Really enjoyed the mid season finale. Such an epic battle and the story continues apace. But I did find the sudden shift in timeline jarring. I don't mind that they've leapt ahead, seems there will be some good stories and characters forthcoming. But to do it so abruptly mid episode was plain clunky and not good storytelling. I think they should have left the time jump to the beginning of the next half season, it would have felt more natural because it's going to be several months until the next episode.
For me these editing decisions seem to put the emphasis on promoting / marketing the next [half] season ahead of good storytelling. The sad thing is they don't need to do this. Vikings is very popular, everyone I know who watches it can't get enough. We're all hooked anyway, so just tell the stories properly.
Anyway, good to see Ragnar back with that crazy look in his eye.