Vidars first go at Water Cooling...

It's all a learning curve lol
Get an enthoo luxe 2~719
60mm rad in push pull goes in the front no problem or in the bottom too

And its all that @Space Monkey fault

Hahahahaha :p:p;):D of course it's his fault, he made me do it lol

Yeah the 719 was exactly what I was thinking today when I panicked as I love the quality of phanteks.
Hahahahaha :p:p;):D of course it's his fault, he made me do it lol

Yeah the 719 was exactly what I was thinking today when I panicked as I love the quality of phanteks.
Can't get photos to load from my phone
Will show a pic of my build once on pc
Basically only rad that has a thickness
Limit in 719 is top one
Not a cheap case I know but worth it in my opinion
I put castors on mine though as fully
Loaded its no lightweight
3i3hxoH. jpg
lets try on pc :)
60mm in push/pull on front vidar
40mm push on bottom
30 or 35mm forgot which-on top in pull
build wasnt quite completed then
Beautiful big cases!

I've definitely got the upgrade bug at the minute and can definitely see me expanding this further down the line

I'm assuming it's down to trapped air but with the res I can't seem to fill it past where the metal tube goes in. It just spews coolant out the top. Have tried rocking the case etc but doesn't seem to help.

My big ass hands also can't get in now to unscrew the cap without twisting the entire res which feels like it could be a disaster if I pull it too hard.
Beautiful big cases!

I've definitely got the upgrade bug at the minute and can definitely see me expanding this further down the line

I'm assuming it's down to trapped air but with the res I can't seem to fill it past where the metal tube goes in. It just spews coolant out the top. Have tried rocking the case etc but doesn't seem to help.

My big ass hands also can't get in now to unscrew the cap without twisting the entire res which feels like it could be a disaster if I pull it too hard.
Can you just open one of the stops/blanks on top of res?
And top up with the filling bottle
Don't need to unscrew top of res
And if misunderstood what you
Mean just slap me lol
Not seeing photos makes harder
To get what you mean
So the moment you've all been waiting for... the Pictures!

Okay so if it's not be been obvious enough, this hasn't been smooth sailing for me.


Rig was in dire need of some general maintenance, I'd bought a load of fittings off of @Space Monkey with the plan to do something within the next few months.... He the coerced me in to starting now and spending an obscene amount of money. It's all his fault and I'm sticking to it :p:p:p.


Tear down started, hadn't realised just how much dust had built up. The fans are in a bit of state and took a lot of cleaning as I was reusing them.


God damn!!!!! Think I discovered part of my thermal issues...


I got a bit carried away cleaning etc so forgot to get more pics of the cleaning etc.

(More to follow)
So the first issue I found I had was space, just because your case says it supports rads up to 60mm in the front doesn't mean it's going to be easy getting that bad boy in. Thank god Space Money advised my to get the fan mount bracket as there would have been no other way to mount the Reservoir.


Again got a bit carried away and forgot to get more pictures but I managed to get both rads in and started doing my runs.


Tried to keep them as short as possible being low on space.


Very glad the rad up top could be lifted out as old shovel hands here wouldn't have been able to put it all together.


It's around now I tried to fit my GPU in. DISASTER!!!! Blasted thing wouldn't fit no matter what I tried. It just kept butting against either pump/res.

Queue Vidar scrambling for ideas, Dremel to the bottom of the bracket? Nope Still wouldn't work as I'd have to lift the front rad higher too and was running out of clearance.

Started looking for a new case and feeling sick at having to spend another £150 to £200, Would the 719 do me? Should I go for the 011 Dynamic????

Then I remembered the vertical mounts.... HURRAHHHAAAAH!!!!! It fits! Just about but my god was it close...


Also had to switched inlets to the side as the fittings made contact with the rear of PCB and that wouldn't have been fun!

(More to follow)
Tried to get some better shots of my runs for you guys.



Getting ready for the leak testing while I waited for the Riser cable to arrive.


Ran the leak test over night for a good 15+ hours and all completely bone dry!

45 degree fittings are my best friend, I'd have been stuffed without them.

Not the best pictures but pretty much finished now, yeah the GPU needs a good clean. Though I plan on stripping it down and repasting it to get at it properly.

I don't think I'd get a water block to fit in this case as gpu is right up against the glass.


Cable management has never been my strong suite.


More pics to follow later on...
Well done mate
It not so much the coolant expands
But the air bubbles need to
End up in top of reservoir
Though end results the same you need
A bit of space
Just bear in mind if you have to drain
It won't totally empty
Though nothing you can do about it
Down to where the pump had to go
And a gpu block will actually be
Thinner than the original heatsink
so should fit
Would be a little worried about gpu
Temps with the fans so
Close to the glass

All in all great job for the first time :D:D
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