Vault 111 by PEXON

I did have another go at some ideas this morning. I couldn't sleep so I was up til 5 watching old CS 1.6 LAN finals lol.

I managed to find a place that can smash out cheap plaques in cast acrylic for like 4 quid, so some smaller ones would be nice. The larger one seems hard to get done for a reasonable price. I can get one done in brass, which would be nice, but prices are like 40 quid.
As a massive fallout fan i can honestly say this is an amazing build, you have put so much time into this and it clearly shows, keep up the good work and who knows there might be a nuka cola in it for you at the end :D
Well.. no response from either of the places I contact in regards to the brass plaque :(

Anyway, small update ahoy!

My toggle switch came in. It looks proper awesome! It came with a fighter pilot style missle switch, as well as an old school on/off faschia.



I also thought the front 5.25" bays would be a great place for one of the Vault 111 vinyl stickers.


and after some nice weathering...






Shame the font is not quite there to fit in with the style, its more Bioshock styled

I, personally prefer the fighter pilot style switch, so I weathered that first.




I also managed to get a plaque for the window side panel sorted out. There was a spare piece of steel that came off one of the panels of the case, I think it could have been on the front, but I have no idea, there is so much to the case!

I sanded the powder coating off and using a 9v battery, 2 wires (9v and ground), dipped the ground into a salt water solution and a cotton bud and starting randomly etching into the steel. There was some sweet grime coming off and after about 20 minutes, I got something I was happy with.


The vinyl stickers were applied before the etching and weathered once I was finished.


The white spots are from some 3M spray on contact adhesive which was then light aflame using a Turbo lighter to create the burn marks and add some more gnar to the look of the plaque.

I used the same lighter to take off some of the shine of the vinyl sticker, I deliberately went too far on some of the edges, randomly to ensure a natural, weathered look!

Thanks for stopping by. I also got some work on wiring the bottom 4 fans too, will update tomorrow!


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