urgent help on 1st build!

I would try to talk with OCuk again and tell em that it came faulty.

I agree with you in principle but it will be very difficult for Minato to get a successful rma - but certainly worth a shot.

The major problem being; he's already admitted, within his first rma, that he fitted the CPU and OCuk will justifiably insist that the fault may have occurred due to 'dodgy fitting'. This type of fault is notoriously difficult to get resolved even when retuning a MB untouched, other than the protective cover. So Minato's admittance to installing the CPU may well have scuppered any chance he had... :/

I, like you, suspect it may have been a manufacturing fault - it could have been a badly formed pin that broke as a result of 'proper' fitting of the cpu – it’s just really hard to prove.

If you were going to try a rma Minato – the 'badly formed pin' point may be a good reference point – but it will be an up hill struggle just because of the type of fault, unfortunately.

Worth a web note just to see how the ground lays...

Additional: We're treading on dodgy ground here - so be careful with your reply Minato ;)
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Well, after much surveillance of the pin, it definately doesn't look bent...just destroyed.

I think that if it had been the cpu, it would have gotten bent slightly, like the other pin, not like this, because the cpu was place flat, so it should have had equal dispersions of force throughout the socket. I would agree that it could be a badly formed pin.
I would agree that it could be a badly formed pin.

I would form an rma around this premise and see what transpires - do this via web notes/letters without returning the MB as they're already aware of its defects so don't really require it to 'discuss' the issue of a replacement. If they warm to the idea then return the MB - but it would still be a risk when considering p&p costs if the rma were to ultimately fail. (you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.)

Or you could try Andi's suggestion and sell it on e*** with a description of its faults and chalk it up to experience.
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I agree. If it had been damaged during the CPU installation, I can't see how two of the pins would have been damaged whilst the other 1364 were unaffected. Can't see how it's possible to do such localised damage with a blunt object like a CPU.

I don't know how CPU sockets are made, but it sounds a lot like a manufacturing defect.
Friday evening and still no reply =(

a little dissapointed tbh OcUK, i'm sure you don't have millions of webnotes floating around the place.

*runs and checks emails*
lol, my dad thinks they're not going to reply to the email..just blank me completely.

I think though, under statuary rights, If a product I buy from a company is deffective in any way, I should have the right to get a replacement.

Will give them a call tomorrow because I think not much is being done right now, and hopefully by the end of the day i'll have a new motherboard on the way =)
right, gave them a ring and unfortunately the guy who was at support had his hands tied, and the supervisors aren't in until monday, so i'll call back then. I pushed the point of the badly formed pin, and also side mentioned the small claims court, if worst comes to worst. I trust though, that OcUK will see that a refund/new motherboard is due.
Monday today. Quite dissapointed because I rung them up, and I was told the supervisor and the manager had gone on holiday, and would be back next monday. Getting slightly fed up, I ordered a new motherboard (same one) and that will arrive tomorrow. Next monday I will carry on trying to get a refund for the current one. I can't help but feel that i'm being fobbed off for 28 days, until they can wash their hands off completely.

Well, dark matters aside, new motherboard coming tomorrow! tension is back on! lol.
New motherboard arrived.

same problem. lol.

Sending the power supply back now, and I must say i'm beggining to get frustrated.
Minato, I've just been looking at your original pictures you posted and you have the graphics card in the PCI-E 2 slot rather than the no.1 slot. Generally the card would go in the no.1 slot and a second card in no.2. Have you tried your GTX in the top no.1 slot?
I know i'm grasping at straws, but it was just something I spotted!
I've never actually tried a card in the bottom slot so I don't know what affect it might have.
good spot paul. It was mentioned earlier by Plec i think it was, and since then I have been using it in the first slot.
I should've known you'd already tried it!
Do you have any more pictures of this latest build that you can upload?
Is it still out of the case? With no cables (USB, Sound etc) connected?
Argh :(

What you need is someone in the Croydon area who has i7 gear that they could bring to you or vice versa. Then you could have a component swapping session and establish the culprit inside half an hour!
No worries paul, and that would be perfect Mattus =) The PSU is all boxed up and ready to go, so i'll send that off tomorrow. Saying, I hope it's the PSU wouldn't do much right now, so i'll just say again: hurry this process up lol, let me get this over with!
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