US: Vikings - anyone else watching this ?

Amazon still cutting loads out?

Remember watching season 1 and only showed nudity, these sex scenes people talk about were all skipped over.
Well in 2 weeks we have managed to watch every episode and loved it all. Better than GOT imo.

Gutted na, need to find somet else to binge watch now.

GOT im losing interest
FTWD i have lost interest
TWD i just watch as i feel like i need to
BB was just awesome
Dare devil is awesome

Anyone here got any recommendations on a full series that we might like going by the above? Got netflix and amazon. Thanks

You liked BB. Have you seen Better Call Saul? That's awesome.
Not sure if this series has a different showrunner now or what, but it's just getting increasingly bizarre in narration. "Stoned" for the lack of better description.
I like it, it quite suits the move from myth and legend with the slow demise of Ragnar Hairybreeks and entry into history with the rise of his "sons"

Yes, but the tone of the last three seasons was more akin to a biography of a 9th century (para)historical figure where a dash of fictional "family life of a viking" was an excuse to tell you about battles, conquests and roughly, how vikings arrived on British and French shores. Over the last 5 episodes the show now graduated to a Channel 4 pastiche of norsk mythology complete with tall tales of trolling gods shagging women when warriors are not at home, amateur "yawn, 10 years later" shortcuts, weird elements like the "he watched from behind the tree as his brothers took her one by one" done with such embarrassing cheapness and bizarre visual arrangement as if borrowed straight from some kind of adult channel mockbuster "Shaggar Longrichard and his vikings" and post production adding emerald glowing eyes everywhere as if they were preparing for "Human" crossover.

It's just weird and hazy, like a stoner version of "Vikings" on a cable B-channel.
Just watched the first two eps of the new part and I am loving it so far, the story is so meaty. Really hope the demented cripple stays dead, though that may be too much to hope for.
Oh Lagertha is now in a lesbian relationship. What a normal thing to happen...

After her luck with men I can't blame her :p remember that guy she married that abused her and sent his buddies to beat her up then at dinner tries to get her to show off her boobs.

Then there's Kalf and his wedding day. :)

Just out of curiosity. Does this bother you that she's turning to a woman for affection?
After her luck with men I can't blame her :p remember that guy she married that abused her and sent his buddies to beat her up then at dinner tries to get her to show off her boobs.

Then there's Kalf and his wedding day. :)

Just out of curiosity. Does this bother you that she's turning to a woman for affection?

No it's just poor writing aimed at being titilating/edgy. She had one abusive partner who she killed, then she murdered that second guy who actually loved her and wanted to marry her. There is nothing to support her suddenly becoming attracted to women apart from trying to generate buzz for the show.
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