Vidars first go at Water Cooling...

Yeah am worried about GPU temps with it being so choked off against the glass but will bench that much of a space should I leave at the top of the res?
Yeah am worried about GPU temps with it being so choked off against the glass but will bench that much of a space should I leave at the top of the res?
Usually I leave 2 inches
Every day or so for a little while
You should crack open top port on
The res to release air
Though not sure if you can or not
Looks very tight
One reason I like a top fill port is
Easy to let air out
Fill port at top rad
Looks great. Once you have that new GPU and block being close to the glass won't matter diddly squat.
Going to be a delay in final pictures until it goes dark and I get the Fiancee's proper camera out as my potato phone camera just can't seem to catch it in a good light.

So I've emptied about 2 inches out of the res, I'm understanding now why I was struggling to fill it past the metal tube. As that's about 2 inches long, I had to open another port to fill higher. Doesn't state that in the manual though so without you guys I could have come unstuck I think.

So I've changed back to rainbow puke, soft ollies here realised he'd left out his RGB kit after I was finshed and no way am I starting again to fit that in somewhere lol. My red colour scheme is just two dark now and the EK res RGB doesn't quite match the Gigabyte colours so it was looking off.

I'm definitely thinking RGB fans in the future though or at least installing the Phanteks Halo Lux around my current fans as there's just areas inside the case that look to dark now.

Noise wise I'm seriously impressed PC is damn near silent now!

Stability and temps is where it's at though! :D:D:D:D:eek:!!!

Okay so idle temps are roughly the same, maybe a couple of degrees lower but fluctuating. You may recall though that with the Silent loop 360 I was running I couldn't run P95 Small FFT's I'd start the test and instantly hard lock and bsod maybe catching core temp instantly hitting 100c if I was quick enough.

Well being the complete and utter sadist I am I ran it... There was a sudden spike to 98c on 1 core with the rest getting no higher than 93c but the moment the fans ramped up temps dropped suddenly back down high 70's low 80's and ran it for a good hour before getting bored. Repeated the test with the loop running full pelt and I didn't get higher than 79c after an hour. It's amazing watching the fluid move so fast though when it's really getting hammered. I'm going to monitor while gaming etc but so far I'm incredibly impressed.

Only issue I'm having at the moment is I'm now paranoid and constantly checking for leaks lol

So is old Vidar done? No not even close! :D

I love the P600's but trying to squeeze all this gear in has really highlighted it's shortcomings so when I come to my next load of upgrades a new, much larger case is definitely being included.
Ah gotcha now about the metal tube
You don't fill it down that
If you do it's likely to fountain out
The top :p
What it's for is if your return /in
Tubing is going into top of reservoir
Then sending it down the metal tube is fine as its got the pump pressure
To do it:D
And the tube sends the coolant under
The level in the reservoir
So no splashing/waterfall noise then:D:D:D
So best I can do for you guys with the phone, I'm no photographer by any stretch!




@Mcnumpty2323, @Space Monkey, @Awahwah Thank you for all the help and advice I really appreciate it and wouldn't have gotten through it without you guys!
very good photos for a phone mate
i have the old non rgb of that res combo
theyre really good
and your new version really lights up brightly
brighter than i expected

and its still all @Space Monkey fault lol
seriously though,we were more than happy to help you

like the auros wallpaper
you get that from gigabyte site?
2nd edit lol
i just cant spell aorus correctly
@Vidar Awesome job. Now the real fun starts cos once you start you want to do more! I'm eyeing up another Rad...when will it stop!! Of course, we need to blame someone for this bug. I wonder, who could we point fingers at. Who has supplied both of us with kit present and in the past....drum roll please. Will the real @Space Monkey please stand up :)
Thanks I'm really pleased with it. I can't believe just how much its improved my system stability. Was gaming last night and despite my gpu running hotter fps seemed much more stable. Though I'll need to test this further.
very good photos for a phone mate
i have the old non rgb of that res combo
theyre really good
and your new version really lights up brightly
brighter than i expected

and its still all @Space Monkey fault lol
seriously though,we were more than happy to help you

like the auros wallpaper
you get that from gigabyte site?
2nd edit lol
i just cant spell aorus correctly

Yeah it's a really bright res, I honestly never thought I'd say I need more RGB but definitely want more now lol

I want the RGB water block and some decent rgb fans when I next upgrade...Just don't know which ones.

Yeah I think I got that paper off of the Gigabyte site, though I tend to just search 4k wall papers on Google and go from there.

I just can't wait to do more now... yeah I know I'm nuts! lol
Is that like being infected with the Corona Virus? God damn it @Space Monkey :D:p

So my gpu doesn't like being choked off temps hitting 80c easily when gaming, still thinks it's weird my fps is so much more stable though not that I'm complaining.
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