight.

I think he was also expecting to have more allies, and for western nations to be soft in their sanctioning as they have done so in the past.
9 Jul 2013
Did Putin just simply miscalculate massively here?

I get the impression that A. He wasn't expecting Ukraine to put up such a fight , and B. He wasn't expecting almost the whole of the rest of the world to unite against him sanctions wise.
I reckon one of the things that's really ****** him off is the amount of weapons the west has give Ukraine. Without them I wonder if his plans would be going a lot smoother.
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
As some of you might know my other half is Ukrainian and obviously the events that have been going on have been troubling to say the least. Today the mother in law called saying the Russian military was outside her house and she was scared what was going happen. My partner asked me what could we do to help, I said "There's at least two tanks outside you mothers house. That should be enough."
21 Jan 2010
Yes I think so, on both counts. He probably thought it would be all over before the west had even agreed on a strategy.

I don't think Russia would expect an invasion of Ukraine to be completed within 4 days. I just don't think that is realistic, given the size of Ukraine.

Whether they expected such sanctions to be agreed so quickly, possibly not.

I'm seriously concerned that Putin is no longer the rational, cold-blooded killer he has been for the last twenty years. I think he's seriously ill, mentally or physically, and is now a loose cannon. I am very worried about what will happen if Putin continues in power.
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